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Capture the Flag
2012-02-26, 19:09
188 posts

May 2007
How to setup CTF
We will be playing in KTX servers that have CTF enabled. This means you can connect to any server and the client will download all the necessary files automatically!

To improve the playing experience, we highly recommend you to add a ctf configuration. It's very easy and fast. This configuration will load everytime you join a ktx ctf server and it won't modify your existing configuration! neat huh?

* Get the ctf config here. It contains aliases and ctf-specific configurations.
* Place that file in /qw folder and edit it. Modify the key binds to your liking and save it.
* load your favourite client and your configuration. before doing anything, type the following line at the console:
alias on_enter_ctf "exec ctf.cfg"

* Save your config!
* Play!

And you're ready to play ctf! Everytime that you join a ktx ctf server, the ctf.cfg file will be executed. Don't save your configuration AFTER. If you'de like to modify a bind, please do it on ctf.cfg to avoid configuration overwrites!


1. Basic rules

No Hook
Runes On
Deathmatch mode 3
Power-Ups Off
Friendly Fire On
Timelimit 15 Minutes
Teamoverlay On

2. Servers–28502 * * * *

*These servers are currently running only qwq3wcp9
In time, more and more servers will be added.

3. Files

You just need the ctf config mentioned above. But we have setup more files for your downloading pleasure!
* This one is recommended. It's a pak file, which contains 24 bit textures and loc files!. Put in your quake/id1 folder. Search for pak.lst on that folder. If it exists, delete it! (*) (**)
* Maps. place them in /qw/maps

(*) pak.lst isn't needed, ezquake loads all .pak and pk3 files automatically!
(**) If you don't see the runes on your screen (after you pick one in a ctf server), delete all the "sigil" files in /qw/textures/wad. If it does not load the runes in 4 different colors, go to quake/qw. There you will find a file called runes.pak. Rename it to other extension or simply delete it or move it to other non-quake folder.

4. Scoring

Basic points

fragging: 1 point
capturing the flag: 5 points + 10 bonus points for every member of the team

Bonus points :

2 points: for killing the enemy flag-carrier
1 point: for returning the flag [when enemy-fc got killed, he drops your flag, when you run over it returns to your base]
1 point: flag-return-assist : when your team just captured the flag, and you were recently involved in returning your own flag: so your fc could cap = bonus.
2 points: for defending your flag-carrier against an aggressive player (enemy who damaged your FC recently)
1 point: if you kill an enemy who is in a certain range of your flag-carrier
2 points: defending the flag [at base] ... these are mostly scored by the base defender(s)

5. Runes

The runes give different powers to their holders. There are 4 runes:
Resistance: Reduced inflicted damage by half. Holder makes the Pentagram of Protection Sound when shot at.
Strength: Double damage. Holder makes the Quad Damage Sound when firing.
Haste: Doubles the speed of rocket launcher, grenade launcher, shotgun, double barreled shotgun, and yourself. The holder of this rune screams as he fires.
Regeneration: Rebuilds 5 %health per second up to 150. Stops health from Megahealth to drop. Also regenerates armor. Makes a pulsing sound.

Runes spawn at the beginning of the game and will not wear off. You can only carry one rune at a time. If you die, the rune will drop on the ground. You can also use the tossrune command to drop a rune for a teammate or switch runes. More on Runes.

6. Useful commands

Player Commands
ctf - enables CTF mode in compatible KTX servers(like other game modes like 1on1 2on2 etc)
tossrune - drops your current rune, if you got one;
tossflag - drops the flag if you are carrying it;
flagstatus - displays information about where the flags are;

Other commands:
+scores - works in all game modes, but very important in ctf since it displays your rune and flag status similar to old ctf status bar
setinfo ls number - shift +scores up/down on the screen.
norunes - allow/disallow runes
noga - allow/disallow spawning with green armor in CTF mode
mctf - disables both hook & runes
ctfbasedspawn - spawnmode for correct spawning in CTF mode
on_enter_ctf - alias that runs automatically on ktx ctf server connection.

7. Contact

You can contact mushi or me (nix) here on the forum or come to #capture33 on quakenet.

Original post below

I would like to revive Capture the Flag in QW and I need some players to help me with some stuff I can't do alone. At the moment this means map testing. I would need some of you to help me and Muff1n to test and improve his map Twin Keepers ( You can currently play it on and Hopefully it will be added on a UK server within the next few days.

The specifications I would like to try out are:
Timelimit 15
Team Overlay on
Hook off
Runes on
Friendly Fire on (like in TDM)

If you are interested in helping out, just answer in this thread and when we have enough testers, we will figure out, if we have fixed play times or if we setup or use an IRC channel.
This is the first phase of my little project to get CTF back into regular QW play in which I am looking for maps to play. So it would be really important that you not only want to play but you are also willing to spend some time to analyze the map(s) and the played games and give feedback.
2012-02-26, 19:33
28 posts

Oct 2011
there is IRC channel?
2012-02-26, 19:39
188 posts

May 2007
There is an already existing CTF channel #qwctf. Maybe we can use this one and repopulate it.
2012-02-26, 22:26
78 posts

Aug 2006
Sorry, no hook is just not QW-ctf imo.
2012-02-26, 22:33
226 posts

Mar 2007
Hook is for hookers!
2012-02-27, 07:51
125 posts

Jan 2008
LethalWiz wrote:
Sorry, no hook is just not QW-ctf imo.

2012-02-27, 07:52
188 posts

Feb 2008
This is interesting. I'll check it out.
2012-02-27, 07:55
11 posts

Feb 2010
ctf don't have enough maps. q3wcp9 is the one which is perfectly fits the mode but doesn't have proper respawn points. adapting another q3 symmetrical maps would be great imo and no hook needed
2012-02-27, 10:13
226 posts

Mar 2007
riosatiy wrote:
LethalWiz wrote:
Sorry, no hook is just not QW-ctf imo.


I think you are a bit mistaken here. You shouldn't mix this with oldschool CTF, this is another CTF mod without hook. I think everybody but hardcore CTF players thought that hook ruined CTF.

I hope this will be a gamemode with even more strategy and teamplay than TDM.
2012-02-27, 10:20
125 posts

Jan 2008
nix wrote:
I would like to revive Capture the Flag in QW.

To me that sounds like oldschool CTF
2012-02-27, 11:59
78 posts

Aug 2006
Yeah, the topic kinda refers to oldschool CTF and as Im one of those "hardcore CTF:ers" as Pektopahky referred to I do make the distinction.
But aside from that I welcome you to give it a try but I would say this sounds just like CTF for q2 or q3, not QW-CTF.
2012-02-27, 12:10
188 posts

May 2007
@leopold: Join #qwctf. This will be our temporary channel for now
@mads: Yes, This kind of CTF does not have enough maps, this is one of the reasons I started this thread.

@Complaints about no hook rule

I was not aware that the wording of the topic would be so confusing. In the end I want that CTF is played in Quakeworld and I am convinced that CTF without a hook and with normal QW physics will make it most accessible and will give it the best chance to be successful. Be assured, that I really put some thoughts into the specifications I want to try out and that they are far away from being random or personal preferences.

Yes, in the end, I want it to be like CTF is in Q3 and QL. Playwise as similar to TDM as possible.
2012-02-27, 14:09
2059 posts

Jan 2006
LethalWiz wrote:
Yeah, the topic kinda refers to oldschool CTF and as Im one of those "hardcore CTF:ers" as Pektopahky referred to I do make the distinction.
But aside from that I welcome you to give it a try but I would say this sounds just like CTF for q2 or q3, not QW-CTF.

Q2 actually had a hook, but imo there it made sense as you were like a walking fridge without it.
2012-02-27, 14:14
133 posts

Dec 2008
>>I hope this will be a gamemode with even more strategy and teamplay than TDM.
It is TF described.

>>ctf don't have enough maps...
Yes, q3 has better ctf maps. It would be nice to have them.
Also qqshka made some code to setup entities for TF maps and use them as ctf.
Some late TF maps are made in modern style of q3 ctf maps and should be fine for ctf after setting up entities armors, weapons etc..

Anyway it would be nice to revive ctf.
2012-02-27, 14:20
188 posts

May 2007
I watched a video of q3wcp9 in q3 and I dont think the map would fit for QW. The flag bases are way too huge and you can see, that the map was designed with a railgun in mind. And why should we use maps, that were designed for another game altogether if we can have maps that were especially made for modern QW.
2012-02-27, 14:21
459 posts

Mar 2008
CTF, without hook, on QW physics and QL/Q3 maps seems like a perfect recipe for fun imo. I even enjoyed CTF in QL/Q3 a bit, whereas I found it terribly boring to play in TDM / duels due to the limits of the physics (+ a lot of other stuff, but mainly that).

So yes, thumbs up! I remember testing something similar a year or two ago, but the spawns were just horrible and made it almost impossible to play. I'm willing to help out testing as long as the spawns points are decent, and the mod is playable and don't have tons of bugs.
2012-02-27, 14:23
226 posts

Mar 2007
As an long long time TF player (1998-2007) I'd say TDM > QWTF both skillwise and strategy wise. When TF died in EU (some last mohawks still playing it though) TF players (including me) went to DM. Even very good TF players were terribly bad compared to DM players.

CTF with runes and hook is fine, and you who want to play that go ahead and play that as much as you want. But I for one wouldn't like to play that (even though I've played it ie: ). Problem with the hook is that u can jump and hook right front of you and gain really fast speed in 1 sec, you actually go faster than rockets so it's pretty hard to catch a guy running so fast.

To be honest I don't see this "new" CTF going against "oldschool" CTF at all. Those oldschool CTF players can play that so amazing game as much as they want, oh I forgot, nobody is actually playing why even bothering complaining about ruining CTF?

I'd even like to try CTF with just one flag, that would prevent flag carriers camping at bases if both flags are taken. And make it even more entertaining, ie. TF 8vs8 is not as fun as 2vs2 where 2 are defending and 2 attacking.
2012-02-27, 15:27
1265 posts

Jan 2006
nix wrote:
@Complaints about no hook rule
I was not aware that the wording of the topic would be so confusing. In the end I want that CTF is played in Quakeworld and I am convinced that CTF without a hook and with normal QW physics will make it most accessible and will give it the best chance to be successful. Be assured, that I really put some thoughts into the specifications I want to try out and that they are far away from being random or personal preferences.

Yes, in the end, I want it to be like CTF is in Q3 and QL. Playwise as similar to TDM as possible.

As someone already said, a player thats controls the hook in ctf, controls the game. he can move faster, much faster, he doesn't need to fire. he just has to fly around the map and capture.
I love the hook. it brings an extra dimension to the game. BUT, hook explores to the limit game physics. MASSIVE accelerations are possible (im talking about from speed 0 to speed 1000 in 1 second), and it is simply too powerful.

today, if we want ctf to be revived, the hook as we know it in qw, can't be allowed. it would scare the "new" players.
You guys have my total support. looking forward to some pickup games at night.

read this for more information about this AWESOME mod!
never argue with an idiot. they'll bring you back to their level and then beat you with experience.
2012-02-27, 19:01
78 posts

Aug 2006
As an long long time TF player (1998-2007) I'd say TDM > QWTF both skillwise and strategy wise. When TF died in EU (some last mohawks still playing it though) TF players (including me) went to DM. Even very good TF players were terribly bad compared to DM players.

CTF with runes and hook is fine, and you who want to play that go ahead and play that as much as you want. But I for one wouldn't like to play that (even though I've played it ie: ). Problem with the hook is that u can jump and hook right front of you and gain really fast speed in 1 sec, you actually go faster than rockets so it's pretty hard to catch a guy running so fast.

To be honest I don't see this "new" CTF going against "oldschool" CTF at all. Those oldschool CTF players can play that so amazing game as much as they want, oh I forgot, nobody is actually playing why even bothering complaining about ruining CTF?

I'd even like to try CTF with just one flag, that would prevent flag carriers camping at bases if both flags are taken. And make it even more entertaining, ie. TF 8vs8 is not as fun as 2vs2 where 2 are defending and 2 attacking.

I don´t think anyone said that this game-mode would ruin CTF, all I said was that QW-CTF in its origin included hook. Meaning that this rather is something new to QW than a revival of something old.

Once again, GL in trying this out.. I might even give it a shot.
2012-02-27, 19:34
212 posts

Apr 2006
What's the problem? Nix suggested some gamemode he'd like to play and you can feel free to accept these rules and play by these - or not do. If there ever happens to be an official CTF season again, the hook could be selectable with the homemap (similarly in Smackdown the team selected its map AND fairpacks settings).
No need to get into big discussions whether the hook ruined your life or not
2012-02-27, 19:47
78 posts

Aug 2006
I wont even bother to answer that andy, just read my last post once again.
2012-02-27, 20:26
11 posts

Oct 2010
Why not make a new CAPTURE mod where both CTF and DM players have to learn it this new kind of 'game'.

I'd even like to try CTF with just one flag, that would prevent flag carriers camping at bases if both flags are taken.

1 Flag - Non-symetrical maps
You can use the 1-flag formula in a way that suits DM players most : using non-symetrical maps (ie DM-map-ish)
[As opposed to the mirrored red base/side which is the blue base/side]
And No Hook, No Runes.

[it doesn't have to be a flag btw ... just a capture object: like a severed head or golden axe, or anything else, will do ;p]

At one end in the non-symetrical map you put the Flag spawnpoint/pickup point , and at the other end of the map a capture-zone
with some kind of a midfield in between...

Unlike traditional 2 flag ctf, there will be no Base defenders, because the teams dont have a base ;p duh...
The action front is more fluid throughout the map ...

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Gameplay would go something like this :

Since the (new)maps are non-symetrical, style of play is deathmatch-like : there is no home-base to defend, the action-front moves through the map and is mostly around where the flag-carrier is, starting at the flag-pickup spot... and at strategic carrier-intercept locations, or where important 'stuff' spawns, like armors and the like...

(danger: focus on armors to much could let a flag carrier slip trough... Capturing isn't DM !)
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

To prevent campers at the capture zone just waiting for the enemy flag carrier to arrive, frag him, pickup the flag and cap :
you code a special score system in the mod, something like this :

Introduce "Cap-Points"

Cap-Points are rewarded to the team to which the player who captured the flag belongs.
The team that scored most 'Cap-Points' when the timelimit hits, wins.
So the scoreboard shows Cap-Points of the teams and not the number of Captures, as main-scores.

GRAND SLAM : 4 Cap-Points (or 6 ?)
HOME RUN : 3 Cap-Points (or 4)
FULL RUN : 2 Cap-Points
HALF RUN : 1 Cap-Points


GRAND SLAM (4 pts)
Rewarded to the team of the player that took the flag from its spawnpoint to the capture-zone without dropping/losing it.
[ Good luck ]

HOME RUN (3 pts)
The team that took the flag from its spawnpoint to the capture-zone, without the enemy team taking over the flag inbetween.
So, in this case, two or more players from the same team were carrier...

FULL RUN (2 pts)
The team that took the flag from its spawnpoint to the capture-zone, but the flag was taken over at least once by the enemy (but they didn't manage to cap it...).
Note: It can be ANY player of the mentioned team that captures the flag. It doesn't have to be the player of that team who took the flag from its spawnpoint.

HALF RUN (1 pts)
The team that captured the flag in the capture-zone but did not took the flag from its spawnpoint.
[... so capture-zone campers who wait to frag the enemy carrier there and score themself, only get 1 cap-point for the team.

* Ofcourse you could reward higher points for "GRAND SLAM" and "HOME RUNS", to make the gap bigger, these are just example numbers.


I'm "old-oldschool" CTF (= hook etc) player, but a mod like this I would find intresting to, because it is about capturing, which is totally NOT dm with or without hook.

- - - - - - -

BTW: an option would be to have a Hook just like a weapon, which you pick-up at its spawnpoint somewhere. Or maybe with a longer respawn time, like a quad.
Then when a player gets fragged, he doesn't have the Hook available instantly.

- - - - - - -
2012-02-28, 07:14
226 posts

Mar 2007
Sluggins, raelly nice idea. I was thinking that if you've many capture points that award not so many points it might be more interesting, ie. e1m2 on you could've cap points at ie. mh, ga, start, ya, quad and you would be awarded 20 frags per team for a cap. I think symmetrical CTF maps are a big blaah.
2012-02-28, 11:16
188 posts

May 2007
Small Update for those who were there yesterday:

The problem with the spawn points is indeed a bug in KTX. At the moment there are three possibilities:

a) nothing is done about it for now
b) the server we play on get a special KTX version with working spawn points
c) a proper fix is made (which will probably take a while)

I already got the ball rolling by contacting someone who can maybe help us. As soon as there are news, I will make an update here. Until then, everybody can focus on EQL, Thunderdome and what not.

Thx to all who showed up yesterday.

P.S.: SLU99ISH, nice idea, but could you please not derail my thread. Additionally, I don't think that there is the man power at the moment to code a whole new mod.
2012-02-29, 21:17
188 posts

May 2007
Thanks to some testing from Renzo, some coding from QQshka, and some server updating from Mli we have a CTF server with functioning spawns. After you have typed "/ctf" you have to enter "/ctfbasedspawns". Note: After each map change the spawn mode will change back.
2012-03-01, 01:02
1329 posts

Apr 2006
You can start using the following servers for CTF from now on:

EDIT: added ctf1-ctf8 maps to these servers too
Servers: Troopers
2012-03-01, 08:11
188 posts

Feb 2008
Played 2 matches yesterday on q3wcp9, was really great.

I am not convinced that friendly fire ON is fitting. At least in Q3 (where I come from) having no team damage is really useful - you can push your FC forward by LGing him in the back and so on. And it adds to the general madness I think friendly fire ON gets more in the way then adding a interesting element to CTF.

Don't worry, I'll play it anyway, whatever rules are applied
2012-03-01, 11:14
188 posts

May 2007
@Renzo: Thx for setting up the servers. Could you also add this map please:

@leopold: I included friendly fire ON as I want to keep the setup of CTF as close to 4on4 TDM playwise as possible. Players should be able to switch between those 2 game modes without too much adjusting. But I don't have such a strong opinion about Friendly Fire as I have about the No-Hook-Rule. We can try out Friendly Fire Off and if this makes the game more enjoyable I am not opposed to change it.
2012-03-01, 14:10
950 posts

Apr 2006
I'll set up the qw-dev servers for it as well
2012-03-02, 00:08
188 posts

May 2007
Just a small heads up.

Mushi and I will work on some settings, configs and files to improve the CTF games. We will try to get it done within the next few days.

So stay tuned...
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