How to setup CTFWe will be playing in KTX servers that have CTF enabled. This means you can connect to any server and the client will download all the necessary files automatically!
To improve the playing experience, we highly recommend you to add a ctf configuration. It's very easy and fast. This configuration will load everytime you join a ktx ctf server and it won't modify your existing configuration! neat huh?
* Get the ctf config
here. It contains aliases and ctf-specific configurations.
* Place that file in /qw folder and edit it. Modify the key binds to your liking and save it.
* load your favourite client and your configuration. before doing anything, type the following line at the console:
alias on_enter_ctf "exec ctf.cfg"
* Save your config!
* Play!
And you're ready to play ctf! Everytime that you join a ktx ctf server, the ctf.cfg file will be executed. Don't save your configuration AFTER. If you'de like to modify a bind, please do it on ctf.cfg to avoid configuration overwrites!
CAPTURE 33 LEAGUE 1. Basic rules No Hook
Runes On
Deathmatch mode 3
Power-Ups Off
Friendly Fire On
Timelimit 15 Minutes
Teamoverlay On
2. Servers–28502 * * * *
*These servers are currently running only qwq3wcp9In time, more and more servers will be added.
3. Files You just need the
ctf config mentioned above. But we have setup more files for your downloading pleasure!
* This one is recommended. It's a
pak file, which contains
24 bit textures and
loc files!. Put in your quake/id1 folder. Search for
pak.lst on that folder. If it exists, delete it! (*) (**)
Maps. place them in /qw/maps
(*) pak.lst isn't needed, ezquake loads all .pak and pk3 files automatically!
(**) If you don't see the runes on your screen (after you pick one in a ctf server), delete all the "sigil" files in /qw/textures/wad. If it does not load the runes in 4 different colors, go to quake/qw. There you will find a file called runes.pak. Rename it to other extension or simply delete it or move it to other non-quake folder.
4. Scoring Basic pointsfragging: 1 point
capturing the flag: 5 points + 10 bonus points for every member of the team
Bonus points : 2 points: for killing the enemy flag-carrier
1 point: for returning the flag [when enemy-fc got killed, he drops your flag, when you run over it returns to your base]
1 point: flag-return-assist : when your team just captured the flag, and you were recently involved in returning your own flag: so your fc could cap = bonus.
2 points: for defending your flag-carrier against an aggressive player (enemy who damaged your FC recently)
1 point: if you kill an enemy who is in a certain range of your flag-carrier
2 points: defending the flag [at base] ... these are mostly scored by the base defender(s)
5. Runes The runes give different powers to their holders. There are 4 runes:
Resistance: Reduced inflicted damage by half. Holder makes the Pentagram of Protection Sound when shot at.
Strength: Double damage. Holder makes the Quad Damage Sound when firing.
Haste: Doubles the speed of rocket launcher, grenade launcher, shotgun, double barreled shotgun, and yourself. The holder of this rune screams as he fires.
Regeneration: Rebuilds 5 %health per second up to 150. Stops health from Megahealth to drop. Also regenerates armor. Makes a pulsing sound.
Runes spawn at the beginning of the game and will not wear off. You can only carry one rune at a time. If you die, the rune will drop on the ground. You can also use the tossrune command to drop a rune for a teammate or switch runes.
More on Runes.
6. Useful commands Player Commands ctf - enables CTF mode in compatible KTX servers(like other game modes like 1on1 2on2 etc)
tossrune - drops your current rune, if you got one;
tossflag - drops the flag if you are carrying it;
flagstatus - displays information about where the flags are;
Other commands:+scores - works in all game modes, but very important in ctf since it displays your rune and flag status similar to old ctf status bar
setinfo ls number - shift +scores up/down on the screen.
norunes - allow/disallow runes
noga - allow/disallow spawning with green armor in CTF mode
mctf - disables both hook & runes
ctfbasedspawn - spawnmode for correct spawning in CTF mode
on_enter_ctf - alias that runs automatically on ktx ctf server connection.
7. Contact You can contact mushi or me (nix) here on the forum or come to
#capture33 on quakenet.
Original post belowI would like to revive Capture the Flag in QW and I need some players to help me with some stuff I can't do alone. At the moment this means map testing. I would need some of you to help me and Muff1n to test and improve his map Twin Keepers ( You can currently play it on and Hopefully it will be added on a UK server within the next few days.
The specifications I would like to try out are:
Timelimit 15
Team Overlay on
Hook off
Runes on
Friendly Fire on (like in TDM)
If you are interested in helping out, just answer in this thread and when we have enough testers, we will figure out, if we have fixed play times or if we setup or use an IRC channel.
This is the first phase of my little project to get CTF back into regular QW play in which I am looking for maps to play. So it would be really important that you not only want to play but you are also willing to spend some time to analyze the map(s) and the played games and give feedback.