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2012-09-04, 19:00
223 posts

Aug 2011

I´ve always been a hater of fakenicking in servers, both due to the fact that it´s impossible to make fair teams and the fact that a fakenicker doesn´t take responsibility for their actions, both verbally and in-game.

While this solution isn´t a quickfix by any stretch of the imagination I think I´d just put it out there. It´s inspired by alot of other games, that forces you to identify yourself and stand behind your actions, if only by giving up an e-mail or similar.

On to the solution:
Make some server ports, ie and 27502 check for a login. And if you failed to log in with your user the server will reject your connection attempt, both on QTV and as a spectator. This would also require you to register a quake nick on your account page, and any changing of this nickname would have to be verified by a admin.

I realize that this probably takes alot of work from someone who knows coding, both browser and ezquake, but in the long run I think the quakeworld community will benefit from this as it saves us from alot of grief. If you want a fakenick free experience, you know what ports to prioritize, and if you simply don´t care you can go on with your business on the other ports.

That´s all. Hope to get some feedback comments.

PS. I started another topic as suggested by Ake Vader, Bra Ake!
carrier has arrived -
2012-09-04, 20:05
1329 posts

Apr 2006
I hate fakenickers as much as anyone else, but I don't see a practical solution to the problem with "auth" or whatever.

This scene is so small these days it's not hard to spot who is faking, also there are known fakers and other people who don't fake at all, making identifying fuckers easier. As for the solution, I suggest you refuse to play with/against fakers as I do. If that isn't enough, I'm sure you can get elected and kick the fucker out, no big deal there. If enough people actually did this and didn't submit to playing vs these fucking fakers, I'm sure there wouldn't be too many left trying to fake and get games.
Servers: Troopers
2012-09-04, 21:52
383 posts

Jan 2006
I do not hate fakenickers.
And the reason for that - they makes our scene more active.
Especially I like guys who use new nick identity for a period of time.

There are a few reason why ppl fakenicking.
(1) Most of them just do not want to show their poor skills after a long break.
They just started to play again and want to use new nick for a month or two.
(2) Some of them afraid to lost with their real nick to someone.
(3) few of them really like to play tdm with unbalanced teams.
(4) few players use diff nicks while playing from not usual environment (shitty connection, work laptop, friend's computer, etc, etc)

So if you just forbid fakenicking you will make our scene even smaller/less active.

I suggest another way: give players legal way to fakenick and to not be hated.
Calculate the skill of player and show it in ezquake for everyone.
Playing tdm 4v4 mix, you can easily calculate the mix skill of player according to his last few games.
With duels it is even easier.

As for auth there are few ways how to do it.
You can use logins as suggested and allow player to choose his in-game nick before joining. (something similar to quakelive)

Or you can check player's IP and aliases, ask some database and calculate that it is David with new nickname, same cfg from new ip from same network.
And show in ezquake that this fakenicker has David's skill +/- some random values.
It is also quite easy to do, but need to update EULA cos we will send more private information(IP, hashes of aliases) to some website.
(could be done even by changing server code only)
We already have huge database, only need to add IPs and some info which will helps to identify players.
With best wishes, B1aze.
2012-09-05, 05:49
1025 posts

Apr 2006
B1aze wrote:
I do not hate fakenickers.
So if you just forbid fakenicking you will make our scene even smaller/less active.
I suggest another way: give players legal way to fakenick and to not be hated.
Calculate the skill of player and show it in ezquake for everyone.

First of all theres no simple way of showing anyones skill without a lot of data over time. All this would then again require some kind of login system, which I'm personally against.

Secondly I don't think there's a need for any of this. If someone fakes in a mix and it turns out to be really unbalanced, the mix will break quickly and faker most likely kicked.

All this hassle for so little (if any) gain.
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