Since bps liked the idea we headed to mikogo and this is the result:
Some explanations could be in order as to what is shown here.
1) The basic layout of the box, small, informative and easy to use. Preferably under the Play Quake button to the right on the menu, and that seems to be the logical "next step" as to what you wish to do after installing quake.
2) After pressing the "Make a game request" button, that basically works like a .qw post in irc, you get this nifty little text box to fill out.
3) Type away.
4) Timestamp and nickname gets added automatically. The most recent post gets put at the top. It would be nice if game requests that are new (5-10 minutes perhaps) were indicated somehow, blinking might be too much, but just to make sure people notice a fresh game request!
Moreover, both requests you post in irc by doing a .qw and the requests you post in the browser on gets displayed with the exact same format. Preferably space for atleast 3-5 games should be available, depending on how much text people decide to put there ofcourse. As for now, if you wish to contact somebody making a game request, you use IRC. But if you don't have IRC, you can always use the information in the box to get into a game that appeals to you. That's it for now and I hope it is a source of some inspiration. Thanks to bps for the graphics!