
Member 370 posts
Registered: Mar 2008
I decided to install Ubuntu, I like it a lot and ezQuake runs much faster!
I was told to run ezQuake in a separate X server so it will run faster, Sometimes alt+enter will make ezquake crash.
Anyone know how to do this?
Ezquake is in /home/d4rin/Games/ezquake
Member 375 posts
Registered: Sep 2009
Anyone know how to do this?
Ezquake is in /home/d4rin/Games/ezquake
Here I made like this: (First I configured my NVIDIA settings for full performance, and of course: showing the image only at my external CRT display) then I saved/exported this settings, or copyied and pasted, and renamed the file (don't remember): " xorg.conf" to " xorg_quake.conf" from /etc/X11/xorg.confthen I made 2 scripts (with any text editor): the first one is " ezquake.sh" and I wrote this inside: #!/bin/bash # export vblank_mode=0 export GLX_SGI_video_sync=0
xinit /home/d4rin/Games/ezquake/ezquake.sh -- :1 vt8 -config xorg_quake.conf
and the second " ezquake_run.sh": #!/bin/bash # synclient TouchpadOff=1 &
setxkbmap us export vblank_mode=0
cd /home/d4rin/Games/ezquake
./ezquake-gl.glx -fullscreen -game qw -port 27500 -condebug -width 800 -height 600 -conwidth 600 -conheight 450 -bpp 32 -freq 85 -forceTextureReload -particles 5000 +set s_khz 44 -ruleset smackdown -noscripts +set cl_independentPhysics 1 -m_rate 1000 -norjscripts +exec /opt/quake/ezquake/configs/ker.cfg
(the command " synclient TouchpadOff=1 &" I needed to disable my Touchpad, if it doesn't work for you try to install "synclient" by running apt-get install synclient from a terminal) (or remove this line) Oh.... and this scripts need to be executables, so open a terminal, and type this 3 commands: cd /home/d4rin/Games/ezquakechmod +x ezquake.shchmod +x ezquake_run.shand finally: EVERY ONCE IN A WHILE, IT MAY STOP RUNNING.... (the separate X server), I found out that this was happening becouse of my system updates (" apt-get update" or " apt-get dist-upgrade"  , the xorg, shit, x-server, NVIDIA, WTF, I don't know... was getting updated... then my solution always is: " REINSTALL NVIDIA DRIVERS", it will work 100% once again, every time! good luck! (QW Nickname: AL.Kernell)
Administrator 1025 posts
Registered: Apr 2006
No please: do not do any unneccessary stupid things.
In 99/100 cases you do not need to run it in a separate X server.
If you are running a fancy desktop-/window manager with like Compiz then you might get worse performance in OpenGL applications since Compiz itself is utilizing OpenGL and uses up resources. Turn off fancy effects or preferably switch to like Metacity temporarily while playing.
I'm running Fluxbox which I'm totally happy with, works perfectly with ezQuake (or my jQuake fork). You can alt-enter without problems. (I've tried ezQuake in Gnome3 and it worked fine too).
EDIT: Kernell, there's absolutely no need to make the scripts bash only. Use #!/bin/sh unless it's absolutely necessary not to when you do scripts.
d4rin: Make sure to run the latest nightly of ezQuake.
Member 370 posts
Registered: Mar 2008
Even running it through Fluxbox it messes up, Sometimes when I alt+enter it won't let me minimize the ezquake screen or close it. Half the screen will turn white and I am forced to log out and log back in. It also won't let me use the mouse anymore until I log off...
This has happened when loading the regular ezquake-gl.glx file too.
Seems no matter what I do...The same thing happens.
Member 375 posts
Registered: Sep 2009
.....when I alt+enter..... Alt+Enter is like a ezQuake VIRUS.... simply: do " not" do this... In 99/100 cases, it wil BREAK the mother fu...ing whole ezQuake... with a separate X screen, you cant Ctrl + Alt + F8 (and Ctrl + Alt + F7) to alternate between ezQuake and your desktop, and it's 100% safe... it won't break anything, ezQuake will not even notice that you did something at all... (QW Nickname: AL.Kernell)
Member 375 posts
Registered: Sep 2009
(even in Windows, I have NEVER managed to do Alt+Enter without damaging ezQuake, it would ALWAYS come back with LOTS, and LOTS, of bugs... I was always forced to re-open ezQuake...) (QW Nickname: AL.Kernell)
Member 370 posts
Registered: Mar 2008
(even in Windows, I have NEVER managed to do Alt+Enter without damaging ezQuake, it would ALWAYS come back with LOTS, and LOTS, of bugs... I was always forced to re-open ezQuake...) This is true, Sometimes it does break it... I looked in my etc/x11/ folder and I do not have that xorg file, So I cannot duplicate it. I am using linux mint now and apparently Ubuntu dropped that xorg. Any other way to do this?
Administrator 1025 posts
Registered: Apr 2006
(even in Windows, I have NEVER managed to do Alt+Enter without damaging ezQuake, it would ALWAYS come back with LOTS, and LOTS, of bugs... I was always forced to re-open ezQuake...) This is true, Sometimes it does break it... I looked in my etc/x11/ folder and I do not have that xorg file, So I cannot duplicate it. I am using linux mint now and apparently Ubuntu dropped that xorg. Any other way to do this? I more or less always do alt+enter with success. Either how, if it doesn't work it's a bug and it needs to be looked over. Can you try doing the same with other clients and see if the same thing happens (probably not but worth a try)? Have you tried jQuake?
Member 370 posts
Registered: Mar 2008
(even in Windows, I have NEVER managed to do Alt+Enter without damaging ezQuake, it would ALWAYS come back with LOTS, and LOTS, of bugs... I was always forced to re-open ezQuake...) This is true, Sometimes it does break it... I looked in my etc/x11/ folder and I do not have that xorg file, So I cannot duplicate it. I am using linux mint now and apparently Ubuntu dropped that xorg. Any other way to do this? I more or less always do alt+enter with success. Either how, if it doesn't work it's a bug and it needs to be looked over. Can you try doing the same with other clients and see if the same thing happens (probably not but worth a try)? Have you tried jQuake? In ubuntu it would freeze up from time to time, i then tried linux mint cinnamon desktop and is much more stable. It may be an ati driver as well, drivers for my card win/linux are not the greatest. I get a full screen of red before i enter quake and that happens in windows too. Wish i was back with nvidia, ati has sloooow opengl. I will try other client and post back here.
Member 370 posts
Registered: Mar 2008
I am convinced it is a driver issue. Having the crashing issue on all the clients I tried, But crashes less on Linux Mint 15.
Administrator 1265 posts
Registered: Jan 2006
sell your ati and buy nvidia =) never argue with an idiot. they'll bring you back to their level and then beat you with experience.
