
Member 142 posts
Registered: Jul 2013
Wanted to bring back an old topic that we all love. Reload. The best ever. Lets all show love again. Give us your personal stories of how Reload affected your life.
Reload gave me the dream to become the best, Reload gave me courage to speak out and have a voice, Reload gave me the power to become brave with women, thank you Reload. Share your stories.
Member 212 posts
Registered: Apr 2006
When internet was expensive here (1997-1999) I came online every day after school for 10-15 minutes, checked Ichor's demo website (or whatever demo site was running then) , hoping new Reload demos had been available, downloaded all of them, went offline and watched them immediately. Even when internet became cheaper and demos less interesting as a spare time killer, Reload demos standed out as these kept entertaining me unlike many others.
Member 312 posts
Registered: Feb 2006
Quake just wouldn't be the same if it wasn't for the constant Griffin vs. Reload discussion at CHTV. How I miss those.
News Writer 912 posts
Registered: Jan 2006
how did i miss this thread
News Writer 912 posts
Registered: Jan 2006
As one of only a couple of players who have played a lot against Reload AND all the top players in Europe also I think I am very qualified to weigh in on this discussion...
Whilst there are some really impressive players here in Europe and I am talking about the likes of Milton and Locust (who are 2 of the very few players that I've never been able to take a map win from). There is a big difference when I get in a server and type /ready with them compared to doing the same thing in a server with Reload...
The difference is the FEAR. Other players, no matter how good they are, just do not give you this. You get in a server and type /ready and there is a moment when maybe you get a good/lucky start and a nice lead and the thought will go through your mind that you might have a good chance to win (even if you don't)... but this isn't the case with Reload... once you type /ready, Reload has already hit you with the FEAR you know that psychologically you have already lost... the FEAR has already got you beaten.
Member 309 posts
Registered: Sep 2006
Back in the days when I watched more demos than I played, I immediately knew that that guy was special. His rocket aiming was incredible. And with this sens of his??
He was doing stuff most of players couldn't even think of doing at those times. To understand how good he was on dm2, you need to watch the TGI demos and realize that he even couldn't practice with players his own size in Au. He then came to Europe, defeated everyone on dm2 (lost dm4/6 though) including Lakerman and Kane, real superstars then.
Later he lowered his sensitivity and started to shaft really well too. Too bad it's impossible to compare Milton and Reload now. Different times, different game.
But I think the only guy able to beat him was Dag. And not skillwise, but by his brains. Maybe.
Reload was a natural, arguably the most talented Quake player I've ever seen play the game.
(Edited 2014-10-31, 21:03)
Member 176 posts
Registered: Mar 2012
played reload alot when i played high ping au in 2004 btw his real name is samer really great and talketive guy!!
News Writer 912 posts
Registered: Jan 2006
He was doing stuff most of players couldn't even think of doing at those times. To understand how good he was on dm2, you need to watch the TGI demos and realize that he even couldn't practice with players his own size in Au. He then came to Europe, defeated everyone on dm2 (lost dm4/6 though) including Lakerman and Kane, real superstars then. Back at the TGi he was actually a complete newbie. He was using some insanely high sensitivity of 23 which was about 3x 360 degree turn per 1cm of mouse movement. Even when he lowered his sensitivity after the TGi it was still around 360 degree turn per 1cm of mouse movement.
Member 35 posts
Registered: Feb 2011
Any epic demo I could download to watch?
Administrator 654 posts
Registered: Nov 2008
He was doing stuff most of players couldn't even think of doing at those times. To understand how good he was on dm2, you need to watch the TGI demos and realize that he even couldn't practice with players his own size in Au. He then came to Europe, defeated everyone on dm2 (lost dm4/6 though) including Lakerman and Kane, real superstars then. Back at the TGi he was actually a complete newbie. He was using some insanely high sensitivity of 23 which was about 3x 360 degree turn per 1cm of mouse movement. Even when he lowered his sensitivity after the TGi it was still around 360 degree turn per 1cm of mouse movement. Sounds slightly exhaggerated 
Member 176 posts
Registered: Mar 2012
ye reload with high sens rl aim was amazing if u wonna see some sick demos watch sting v reload on ch tv. Sting is the fastest guy i have ever seen on dm2. at first watching the demo from stings pov i thought i had my demo on fast forward he was so fast at start but he lacks reloads rl aim although his aim is nice 2 but reload has that top notch aim with speed combined that makes him so good. Still sting impressed me alot with movement also like i said those demos are the best i ever seen on dm2!!
here ya go http://challenge-tv.com/demos/view/35596 watch those demos stings pov at start how fast sick sick hf
Member 123 posts
Registered: Mar 2006
Reload is such an enigma!
News Writer 912 posts
Registered: Jan 2006
Sounds slightly exhaggerated  Seriously andeh, his sensitivity was THAT high. Compare demos from him in the TGi and the look at demos from Smegged (after he'd lowered it).
Administrator 654 posts
Registered: Nov 2008
Sounds slightly exhaggerated  Seriously andeh, his sensitivity was THAT high. Compare demos from him in the TGi and the look at demos from Smegged (after he'd lowered it). I imagine it was very high. Locust also plays with very high sens. But I'm not gonna trust that he used three 360s on 1 cm, I don't think anyone can be accurate using that kind of a sensitivity.
Administrator 1265 posts
Registered: Jan 2006
never argue with an idiot. they'll bring you back to their level and then beat you with experience.
Administrator 384 posts
Registered: Dec 2006
3x 360 from 1cm would work out at over 100 degrees rotation per mm of movement which with the typical 90s setup (mice resolution etc) would make small adjustments in aim virtually impossible I feel. I do actually find that hard to believe, and I don't really see what benefits it would bring compared to say 1x 360 per 1cm as this would still mean you could play without lifting off much at all (claw grip with base of hand planted).
Anyway I found him an entertaining player to watch and perhaps one of those real regrets that we never got to see him play a lot of competition play in Europe. Judging by demos his dm4 game improved a lot to a level where he probably could have dominated 'ordinary' players as well as anyone but who knows against the elite.
EDIT: just watched bit of some demos from 2001 and compared to the most recent I have (2006) there definitely appears to be a reduction in sens. Although in 2001 it wouldn't surprise me if he was using a script to lower sens when shafting(?).
(Edited 2015-01-02, 12:22)
Administrator 1025 posts
Registered: Apr 2006
I also thought I could beat ]SR[ParadokS on dm6 after a couple of successful rounds against frogbots, many years ago... 
Member 1 post
Registered: Aug 2014
Played Reload a lot at LAN event's as im originally from Sydney, he was amazing and a nice guy as well. I remember (Greyseer) who introduced me to QW told me about him and the rep he had in the early Aus quake days, getting the opportunity to play him was a great challenge even though i never beat him. and i agree with DirtBox about the fear factor/
News Writer 912 posts
Registered: Jan 2006
3x 360 from 1cm would work out at over 100 degrees rotation per mm of movement which with the typical 90s setup (mice resolution etc) would make small adjustments in aim virtually impossible I feel. I do actually find that hard to believe, and I don't really see what benefits it would bring compared to say 1x 360 per 1cm as this would still mean you could play without lifting off much at all (claw grip with base of hand planted) I was exaggerating when i said 3x 360 per 1cm however to be serious, he was using around 2-3cm per 360 when I played him on LAN and this was after he had drastically lowered his sensitivity post TGi
Member 232 posts
Registered: Feb 2006
Re had stopped playing regularly in the early 00's. Most demos you'll find online are his bi-monthly visits. Nobody I know who still plays in AU sometimes has seen him at all in recent times. I reckon the top tier Euros could best him these days, possibly even a decade ago. A lot of rational Aussies might agree. But FOR ABSOLUTE SURE there was a culture here of deliberately stirring you northern hemispherical gentlemen up on CH-TV etc., just cos Aussies tend to take the piss out of everything
Member 232 posts
Registered: Feb 2006
On second thought, I think I might have underestimated him there
Member 124 posts
Registered: Apr 2012
Dude reload was a beast. I have all the CHTV demos, I use his config, I know what it's like to be a monster myself but still I think reload would be a top tiers player in this day/age combination even today.
Anyone who has seen the great old reload demo archive should know what I mean. His dm2 skills are unmatched even by Camperoid or present-day LocKtar in my Humble opinion. I would love to get some STEEK commentary mp3 of reload vs BLooD_DoG if BD had played DM back then. But he didn't.
He didn't.
Member 58 posts
Registered: Feb 2006
I think Reload was the finest DM2 dueller that I've seen ... Movement skills like his consistent RL-jumps to the MH are hard to match. His experience and tactics and, to be sure, his luck ... I know, you have to be good to be so lucky  Also, I think Reload was a killer DM4 player, not as killer as his DM2 playing but he was a top 1% player on the manly man's map, too. xhrl
Member 60 posts
Registered: Sep 2016
I think Reload was the finest DM2 dueller that I've seen ... Movement skills like his consistent RL-jumps to the MH are hard to match. His experience and tactics and, to be sure, his luck ... I know, you have to be good to be so lucky  Also, I think Reload was a killer DM4 player, not as killer as his DM2 playing but he was a top 1% player on the manly man's map, too. xhrl Did you see the reload and locktar games xhrl?
Member 60 posts
Registered: Sep 2016
I think Reload was the finest DM2 dueller that I've seen ... Movement skills like his consistent RL-jumps to the MH are hard to match. His experience and tactics and, to be sure, his luck ... I know, you have to be good to be so lucky  Also, I think Reload was a killer DM4 player, not as killer as his DM2 playing but he was a top 1% player on the manly man's map, too. xhrl Did you see the reload and locktar games xhrl?
