Administrator 647 posts
Registered: Nov 2008
so today the first cast of Suddendeath TV went live (http://www.twitch.tv/suddendeathTV) with some EQL coverage. This thread is your chance to give feedback or suggestions on the stream!
Please follow http://www.twitch.tv/suddendeathTV on Twitch and help us perhaps get a partnership with Twitch. This would help us a lot, as I can raise bitrate without people starting to lag as they can lower quality on their own browser. Right now, everyone is forced to use the quality of the source which is not ideal to everyone.
So please spread the word and get people to follow http://www.twitch.tv/suddendeathTV and we promise to provide a good stream with good coverage of quakeworld tournaments.
Yours, Andeh
Member 2 posts
Registered: Nov 2013
Big up for Andeh for putting the effort to stream these EQL-games.
Could be a potential way to introduce QW to some other gamers too so we the community need to make some noise about stuff like this.
Member 343 posts
Registered: Feb 2006
very nice indeed I was watching some, but couldn't connect with my iPad and yeah, it was a bit laggy. Guess it was because of the reasons mentioned. Awesome settings also. Maybe use the DDK/nQuake HUD with the colored bars and stuff... dunno ProjectQ1Q3, Frogbot Waypoint and Map Conversion Tutorial @ http://mickkn.mooo.com
Administrator 647 posts
Registered: Nov 2008
Yeah, lag is not on our end... however the stream is 60fps and 720p (if partnership were to happen, It'd be 1080p) which not all machines/connections can handle.
About HUDs, we are still working on ours.
Member 188 posts
Registered: Feb 2008
One thing that might help EU watchers that have lag from twitch (works for me) is this: https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/twitchtv-europe-lag-fix/hkoehmlkhjgaboegkondkciclminpjof?hl=en An extension for chrome to redirect the stream through some US proxy IIRC.
I didn't follow the stream, will watch vods when home again. Great to see activity in the streaming field, seems to be the way to go nowadays. For example the FACEIT QuakeLive sunday cups are doing a lot for QuakeLive, lots of people are now used to be able to spend Sundays on streams or participate in the tournaments.
Maybe not the right thread for discussing this, however I feel the way that QW tournaments have established themself (running over weeks with 1-2 games per week/round), though player friendly, is very stream/coverage unfriendly. If we want exposure it is mandatory to have a fixed and reliable source for that coverage. Ideally something on weekly basis like FACEIT or monthly. Of course that is not realistic for 4v4 tournaments like EQL. Still that situation could be improved by having more - and further ahead known - fixed dates for the more prominent matches.
We have big names in Quakeworld, well known to the outside-QW FPS (= ESR) world too. I am sure a lot of people would tune in to see for example BulaT play if they only knew when and where.
Member 386 posts
Registered: Apr 2006
Yeah, lag is not on our end... however the stream is 60fps and 720p (if partnership were to happen, It'd be 1080p) which not all machines/connections can handle. The issue isn't client-side. Twitch's European servers are notoriously inconsistent at serving viewers, especially for non-partnered streams. The source stream is quite often unwatchable no matter how amazing your connection, computer, or location is. Often the only remedy is to get really lucky with twitch-server-roulette, or get a partnered stream and watch it on a lower quality setting. Those re-encoded streams are usually far less laggy, but much uglier and incapable of 60fps. You could use an alternative streaming service if all you care about is catering to regular QW viewers, but you may also be interested in the added visibility of being on twitch.
Member 286 posts
Registered: Sep 2012
That's true, a final on a saturday evening will almost for certain be unwatchable for us, because twitch will keep it's bandwidth for the big channels, and the partners.
Administrator 2059 posts
Registered: Jan 2006
Looks nice, however i would have got rid of the simple items and brightskins (using normal but bright skins instead). www.facebook.com/QuakeWorld
Member 188 posts
Registered: Feb 2008
Watched the first map so far, overall good config/HUD and good commenting by Paradoks. However, like Ake said, maybe use normal skins. I think hud_notify should not be turned off like it was in the 2nd half of the first map, those binds are an essential part of qw 4on4 even in these days of mm3.
Administrator 1025 posts
Registered: Apr 2006
Have to agree with what some others say. Atleast some teammessages would be nice What I missed most though was teamoverlay. This is one of the cases where atleast teamoverlay really make sense imo.
Administrator 647 posts
Registered: Nov 2008
Both chat and teamoverlay will of course be added. Why they were not there was simply because the cfg wasn't ready and still isn't.
I doubt I will use normal skins though. Even though the fullbright skins might not be very pretty to look at, it's essentially the only way to make them really visible, especially to someone from quakelive or quake 3 or other games. This is something I noticed when I switched from q3 to qw and I will stick to that.
However, a possible change might be the graphics. The very high detail of the graphics right now in the cfg makes everything a little harder to see because of the graphical distraction. In many successful quakelive streams and tournament streams, a textureless setting is used. This will be something we might look into. After all, what's interesting is to see what happens in the game and the nice frags, not the surrounding graphics. For that, one might just as well look at a battlefield 4 stream.
Quake is all about the game and nothing about the graphics, which is why I'm not completely sure about this modern texture look. We'll see!
EDIT: about textureless options. What commands do people recommend? gl_textureless is quite a bad command since it makes the maps look horribly weird. gl_picmip could be used I guess, I'm not sure... suggestions?
Administrator 888 posts
Registered: Jan 2006
* Gl_max_size 4-16, any crisp lego setting would be better imo * HUD weapons are needed (and I know it's in the making), here I'd suggest maybe only showing 'current best weapon', or just RL + LG (when you have either of) * Teamspeak overlay showing commentator name "ParadokS" (when talking), in small text in a corner * Skins - full fullbright please. Could we try setting fixed skin per team, so it doesn't swap with autotrack? Would make it more comprehendable, I think * Chat: Is it possible to separate mm2-chats from qtv-chat? If so, consider splitting it up. Perhaps only showing mm2. Remember to turn off the blipping chat sound here. * Teamoverlay: hmmm maybe, if customized and set in right size. Maybe as a toggleable bind that the commentator/streamer use? Something like this: alias +showoverlay "hud_teamoverlay_show 1; hud_radar_show 1" alias -showoverlay "hud_teamoverlay_show 0; hud_radar_show 0" * Simpleitems are ugly, imo, and should be replaced with fully geometric models. These could be tweaked and colored to fit the rest of the world perfectly. * Fullbright models on the maps (primarily weapons (maybe only rl/lg, to tune down the unnecessary others)) * Player.mdl - why not promote the newly released playermodel by CapNBub? Let's. * Some commands we should experiment with: cl_bonusflash 1 (Controls weapon and item pickup flash)gl_polyblend 1 gl_cshiftpercent 0-100 (sets the percentage value for palette shifting effects, like if I have quad)v_damagechisft 0 v_quadcshift 1 v_pentcshift 1 v_ringcshift 1 cl_r2g (Normal rockets models, not nades)r_drawflame 1 r_drawvweps 0 (hide other players' weapon models)(Edited 2013-11-27, 15:48)Join us on discord.quake.world
Member 286 posts
Registered: Sep 2012
You're right about fullbright skins, we know people want to see something looking like a green or blue keel when they come from other quakes ! Teamlock 1 would be a good idea as bps said, and a picmiped cfg might save you some bandwidth too, and that's always good for your viewers.
Keep up the good work !
Administrator 1025 posts
Registered: Apr 2006
* Gl_max_size 4-16, any crisp lego setting would be better imo Don't agree, I really liked the current gfx for spectating, and I usually don't like "cool gfx" for qw, but I thought this one was perfect for spectating. * Skins - full fullbright please. Could we try setting fixed skin per team, so it doesn't swap with autotrack? Would make it more comprehendable, I think Fullbright absolutely, I agree with the other too, skin should be fixed per teams. * Chat: Is it possible to separate mm2-chats from qtv-chat? If so, consider splitting it up. Perhaps only showing mm2. Remember to turn off the blipping chat sound here. That is possible. * Teamoverlay: hmmm maybe, if customized and set in right size. Maybe as a toggleable bind that the commentator/streamer use? Something like this:... Don't agree. When spectating ingame either as spec or via QTV you can do +jump to go around the team and check what they are up to. In the stream you are limited to the one guy the streamer is spectating, hence it's really important to see where the other people are at all times. * Simpleitems are ugly, imo, and should be replaced with fully geometric models. These could be tweaked and colored to fit the rest of the world perfectly.
I agree that simpleitems takes away a bit of the qw feeling, make it more like q3/ql, it's not, it is and should stay QW. Make rl model same as original but fullbright green, lg fullbright yellow etc?
Administrator 888 posts
Registered: Jan 2006
Good thinking, dimman, I'll copy your last line and add it to my list. Join us on discord.quake.world
Administrator 1265 posts
Registered: Jan 2006
good tips here already * the beeping chat sounds are fun, especially for example, when a player bores, its fun to "hear" the beeps of ppl on qtv but if the qtv_chat isn't being displayed, i'de remove the sound; * when you pushed console down to write something, it occupied a ridiculously high area of the screen. the console on the stream should be discrete (unless you want to show text or stats at the end) - use alt-up/downarrow do set the size. * gl_max_size is an alternative to all the other cvars. but i prefer it; * player.mdl, use the new one * i would change the gameclock position to top center * gl_cshiftpercent, a discrete powerup palette sounds interesting The 60 fps are noticiable, good job! note: Ive used twitchtools to download and watch it on my ipad offline. not that good, because of the creeping .flv extension. next time i will try to convert it to other format... keep up the great work! and how could you guys let paradoks commentate alone?? cmon.. never argue with an idiot. they'll bring you back to their level and then beat you with experience.
Administrator 647 posts
Registered: Nov 2008
good tips here already * the beeping chat sounds are fun, especially for example, when a player bores, its fun to "hear" the beeps of ppl on qtv but if the qtv_chat isn't being displayed, i'de remove the sound; * when you pushed console down to write something, it occupied a ridiculously high area of the screen. the console on the stream should be discrete (unless you want to show text or stats at the end) - use alt-up/downarrow do set the size. * gl_max_size is an alternative to all the other cvars. but i prefer it; * player.mdl, use the new one * i would change the gameclock position to top center * gl_cshiftpercent, a discrete powerup palette sounds interesting The 60 fps are noticiable, good job! note: Ive used twitchtools to download and watch it on my ipad offline. not that good, because of the creeping .flv extension. next time i will try to convert it to other format... keep up the great work! and how could you guys let paradoks commentate alone?? cmon.. We've tried different gameclock positions, this was the one most suitable and that didn't feel as messy. If too many things are centered on the screen, you will get a messy feeling, especially since the scoreboard is there too. About ParadokS commentating alone: at the time of the game, I could not commentate and I tried to get others to commentate with him (you can notice on the stream that the video sometimes freezes, this is because I tabbed out of the game and tried to poke people on IRC to help ParadokS). Of course him commentating alone is not ideal and hopefully won't be repeated. All other ideas posted have been noted and are in consideration :-)
Member 286 posts
Registered: Sep 2012
good tips here already * player.mdl, use the new one
Don't use the new model, v_weapons don't work with it !
Member 343 posts
Registered: Feb 2006
Was the match recorded and possible to watch now? ProjectQ1Q3, Frogbot Waypoint and Map Conversion Tutorial @ http://mickkn.mooo.com
Administrator 647 posts
Registered: Nov 2008
Was the match recorded and possible to watch now? You can see the semifinals here: http://www.twitch.tv/suddendeathtv/c/3299585However, take it all with a grain of salt as it was just basically testing the cfg and settings :-) Yours,
Member 343 posts
Registered: Feb 2006
If You are gonna use simpleitems, please use Deurk's together with his HUD (or part of it at least) ProjectQ1Q3, Frogbot Waypoint and Map Conversion Tutorial @ http://mickkn.mooo.com
Administrator 1025 posts
Registered: Apr 2006
If You are gonna use simpleitems, please use Deurk's together with his HUD (or part of it at least) You mean dithes (dex) and not deurk I assume?
Administrator 647 posts
Registered: Nov 2008
We have already thrown simpleitems into the dustbin. :-) Some like it, some do not. We didn't like it.
Member 343 posts
Registered: Feb 2006
If You are gonna use simpleitems, please use Deurk's together with his HUD (or part of it at least) You mean dithes (dex) and not deurk I assume? Yeah, sry ProjectQ1Q3, Frogbot Waypoint and Map Conversion Tutorial @ http://mickkn.mooo.com
Member 343 posts
Registered: Feb 2006
Please use the same scoreboard colors as the team's Skin color ProjectQ1Q3, Frogbot Waypoint and Map Conversion Tutorial @ http://mickkn.mooo.com
Administrator 647 posts
Registered: Nov 2008
Yesterday's stream saw 300 hours of Quakeworld being watched, 500 unique visitors, just below 300 concurrent viewers and even more video plays. We recieved retweets on Twitter from 2gd, Thooorin, Dreamhack Boss (Robert Ohlén) and many others who also tuned in to watch some quakeworld action. It was a very big success.
I don't think Quakeworld has had as many viewers as it did yesterday for many many years. 140 people watched through QTV and close to 300 people watched on the stream and it seemed like people really enjoyed the stream. I hope you did too!
News Writer 1267 posts
Registered: Jun 2007
Would be cool if you streamed the div 2 final next sunday as well.
Member 286 posts
Registered: Sep 2012
The stream is really good now, commentary is great too. I just have a few suggestion on graphic stuff : Maybe the overall scores and the life/armor could be a bit smaller, the screen is a bit crowded by text infos atm. I wonder if you can get rid of the qtv chat with some commands, it's not really useful. You might want to use sg/ssg from the pack I use, they're nicer. You might want to use some skies from this pack too ( dm3 looks really cool with "violentdays" sky). Those are just tiny adjustments, I hope you keep streaming because it's already great !
Administrator 1025 posts
Registered: Apr 2006
Yesterday's stream saw 300 hours of Quakeworld being watched, 500 unique visitors, just below 300 concurrent viewers and even more video plays. We recieved retweets on Twitter from 2gd, Thooorin, Dreamhack Boss (Robert Ohlén) and many others who also tuned in to watch some quakeworld action. It was a very big success.
I don't think Quakeworld has had as many viewers as it did yesterday for many many years. 140 people watched through QTV and close to 300 people watched on the stream and it seemed like people really enjoyed the stream. I hope you did too! That's awesome! Keep up the good work Andeh
Member 57 posts
Registered: Apr 2007
the web stream lagged horribly for me (had audio but no video), so I had to close it and tune in on QTV without commentary for the 3rd map
my computer or connection shouldn't be the problem