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General Discussion
2014-02-10, 09:06
172 posts

Sep 2013
EDIT: Spreadsheet with records.


The Olympics are going on! That inspired me to fire up the kteams race mode. Specifically, the famous dm6 race from ga -> ra.

How To Setup:
1. Join a kteams server
2. /dm6
3. /race
4. /race_ready

I just broke my personal record with a 3.519:

Any one else wanna give it a try? Any other standard races people want to post their times? Post your times, but if you have a record breaker, please post a demo of it!

I still think there is room for improvement (specifically the first rj could use stairs glitch and be even faster). But after nearly a hundred 3.5s and 3.6s it'll clearly be a gem to pull off. Maybe you can come up with a different set of boosts altogether.

Racing tips:
• /race_break to stop racing
• If you get a bad rj or snag, /kill to restart quickly
• for recording, bind a key to "record race-1". Just hit the key to stop and re-record with the same name. BEWARE: when you get your record, don't record over your demo! Unbind the key or change it to race-2.

(Edited 2014-03-28, 05:50)
2014-02-11, 09:42
172 posts

Sep 2013
Beat it. 3.507 (after getting 3.518 -> 3.512 -> 3.509). I think sub 3.5 is possible. I'll offer a prize to the first person who gets it.
3.507s DM6 Race GA -> RA [BEATEN]

(Edited 2014-04-18, 08:14)
2014-02-13, 07:50
172 posts

Sep 2013
DM6 Race #1 (GA -> RA): 3.493s [BEATEN, but this is my best 3 rocket]

(Edited 2014-03-28, 08:08)
2014-02-13, 07:59
29 posts

Aug 2009
My personal best 3,719 , so far.
The Bad Place Addicted.
2014-02-14, 02:29
124 posts

Apr 2012
3.756 so far,

I'll post a demo if I get a lot better :>
2014-02-16, 09:31
172 posts

Sep 2013
DM3 Race #1 (Pent MH -> RA): 5.393s
DM3 Race #2 (RL -> RA): 12.115s [BEATEN]

I know these can be bettered, but they are very solid. I'd like to see other people attempt them and see what they get. Race #2 in particular seems somewhat useful.

You get to Race #2 by:
1. /dm3
2. /race
3. /race_route_switch
4/ /race_ready

(Edited 2014-04-18, 08:12)
2014-02-16, 09:58
172 posts

Sep 2013
DM2 Race #1 (High RL -> Path -> RA/MH): 11.959s [BEATEN]

This is a very, very solid run! Anyone who gets under 12 on this route deserves serious props. I think it can be improved (jump at path could start a few frames earlier, and last jump at ra/mh could go toward race end a little faster) but this is very satisfying to watch in slow motion. No stairs snags so it looks very fluid.

Tip: To watch demos in 50% slow motion:
/demo_setspeed 50

And to go back to normal
/demo_setspeed 100

(Edited 2014-03-28, 08:08)
2014-02-17, 02:00
172 posts

Sep 2013
DM4 Race #1 (YA -> Quad spawn): 3.194s [BEATEN]

Really slick starting jump got me under 3.2 on this short race. I got this within a couple minutes, and couldn't get anywhere close to it again.

(Edited 2014-04-05, 08:13)
2014-02-17, 04:41
172 posts

Sep 2013
DM6 Race #2 (MH -> RA -> GL -> RA): 11.322s [BEATEN]

Also very solid, but this can be beat if you get a faster jump at the gl ramp. Hitting the ramp on the way back is key.

(Edited 2014-04-05, 08:14)
2014-02-17, 11:25
1025 posts

Apr 2006
DM4 one, bah did 3.20x a lot of times, best time I got was 3.197 for now.

Switching to fullscreen instead of windowed mode made me do 3.198, 3.172 and latest 3.145 (its on for verification if you want)
2014-02-17, 11:48
386 posts

Apr 2006
dimman wrote:
DM4 one, bah did 3.20x a lot of times, best time I got was 3.197 for now.

Switching to fullscreen instead of windowed mode made me do 3.198, 3.172 and latest 3.145 (its on for verification if you want)

Haha, yes, this sounds familiar. I did a bunch of running for that race cup Anza hosted a couple of years ago, and chasing those last few milliseconds is a nightmare. And don't even get me started on fucking random upslopes! From testing with other people by running in a straight line along a short, flat track it became apparent that, for small amounts of time, it is very little to do with how fast you were and more to do with esoteric things like packet order or darkest voodoo. No matter what, my "+forward" time was always around 20ms slower than the slowest of the other 3 people I was testing with, and it was very rarely consistent with my other times.

Basically, what i'm saying is don't stress too much about milliseconds
2014-02-17, 18:09
172 posts

Sep 2013
dimman wrote:
Switching to fullscreen instead of windowed mode made me do 3.198, 3.172 and latest 3.145 (its on for verification if you want)

2014-02-19, 11:59
124 posts

Apr 2012
I'm at 3.635 on the dm6 ga->ra race! (no demo - scores at

I feel like I can do a lot better, so I'll keep at it slowly
2014-02-19, 13:53
286 posts

Sep 2012
Any way to race on a local computer ? My internet sucks so much I can't play online...
2014-02-19, 14:59
124 posts

Apr 2012
Jissse wrote:
Any way to race on a local computer ? My internet sucks so much I can't play online...

Poor Jissse, same problem as me...

I've been practicing on a local server because of it. Just download mvdsv/KTX and run it locally, it works great!

2014-02-19, 17:08
286 posts

Sep 2012
You know qw-dev has been dead for at least a year, right ?
2014-02-19, 17:16
216 posts

Feb 2011
Try nQuakeSV? It should take care of everything for you. Go to and download the Windows Server file @ here
2014-02-19, 19:28
286 posts

Sep 2012
Ah yeah I always forget about that ! Thanks !
2014-03-27, 06:45
172 posts

Sep 2013
DM6 Race #1 (GA -> RA): 3.393s. [BEATEN]

I decided to take an entirely different approach to the dm6 race and use an extra rocket at the start. It is a bit tricky, you can end up going too fast, but if you pull it off it is clearly worth it. I managed to drop my previous record down by exactly 0.1s in less than an hour. This is a rather huge gain considering it took me about 5 hours to drop 0.01s previously.

(Edited 2014-03-29, 07:54)
2014-03-27, 06:52
172 posts

Sep 2013
DM4 Race #2 (YA -> SSG -> Mega): 7.391s [BEATEN]
DM4 Race #3 (YA -> SSG -> LG -> Quad -> YA-Tele): 7.609s {BEATEN]

I had these from a month ago and didn't put them up. But seeing as I'm using this thread to store all of my race records, I might as well include them. I have no doubt that they can be improved, but I was happy to get under 8 for both of them. I hate right hand jumps which is almost this entire route =P.

(Edited 2014-04-18, 08:14)
2014-03-27, 08:45
73 posts

Oct 2010
DM6. Why not to throw grenade first? Forbidden by rules or laziness?
2014-03-27, 10:05
1265 posts

Jan 2006
lots of results already
how about a read-only google spreadsheet where the results are kept? or something similar.
never argue with an idiot. they'll bring you back to their level and then beat you with experience.
2014-03-27, 16:53
172 posts

Sep 2013
VanoZ wrote:
DM6. Why not to throw grenade first? Forbidden by rules or laziness?

Forbidden by rules. Which I like for consistency now. Back in the day you could move (false starts) and shoot before the countdown ends. I did this a long long time ago (2004?), and I'm pretty sure there are some demos on CHTV of low 3s and sub 3 with an old QuakePhil race mod. Or those demos and times are lost forever.

mushi wrote:
lots of results already
how about a read-only google spreadsheet where the results are kept? or something similar.

I've considered it. But only a few people have posted their times, so I've lacked the motivation.
2014-03-27, 17:32
286 posts

Sep 2012
It seems I'm way better at hugging walls than running through maps so I didn't post anything. A google spreadsheet would be cool though
2014-03-28, 05:43
172 posts

Sep 2013

Includes the map and race#, route, best known time, record holder, demo (when possible), and my thoughts on what constitutes a good time (above average), a great time (well above average and something you should be proud of), and what I think might be possible in a new record. I do think most of these times can be beat by a dedicated player. With the exception of the DM6 race, I probably spent less than an hour on each race.
2014-03-28, 07:50
286 posts

Sep 2012
Great !
2014-03-28, 08:05
172 posts

Sep 2013
DM2 Race #1 (High RL -> Path -> RA/MH): 11.777s
DM2 Race #1 (High RL -> Path -> RA/MH): 11.778s

Gave this one a solid hour, and in ~20 minutes broke the 11.8 I thought would be the next major barrier. I don't really think this can get much better, watching in slow motion. I think the 11.778 run has a better start, but the 11.777 run has a better end. Combine the two and I think you can have a record. And maybe moving slightly faster down path. But I'm more than happy with this one now.

The key to this race is getting the 2nd jump as early as possible and as fast as you can for the 3rd jump. I don't think you can make the ending here any faster, I'm just making sure the last jump from mega goes as smoothly to the stairs as possible.
2014-03-28, 11:49
73 posts

Oct 2010
denial for grenade has sense, if you need to run _now_ you haven't time to place a greande.
but in connection with getting out of teleport, taking rockets, ra - you have time..stop. it's another route ;-)

this project could be useful for someone ever to make bot using best human moves.
2014-03-29, 07:54
172 posts

Sep 2013
DM6 Race #1: 3.365s (Whoa! This is really slick)
DM4 Race #1: 3.129s (Taking back the record from dimman)
DM4 Race #2: 7.194s (First time breaking 7.2) [BEATEN]

So I knocked the DM6 time even more. And spent about 20 minutes on dm4 improving the races I knew I could do better on. These are some serious records now.

(Edited 2014-04-18, 08:13)
2014-03-29, 16:00
73 posts

Oct 2010
I have a friend who specializes in defrag scripting both in vq3 and cpm, may be he'll be intrested. typical advantage script over human is above 15%..
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