
Member 14 posts
Registered: Sep 2014
I selected mouse wheel up/down for changing weapons, but that fails.
Then i selected mouse buttons to change weapons, but they also fail.
How can i change weapons ingame? I can only use the shotgun, even though i do pick up other weapons from the floor. (i hear the click when i pick one)
EDIT : there are also servers where i cannot pick up other weapons. Seriously. And all players are red, they appear to have no skin.
Administrator 1025 posts
Registered: Apr 2006
I selected mouse wheel up/down for changing weapons, but that fails.
Then i selected mouse buttons to change weapons, but they also fail.
How can i change weapons ingame? I can only use the shotgun, even though i do pick up other weapons from the floor. (i hear the click when i pick one)
EDIT : there are also servers where i cannot pick up other weapons. Seriously. And all players are red, they appear to have no skin. Alright, first of all: Which client are you using? When you connect to a QW server its in pre-war mode, meaning that you will have to specify 1on1/2on2/4on4 mode etc, and then hit 'ready'. Game will start when everyone is ready. There are some FFA servers, try these first and please go through the Guides-section of this webpage 
Member 14 posts
Registered: Sep 2014
I have no idea which client, i installed Nquake through the links on this website.
I will look at the things you have mentioned, i appreciate it. I will not turn my back on QW so easily, i think it has potential, but the trouble i run into already is demotivating a bit.
The quest goes on...
EDIT : i joined a few free for all servers and in all of them i could not select a rocketlauncher for example. Just my shotgun and axe.
Administrator 1025 posts
Registered: Apr 2006
I have no idea which client, i installed Nquake through the links on this website.
I will look at the things you have mentioned, i appreciate it. I will not turn my back on QW so easily, i think it has potential, but the trouble i run into already is demotivating a bit.
The quest goes on...
EDIT : i joined a few free for all servers and in all of them i could not select a rocketlauncher for example. Just my shotgun and axe. First off all ask yourself: How is this supposed to work? Instead of 'I'm getting demotivated because it doesn't work the way I assume it did'  You need to actually have picked up the rocket launcher to be able to switch to it. Secondly in Quakeworld, especially 4on4, where weapons disappear for 30 seconds when taken, it's undesired to run around with rocket launcher selected. If you die with it selected, you will drop it in your backpack. For this reason there is a built-in automatic switch to shotgun, so it may look like you run around with shotgun, but when you hit +attack, it will fire the RL. If nothing is working for you, go to console and typ: /bind yourbutton "weapon 7"
to bind a button to change to rocket launcher. Do not use "impulse", use "weapon".
Member 14 posts
Registered: Sep 2014
In some servers i can pick up different weapons, i hear the "click".
But on most servers i just run over it and nothing happens.
The reason i get a bit demotivated is because when i ask for help in the server, hardly anyone is willing to help. Only on this forum people seem to help, i am happy about that. :-) And i run into quite a number of problems i have trouble solving.
A) i cannot seem to use other weapons. B) all players are mostly red C) i get kicked because of changing my skin, but i am not changing my skin. D) i hit someone with an axe like 10 times, no result. (now that could be just my bad, maybe an axe needs 10+ hits to kill someone) E) on the server switch to another map, i get an error saying "map.bsp" cannot be downloaded. I can type "reconnect" but that does not help.
I am aware items dissappear for a while when taken by players. I have played Quake and Quake 2 for quite some time back then(late 90's/ early 2000's) , i am very aware of how those games worked.
Member 14 posts
Registered: Sep 2014
I have no idea which client, i installed Nquake through the links on this website.
I will look at the things you have mentioned, i appreciate it. I will not turn my back on QW so easily, i think it has potential, but the trouble i run into already is demotivating a bit.
The quest goes on...
EDIT : i joined a few free for all servers and in all of them i could not select a rocketlauncher for example. Just my shotgun and axe. First off all ask yourself: How is this supposed to work? Instead of 'I'm getting demotivated because it doesn't work the way I assume it did'  . If i select "change weapon forward and backward" to my mousewheel in the options, i think i should be able to assume it would work. Otherwise it is bugged.
Administrator 1265 posts
Registered: Jan 2006
connect to irc to get faster help
click on the green CHAT button on the bottom of this page and connect to irc. ask there. ppl will help never argue with an idiot. they'll bring you back to their level and then beat you with experience.
Member 212 posts
Registered: Apr 2006
QW players are not generally unfriendly or unhelpful, by the way. It's often just the case that people on FFA servers only want to enjoy a quick game and getting into technical / config discussions is time consuming. And judging by the questions you ask, people know there is a lot more to come because yours are very basic for now  Most players have spent hundreds of hours bothering with reading readmes, trying all various options, settings etc throughout their Quake lives. This forum or IRC are better places to ask. Maybe you can put up your config up here for discussion? I promise you will get all your questions answered here if you ask specific questions after you share the config you use. As Mushi suggested, for quicker help you can try IRC.
Member 14 posts
Registered: Sep 2014
Thanks for the answers so far, i appreciate it. I realise that online during a game people want to play.
I also understand it is not about "not wanting", but people are busy.
Nothing personal :-)
I will try and find my config, good idea.
Member 14 posts
Registered: Sep 2014
This are the bindings from my config : bind TAB "+showteamscores" bind ESCAPE "togglemenu" bind SPACE "+jump" bind + "" bind , "" bind - "" bind . "" bind / "" bind 0 "" bind 1 "impulse 1;weapon 1" bind 2 "impulse 2;weapon 2" bind 3 "impulse 3;weapon 3" bind 4 "impulse 4;weapon 4" bind 5 "impulse 5;weapon 5" bind 6 "impulse 6;weapon 6" bind 7 "impulse 7;weapon 7" bind 8 "impulse 8;weapon 8" bind 9 "" bind = "" bind [ "inc volume -0.1;echo Volume: $volume" bind \ "" bind ] "inc volume +0.1;echo Volume: $volume" bind _ "" bind ` "toggleconsole" bind a "+moveleft" bind b "" bind c "impulse 12" bind d "+moveright" bind e "weapon 6" bind f "tp_msgpoint" bind g "tp_msgsafe" bind j "" bind l "" bind n "" bind o "" bind p "" bind q "weapon 5" bind r "weapon 8" bind s "+back" bind t "messagemode" bind v "impulse 10" bind w "+forward" bind x "tp_msglost" bind y "messagemode2" bind z "tp_msgenemypwr" bind ~ "toggleconsole" bind BACKSPACE "" bind PAUSE "toggleproxymenu" bind UPARROW "" bind DOWNARROW "" bind LEFTARROW "" bind RIGHTARROW "" bind ALT "" bind CTRL "weapon 5" bind SHIFT "+rl" bind F1 "yes" bind F2 "agree" bind F3 "ready" bind F4 "break" bind F5 "join" bind F6 "observe" bind F7 "" bind F8 "" bind F9 "" bind F10 "quit" bind F11 "" bind F12 "screenshot" bind INS "" bind DEL "" bind PGDN "break" bind PGUP "ready" bind HOME "" bind END "" bind KP_STAR "match_save" bind KP_HOME "demo_slowest" bind KP_UPARROW "demo_paused" bind KP_PGUP "demo_fastest" bind KP_MINUS "vol-" bind KP_LEFTARROW "demo_slower" bind KP_5 "demo_normal" bind KP_RIGHTARROW "demo_faster" bind KP_PLUS "vol+" bind KP_END "demo_slowmo" bind KP_DOWNARROW "demo_paused" bind KP_PGDN "demo_fastfwd" bind KP_ENTER "scores" bind MOUSE1 "+attack" bind MOUSE2 "+rl" bind MOUSE3 "shownick" bind MOUSE4 "impulse 10" bind MOUSE5 "impulse 12" bind MWHEELUP "impulse 10" bind MWHEELDOWN "impulse 12"
impulse 10 and 12 are bound to mousewheel and two keyboard buttons, but it still fails. I just tried in a server. I hear the clicks of items i picked up, but i cannot choose them.
Yesterday someone mentioned i should choose impulse 7 for weapon change? I can try, but i do not yet see the logic.
Member 14 posts
Registered: Sep 2014
I just joined an XS4all server again and i again cannot pick items from the floor. (server was active, players were running around. I killed one)
I wanted to test impulse 7 for weapons change, but i cannot test it again because of this other thing that i cannot pick items.
Some servers i can pick them up but cannot change weapons, some servers do not allow me to pick up items so i cannot test changing weapons.
I see rocketlaunchers and a machinegun, but no matter how long i stand over the item, it will not pick it up. On this particular server i also saw that all players are red, without skin.
I created my own server. There i can pick up weapons, but the weapon change does not work. When i pressed the button "7" on the keyboard, it did change. But the mousewheel or other buttons are useless still.
Member 258 posts
Registered: Feb 2006
If you do not hear the weapon pick up sound you are probably on a server that is on standby status. On standby the server is waiting for players who have to type /ready to console for a game to start. After the game is started weapons can be picked up normally. Note that most servers require at least two players before a game can be started. You should be able to select any weapon without picking it up when you are on a server and it is on a standby status. On standby all players have all weapons and are able usually to shoot them if shooting is not disabled. You could try to connect to nl.besmella.com:28501 and test weapon changing there. The server will be on standby when you connect to it. I was the one that gave you the advise to try "impulse 7" to change the weapon. Impulse 7 would change the weapon to rocket launcher but it won't work if you have not picked up a rocket launcher yet or if the server is not in standby status. I see that you have already bound all weapons to buttons 1-8 in your config so weapon changing should work if you have picked up a weapon or if the server is in standby. bind 1 "impulse 1;weapon 1" bind 2 "impulse 2;weapon 2" bind 3 "impulse 3;weapon 3" bind 4 "impulse 4;weapon 4" bind 5 "impulse 5;weapon 5" bind 6 "impulse 6;weapon 6" bind 7 "impulse 7;weapon 7" bind 8 "impulse 8;weapon 8" Btw here's a thread with similar problems: nQuake: Next and previous weapons button doesn't workYou should also try to add b_switch "8" and w_switch "8" to your config. These settings change your weapon automatically when you pick up a weapon or backpack. This is not desired in competitive play since you'll end up running a weapon in hand and enemies can grab that weapon from your backpack after they have fragged you. Here's documentation about b_switch and w_switch: b_switchw_switch
Member 386 posts
Registered: Apr 2006
It's possible that the problem here is caused by the "cl_weaponpreselect" and "cl_weaponhide" variables. If you set them both to "0" then the impulse commands should behave as expected.
Member 258 posts
Registered: Feb 2006
The red skins are caused by skin forcing of ezQuake. Search your config for "red.png" and replace it with "player_white.png". You can see all the available skins in directory nQuake\qw\skins.
Member 386 posts
Registered: Apr 2006
The red skins are caused by skin forcing of ezQuake. Search your config for "red.png" and replace it with "player_white.png". You can see all the available skins in directory nQuake\qw\skins. It's most likely a much harder to diagnose change that was made to the default nquake config some time ago. I believe it is probably that "/r_enemyskincolor" has been set to some red-hued RGB value. If it has, setting it to "" should remove the colour forcing.
Member 212 posts
Registered: Apr 2006
Are the bindings the only config settings you have set? I'm wondering where all the other information and settings are. It's impossible to identify all issues you may encounter based on bind information only.
It might be helpful if you use someone else's "complete" config (not just binds) as a basis. Download a config, load it within the game and then adjust the settings to your needs (buttons, explosion types, mouse sensitivty etc).
Member 226 posts
Registered: Jun 2006
nQuake is a giant hunk of shit. Stop using it. Make your own quake folder with an id1 folder that contains pak0.pak and pak1.pak. Then install ezquake to that folder and setup the game how you want it.
Member 14 posts
Registered: Sep 2014
Thanks for the replies again guys! Awesome.
I will definitely look at them again when i get home.
Before i read the new replies here i had removed nquake completely and reinstalled it again from scratch.
I have not seen the skin problem again, but i am not sure it was solved completely just because of the reinstall.
Another thing i did was remove the switch ( network) between my pc and the router of the internet provider. This led to a much faster network connection and a much bigger serverlist. (this leads me to believe i might have a port forwarding issue? )
For now i did manage to change weapons using numbers on the keyboard, i.e. using shotgun on 4, rocketlauncher on 5. This is tricky because i have to remove my hands from the ASWD keys and knowing the fast pace of these quake games, i am dead before choosing another weapon. The mousewheel is certainly preferred.
As said, i will look into each of you guys comments tonight again. Thanks so far!
Member 212 posts
Registered: Apr 2006
The majority of players doesn't switch weapons manually. In Quakeworld you don't have a "weapon-switch-time" so it doesn't matter which weapon you carry when you run around. When you watch demos you will notice that most people have a shotgun as their standard weapon and have the RL selected only to shoot rockets and then it goes back (especially in team games - players don't want to give away backpacks with an RL to the opponent easily).
You really should consider best weapon binds, I'd say 4-5 buttons are sufficient then (one with RL as best weapon, one with shaft, one with GL and a 3rd with SSG/SNG/SG and one with SG only).
News Writer 183 posts
Registered: May 2013
For now i did manage to change weapons using numbers on the keyboard, i.e. using shotgun on 4, rocketlauncher on 5. This is tricky because i have to remove my hands from the ASWD keys and knowing the fast pace of these quake games, i am dead before choosing another weapon. The mousewheel is certainly preferred.
One alternative for quick switching weapons is to move your weapon binds to your mouse, thus allowing your other hand free to focus on movement. Example, I have it set up in mine like this... alias +gl "impulse 6; +attack" alias -gl "-attack; impulse 2 1" alias +lg "impulse 8 5 4 3 2; +attack" alias -lg "-attack; impulse 2 1" alias +rl "impulse 7 8 5 3 2; +attack" alias -rl "-attack; impulse 2 1" alias +sg "impulse 3 2 1; +attack" alias -sg "-attack; impulse 2 1" bind MOUSE1 "+rl" bind MOUSE2 "+lg" bind MOUSE4 "+sg" bind MOUSE5 "+gl"
