Tournament completed
Supreme Champion:
Fraggers United (#fu)Worthy Adversary: Unload (#unload)
Maybe Next Time: Felia-0200 (#020)
4th place: Division Ninety Nine (#div99)
5th place: Fatal Error (#fatalerror)
Sunday Spawnfraggin #2
- 4on4 Open tournament Starting on: At Sunday march 8, 17:00 CET the tournament will begin. times used here are in CET.4 teams signed up so far. No restrictions on who can join (all "divs" ). If you are in need of a team I'd suggest posting: . Or ask one of the signed clans to join them. If some 'free agents' (clanless) want to play, but don't have a team, I could help with organizing a team for you. Just send me a msg on irc, and ill figure something out.League system (Everyone plays one MATCH against everyone else.).
- There will be
FIXED opponents that needs to be played in THE ORDER THEY ARE LISTED! No cherry picking clans!(follow the x vs y team on the site)- Leading to playoffs (brackets if teams want to). Possibly finals casted by !?)
One MATCH is played as a Best of Three on the maps Dm2,Dm3,E1m2 against one clan. - Cmd rnd 'Xclan' 'Yclan' command on server decides who picks first map.General EQL rules, and proper tournament etiquette apply. No Standins. No Fakenicking. No cheating, one player on one clan, Smackdown ruleset, etc, you know the drill...
- There are no restrictions on how many members you can signup for your clan.
- I'd suggest AT LEAST 6 motivated players pr team.
To sign up: You make a post here or contact a tournament admin on IRC with your teams name; where you include a full listing of all your squad members.
Signup Template: Clan : XyX - IRC: #clanchannel - Members: Random, Clueless, Gitty, Freckles, Sunshinekills & TwitterSucks.****
'Hardcore' rules engaged:
A minimum of TWO MATCHES has to have been played or are about to end each Sunday at 21:00. Or your entire team gets kicked. All results are expected to be reported BEFORE 21:00 Or you will have to contact an admin explaining why you are delayed. Idle killer rule:
- Each Sunday at 18:00 cet your team must have four players ready to play. Or your entire team gets kicked.OFFICIAL LOBBY SERVER @
(We won't be collecting people from the lobby server, but if your team isn't much on IRC, this could be a good meeting ground!)
* At 18:00 You have a representative in #div99 that tracks down your opponent.
(Or go to their channel).
* At 18:05 You are expected to have eight people actively searching for a fair latency server.
* At 18:15 You are expected to be /readying up and playing on a FAIR latency server.
* When you win/lose your first match, go straight to find your next opponent, and find a new fair server.
* Depending on status of your next ongoing opponent matches, and if they need a 10 min break - expect a little break. But no more than 20 minutes after your opponent finish their last game, or go to an admin and whine.
- Failure to not start the second match or making your opponents wait forever without any good reason, will get your entire team kicked.
None Nazi Clause to Idle killer rule* AFTER the first Sunday, you have an entire week to play your next two matches.But BOTH CLANS must agree to a time if you want to play outside of Sundays 18:00. If one clan can only play at Sundays 18:00, they have presidency and you MUST play them on Sunday.* You are allowed to play more than two matches on Sunday and the rest of the week
BUT BE CAREFUL ONLY TO PLAY THE CLANS IN PROPER ORDER AS SHOWN ON SITE (coming).- If you do play more teams than two teams pr.week. expect that at some point you might have to wait for another clan to finish their games next Sunday if they are only playing on Sundays.
* Admins wont be total douches, and teams should try to work to get the matches played. However It's your own damn responsibility to show up; and we will not have very much patience if one clan makes four other players wait for hours without consent or holds up the tournament. Tournament admins: ocoini & Qirex & Klice & (You?,x,x,)
** Some clan hopping and late additions are allowed as long as it is reasonable. But don't abuse it.
Like X team suddenly gets kicked, but two players on X are active and want to play, then they can join team Y. Or player X is miserable playing with team Y, then he can join team X... etc..
This will be a new experimental tournament form, hope you ALL want to try it out, see if we can make it work!
Our last Sunday Spawnfraggin tournament went fairly well for a one-day tournament. It had some problems with activity and idling, + that it took a long time to wrap up, I'm hoping this 'system' can help with that. And I felt abit bad with leaving the better clans out as well!
This will be a very strict tournament rule-wise. But it will ease much of the "wondering: When are going to play?" for the players, they only have to show up at 18:00cet on sundays!. Bring your QuakeWorld coolness and lets give it a shoot.Signed so far:: In seeding order:Fraggers United
Anza, Culkey, Kip, Knave, Hell
Badass, Trygve, Norules, Filmnet, Himmu, Goldenhorse, Blood_Dog
aikon, Lurq, pew, raket, z0det, z0mbie90, znappe, x0rcist
Division Ninety Nine
ocoini, qirex, diehuman, saka-rauka1, Paniagua, klice, Tsobo, Linkyyy, Verro, Henu.
Fatal Error
Cosmos, Atrophy, Sae, praxismo, Yamazaki, Maxis, Rasta, p4le, stayout, bogoJoker, dev.
(Edited 2015-03-29, 19:22)