1 post
Mar 2015
I can not tell the difference from a level 16 bot and a level 0 bot.
a level 0 bot kills me instantly, I'm no super player forsure but every once in a while i can get a kill in deathmatch, I can never kill a level 0 bot, they kill me nearly instantly.
any tips to make them easier?
i use FBCA mod.
2059 posts
Jan 2006
Try the following commands in this sequence:
* setskill 0
* addbot
* Now type skillup until you reach desired skill level (i.e. 16)
* addbot
Edit: these above commands are the same stuff that you do in the multiplayer bot match menu, which also seems to work for me.
Now you will have one bot with skill 0 and another one with skill 16 and an indicator that they are of different skill can be seen on the ping i think; the skill 16 bot will have less ping (around 30) than the skill 0 bot (above 100). Dunno why this is but for me it shows up like that.
Using the setskill command to increase the skill for only the second bot does *not* seem to work for me...
2059 posts
Jan 2006
Also realised i didn't really answer your question and the reason for that is because the answer is probably no and if you really managed to add a bot of skill 0 and still get spanked then it's just practicepracticepractice as they are not at all aggressive. Make sure you get armors and the proper weapons (rocket launcher and lightning gun) and you should manage to dominate them.
343 posts
Feb 2006
A skill 0 FBCA bot just can't use the lightning gun very good
and doesn't spam rockets that much
But I agree, for a newbie the FBCA bots has good aim
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