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Other Tournaments
2016-04-11, 17:56
News Writer
305 posts

Feb 2008
:: Event ended :::

We played FFA with last map standing rules :: two people got removed each round.
Rikolls spoiler free stream of the event ::

Don't mind spoilers? Scroll down.

FFA DeathMatch #sundayspawnfraggin Master :: Sd-Rikoll! :: Second and third places :: Nitemare and [DP]Blood_dog ! <3'

Attendence votes::

Rocket Arena:
Clan Arena: Nitemare 1
Team Fortress:
Capture the flag XvX teams: Baresi,blooddog 2
1on1: aimer7 aero, Rikoll(1-map only kenya) 2
a povdmm4 type map:
An END type map:
Hooneymode 1on1:
FFA: gore, panjabi, nelag 3
XvX: (10on10//7on7 etc..):

Taking suggestions for what we do @ 1600 UTC : 1800 CEST : 1900 EEST in #sundayspawnfraggin 17'th April

Vote for one of these modes in topic: Most votes we do..

Your vote only counts if you are signed up - you signup by dropping in #sundayspawnfraggin and telling ocoini you want to play. A good 30-15 minutes before start would be cute!

Rocket Arena: x,x,x,x,
Clan Arena: x,x,x,x,
Team Fortress: x,x,x,x,
Capture the flag XvX teams: chow, Rio, Blooddog, z0mbie90 ,Timotej ,x,5
1on1: oco, Rikoll(1-map only type tournament) , VVD (travelert6),x,x 3
2on2: x,x,x,x,
4on4: x,x,x,x,
Endif: x,x,x,x,
a povdmm4 type map: x,x,x,x,
An END type map: x,x,x,x,
Hooneymode 1on1: Leopold, Mushi, x, 2
FFA: nelag,Hooraytio ,x, 2
XvX: (10on10//7on7 etc..): BPS, ,DEV, Erlend, x, x, x 3

mushi wrote:
server wise, any semi-recently configured nquake server has ctf enabled and everything needed to play (ktx ctf that is)

as for the nquake client .cfg it includes a ctf.cfg file, which is inside nquake.pk3 - you just have to exec ctf.cfg

the default binds are:
// This is nQuake's CTF config
// Edit with care!

// Set the position of the +scores bar
setinfo ls "-4" // Tweak this if the +scores bar doesn't show up

// Misc binds
bind mwheelup "weapon 22" // Hook
bind mwheeldown "weapon 22" // Hook
bind mouse3 "+hook"
bind b "_tossrune" // Drop active rune
bind h "_tossflag" // Drop flag
bind ALT "flagstatus"

// Teamsays
bind F1 "tp_msgdefend"
bind F2 "tp_msghaveflag"
bind F3 "tp_msgattacking"
bind F4 "tp_msgefcatloc"
bind F5 "tp_msgefcleavingbase"
bind F6 "tp_msgefcatenemybase"

If we do end up going with CTF - expect that we have to spend some time, maybe 30 minutes, guiding everyone to set it up - and also maybe checking servers? I dont know yet.. If everyone that has it working can stay in channel to help the ones that doesn't have it working that would be good - try to be there before matchtime!

(Edited 2016-04-17, 19:09)
Street Vendor Crack down Princess Cop
2016-04-11, 18:23
110 posts

Mar 2010
2016-04-11, 18:53
55 posts

Oct 2011
I'd vote for some CTF, it's been a while we haven't seen some. Administrator o/
2016-04-11, 21:59
43 posts

Apr 2012
CTF could be fun if some package is created, I tried to play it once but the amount of setup is not to be underestimated tho
My other vote goes for 2on2 on some selected kenya map(s). I've always found those one offs really fun
2016-04-11, 22:36
216 posts

Feb 2011
Since the (D_P) after my name refers to the world's best QWCTF clan (RIP 1997-2001), I might as well vote for CTF And if I'm able to attend the event I'll even be happy to give tutorials to anyone whose interested.

To Rio, a few years ago I spent a lot of time putting together a CTF package for the client and server, I'm sure I can dig them up somewhere. But anyway I think nQuake and nQuakeSV implemented my suggestions a long time ago so there isn't really anything special needed to get started IMO (although a lot of popular KTX servers today just need to enable CTF in one of the settings, otherwise the /ctf command doesn't work to change modes).
2016-04-12, 11:02
News Writer
222 posts

Jan 2013
I vote FFA!
2016-04-12, 12:02
188 posts

Feb 2008
I really liked the Hooneymode Tournament from some years ago, would be nice to revive that.

Maybe fastest-ztricks-completion tournament ?

and ofc CTF, that would be awesome!
(Why was that disabled on the servers anyway?)
2016-04-12, 12:26
94 posts

Oct 2011
CTF and Clan Arena get my vote.
2016-04-12, 12:40
18 posts

Feb 2016
CTF would be fun!
2016-04-12, 13:01
459 posts

Mar 2008
1on1, Kenya 1-map preferred
2016-04-12, 13:01
459 posts

Mar 2008
1on1, Kenya 1-map preferred

edit: this came up double for some reason, but I'll let it stay in case my vote counts double as well then! ;S
2016-04-12, 13:13
188 posts

Feb 2008
Rikoll votes always count double!
2016-04-12, 14:37
1265 posts

Jan 2006
server wise, any semi-recently configured nquake server has ctf enabled and everything needed to play (ktx ctf that is)

as for the nquake client .cfg it includes a ctf.cfg file, which is inside nquake.pk3 - you just have to exec ctf.cfg

the default binds are:
// This is nQuake's CTF config
// Edit with care!

// Set the position of the +scores bar
setinfo ls "-4" // Tweak this if the +scores bar doesn't show up

// Misc binds
bind mwheelup "weapon 22" // Hook
bind mwheeldown "weapon 22" // Hook
bind mouse3 "+hook"
bind b "_tossrune" // Drop active rune
bind h "_tossflag" // Drop flag
bind ALT "flagstatus"

// Teamsays
bind F1 "tp_msgdefend"
bind F2 "tp_msghaveflag"
bind F3 "tp_msgattacking"
bind F4 "tp_msgefcatloc"
bind F5 "tp_msgefcleavingbase"
bind F6 "tp_msgefcatenemybase"
never argue with an idiot. they'll bring you back to their level and then beat you with experience.
2016-04-12, 14:40
1265 posts

Jan 2006
hoonymode deserves more love, a tournament would be great

also ctf, i love it. but skill-wise is the most difficult quake mod to master.
skilled ctf players will scare new players in 30 seconds while doing 3 caps.

edit: but there's a command to toggle the hook on and off. that would work
never argue with an idiot. they'll bring you back to their level and then beat you with experience.
2016-04-12, 20:25
216 posts

Feb 2011
mushi wrote:
also ctf, i love it. but skill-wise is the most difficult quake mod to master.
skilled ctf players will scare new players in 30 seconds while doing 3 caps.

Mushi is a wise and respectful man, props for respecting my talents.

mushi wrote:
edit: but there's a command to toggle the hook on and off. that would work

Boooo this man! Boooooooo! QWCTF without the hook is not QWCTF at all.
2016-04-13, 09:07
1265 posts

Jan 2006
never argue with an idiot. they'll bring you back to their level and then beat you with experience.
2016-04-13, 10:15
News Writer
1267 posts

Jun 2007
2016-04-13, 10:42
890 posts

Jan 2006
XvX: (10on10//7on7)
Join us on
2016-04-13, 13:17
280 posts

Jan 2015
2016-04-13, 16:59
News Writer
305 posts

Feb 2008
Does the Nquake setup if you only installed ezquake? Or is the entire package of Nquake needed?

If we do end up going with CTF - expect that we have to spend some time, maybe 30 minutes, guiding everyone to set it up - and also maybe checking servers? I dont know yet.. If everyone that has it working can stay in channel to help the ones that doesn't have it working that would be good - try to be there before matchtime!

Do you have time to dig up the exact aliases mushi? =)
So I can post it in first post - and people can just copy paste it into their cfg ?

I tried to some custom ctf maps - so far the top three best maps i see for ctf on our level might be
Street Vendor Crack down Princess Cop
2016-04-13, 22:43
News Writer
280 posts

May 2006
1on1 on travelert6.

mushi, play ur game with rookie!
2016-04-13, 22:52
News Writer
222 posts

Jan 2013
I missed out on the death32c, so I vote XvX instead if there's chance of another one
2016-04-17, 16:05
News Writer
305 posts

Feb 2008
Signup NOW =)
Street Vendor Crack down Princess Cop
  23 posts on 1 page  1