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Server Talk
2017-03-08, 11:20
284 posts

Sep 2015
This should stop weird prediction issues when playing at high ping (thanks to BogoJoker for supplying examples) such as this sinking feeling on dm4. It also makes movement on certain ramps at low ping much steadier, and wall-strafing should be a lot smoother. It also the first step in being able to use much larger maps for racing. The downside to this is that qizmo will no longer be able to connect to these servers.

If you are a player using ezQuake or FTE, there shouldn't be anything you need to do. FodQuake users must upgrade to the test version available on (many thanks to bigfoot for recently adding support).

I've had to patch QTV to make it compatible with this setting, and will update the master QTV source once it has had a bit of testing. Other server admins may want to enable this by default, simply add "sv_bigcoords 1" to mvdsv.cfg (and update QTV).

The bot-enabled servers ( have been updated already, please use these to see if you notice a difference (that might depend on how much wall-strafing you do). Unless any problems or objections come up, I'll update on Monday.
2017-03-09, 11:50
284 posts

Sep 2015
It has been pointed out that ezQuake 2.1 will be unable to connect to these servers either. I didn't really appreciate that people still used 2.1, I thought the upgrade problem was 2.2 to 3.0.

Am not going to make it voteable - it still blocks people on older clients wanting to watch via qtv, and blocking smoother performance for high-ping players because one person in the mix uses 2.1 isn't exactly progress.

The other alternative is to use new protocol extension for mvdsv, that updates the coordinates for players & entities only, and only for those whose clients support it (older clients would be unaffected) - I have implemented this, and it should result in smoother performance but only for users of the very latest ezquake nightlies, not 2.2 or any other client. I viewed this a short-term fix until fodquake was updated, and when bigfoot did that I presumed it wouldn't see light of day on a real server. If we go that route then people using 2.2 (or even 3.0.1 etc) will not see any benefit.
2017-03-09, 19:20
216 posts

Feb 2011
Yes, this is huge for making the game smoother at high ping!!!
2017-03-09, 19:33
1025 posts

Apr 2006
It's many years ago that we stopped supporting v2.2, even longer for 2.1. Since v2.1 and earlier versions contain several known vulnerabilities that could be used to hijack your computer, I strongly advise anyone still using v2.1 to upgrade to 3.x or atleast 2.2.
2017-03-17, 11:56
284 posts

Sep 2015
This has been enabled this morning, and QTV updated.
QTV has only had very limited testing on the race server, let me know if there are any problems.
2017-03-18, 10:39
245 posts

Jan 2006
@meag: try newest fodquake, try to spec, just get thrown out!
jumping around works though..
2017-03-18, 18:26
284 posts

Sep 2015
raket wrote:
@meag: try newest fodquake, try to spec, just get thrown out!
jumping around works though..

Dimman had a look and has found the cause - only when tracking a player as a spec, hopefully.
2017-03-19, 08:34
News Writer
912 posts

Jan 2006
Most servers run multiple ports... the best option would be to run sv_bigcoords on half of the servers but not all of them. On my servers I run sv_bigcoords on the first port only....

It is probably the only way to do it as people still run FodQuake and people still run Qizmo
2017-03-19, 09:34
284 posts

Sep 2015
dirtbox wrote:
Most servers run multiple ports... the best option would be to run sv_bigcoords on half of the servers but not all of them. On my servers I run sv_bigcoords on the first port only....

It is probably the only way to do it as people still run FodQuake and people still run Qizmo

Fodquake just has a couple places which need updated, then it should work fine (for my part, I'll be looking at qtv again today, I don't think it's quite right yet either). In the long term for race maps, there's no other option. For short term there's the latest ezquake nightly and mvdsv sending float coordinates to just those players, but that doesn't help anyone on 2.2/3.0/3.0.1. And for long term, larger race maps need larger coordinates (one of the reasons I split was so we could advance that quicker).

I'd be interested in implementing Qizmo features in mvdsv/qwfwd/ezquake, and getting to the point where they're not required any more and people can move away. The sourcecode has been lost, I don't think we should be relying on that anywhere.
2017-03-19, 17:02
60 posts

Sep 2016
I think teho was having issues connecting the other night - ezquake 2.1 I think
2017-03-19, 20:32
1025 posts

Apr 2006
lordlame wrote:
I think teho was having issues connecting the other night - ezquake 2.1 I think

Tell anyone you see still using 2.1 to upgrade to 2.2 if they don't want to go for v3, and do it ASAP.

v2.1 has serious security vulnerabilities; connecting to a malicious QW server is enough for someone to take control of your computer basically.

TL;DR; Just upgrade god damnit.
2017-03-21, 04:43
News Writer
912 posts

Jan 2006
dimman wrote:
v2.1 has serious security vulnerabilities; connecting to a malicious QW server is enough for someone to take control of your computer basically.

TL;DR; Just upgrade god damnit.

I think v2.1 is still allowed in many tournaments.... we should up this to 2.2 stable to try and force the upgrade. I've noticed, for some reason, many people use 2.2 alpha rather than the stable (and i've never figured out why)... they should probably upgrade too.
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