
Administrator 284 posts
Registered: Sep 2015
Hoping to kick off a discussion. Not that the one-day duel tournaments were terrible (they might not come back), but they seemed to be generating progressively less interest, and certainly for lower-skill players no interest at all. Possible alternatives: FFA tournamentFFA server is generally busy, I presume this would have enough numbers to be fun. Would need to think about the maps though... someone suggested dm1-6, then top X by frags go through to a decider on death32c? dm1 & dm5 anyone? No?  I'm probably most positive about this, would be a good break from duel and very casual. More one-off map tournamentsThere's quite a few maps worthy of trying out, but when we did monsoon for Thunderdome, we only managed to get 7 participants which didn't make me keen to push this any further. Without "give feedback for upcoming 'proper' tournament" there might be even less interest. Some kind of 4v4 draft- Team captains picked to start with, then drafting teams from those available - Need to think about what happens with 3 teams (round robin, 3 x dm3, 3 x dm2, 3 x e1m2?) so that one team isn't told to spec for an hour. - Also with 20 minute games and longer preparation time to get players /ready & on team-speak, would need to be max of 3 matches? - Off the wall ideas: mix teams every game, rank players by win ratio? Alter rules to make a 10-minute 4v4 'blitz' variation? - Think this would just degenerate into "mix night" which is maybe not a bad thing but not formal enough to make an event around All other suggestions more than welcome...
Member 12 posts
Registered: Aug 2016
i think "More one-off map tournaments" (Exileb1r6?) or "Some kind of 4v4 draft" (but i never played it before) 
Administrator 1265 posts
Registered: Jan 2006
I personally would like to see other mods. instagib can be fun. Chilling Spree has some very fun mods too (although some don't get displayed correctly on ezquake). Casual is the word. Having results on a webpage would be a major plus. imo... hf never argue with an idiot. they'll bring you back to their level and then beat you with experience.
Administrator 2059 posts
Registered: Jan 2006
If the 1on1 tournaments were to come back then i'd suggest doing straight up single elimination and using this as a part reason for casuals to sign up as it would be less of a commitment with one BO3 instead of three or four as with group stages. If you're out after one game you can always enjoy spectating the rest. Would probably make things easier to admin as well and the serious players would probably get enough games anyway.
Regarding game modes i think FFA should be a nice choice and mix things up a bit. I guess the format depends on number of sign ups though.
Not too sure about 4on4...it would be interesting to see if a draft league with set teams (players could still join the teams in the league after it started) would work with strict game days on Sundays over a few weeks, which is perhaps a bit what Ocoini was getting at in his post a couple weeks ago. It's a bit optimistic as Milton's ladder failed but that one was on the other hand started in middle of summer. www.facebook.com/QuakeWorld
News Writer 183 posts
Registered: May 2013
FFA tournamentFFA server is generally busy, I presume this would have enough numbers to be fun. Would need to think about the maps though... someone suggested dm1-6, then top X by frags go through to a decider on death32c? dm1 & dm5 anyone? No?  I'm probably most positive about this, would be a good break from duel and very casual. FFA map suggestions for your consideration... e4m3, dm2, dm4, dm5a, a2, spinev2, cmt4, schloss, ztndm6, ultrav, kikdm6, dark-terror-ffa, e2m2tdm, ferrum, headshot. Pleeeease no dm6! FFA on dm6 is a horribly frustrating experience, too easy for campers to dominate.
Member 60 posts
Registered: Sep 2016
1on1 tournaments were great - can we try one more with the original tb5? Split divisions?
Sunday evening is not a great day for people who work Mondays - Friday / Saturday would suit better
Can we check the server logs for busiest periods? Pie charts any one?
News Writer 183 posts
Registered: May 2013
Sort of along with what Lordlame was saying, maybe see if we can get organised things happening on other nights of the week. Maybe do something totally casual for just laughs like say at such a time on Friday's hook up on voice, crack open a beer, talk shit and play clan arena. Its something me and some friends already do from time to time so pretty sure I can get some folks together at a set time to get the ball rolling.
Administrator 891 posts
Registered: Jan 2006
All suggestions above are good. I've enjoyed all past events. I was certainly waiting for more one-maps (travelert6) coming next.
If we go down the 4on4 road I think it would help activity alot. I think it would be appreciated. But should stick to normal games (no 10mins). Captains draft every sunday (or sat) anyonr? Would be nice to gave such a thing rolling weekly! Join us on discord.quake.world
News Writer 222 posts
Registered: Jan 2013
It's been fun speccing duels, but I think 4on4 is a lot more fun, so I would play myself if that came along. Captains draft or something. And we could alternate the tourneys, have 1on1 the first Xday of a month, 2on2 the next, 4on4 the 3rd and FFA the 4th.
PS: A big yes to e4m3 as FFA map!
Member 65 posts
Registered: Apr 2017
I would like to see people playing travelert  Where is Orc?? 
Member 280 posts
Registered: Jan 2015
Streamed 4on4 draft picking and show matches or municups depending on how many captains // attendees.
Member 94 posts
Registered: Oct 2011
Sort of along with what Lordlame was saying, maybe see if we can get organised things happening on other nights of the week. Maybe do something totally casual for just laughs like say at such a time on Friday's hook up on voice, crack open a beer, talk shit and play clan arena. Its something me and some friends already do from time to time so pretty sure I can get some folks together at a set time to get the ball rolling. I am always on for some Clam Arena!
Member 65 posts
Registered: Apr 2017
It seems that tomorrow Saturday, Ragga is making some informal Clan Arena event Who would like to participate, show up online and follow the Ragga 
Member 94 posts
Registered: Oct 2011
Today. Super Fun Time Clam Arena Fridays with Ragga!
Member 87 posts
Registered: Apr 2011
Instagib tournament seconded! Would love some clan arena and FFA events too. And I miss speccing 4on4
