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Server Talk
2018-04-08, 12:09
284 posts

Sep 2015
Hi there

I'm hoping to add a local top-10 scores list for bloodfest this month, was wondering if there is anything else that needs sorted out while I'm looking round the code?

Some things I've had mentioned to me (haven't looked into these yet):

Competitive mode
- Top 10 scores for each map. Will be solo runs only at the moment. Keep track of frags, time alive & waves survived
- Tweak the rate at which monsters drop quads? Currently it's a flat %, maybe have it start at a lower % and increase over time, then drop back to lower value when powerup dropped?

- At least one monster to drop a quad in each wave?
- Option to disable team damage
- Ability to give everyone on team quad damage

If you don't know what I'm talking about, original bloodfest announcement was here:

Any other suggestions welcome
2018-04-08, 17:27
891 posts

Jan 2006
Great stuff meag, bloodfest is a fun thing that could use a little attention. I like your suggestions up there, and have of my own here:
* drop pentagram - invulnerability for 10(?) seconds
* drop ring - invisibility for 10(?) seconds

Also, the way to enable it is counterintuitive to me.
/votecoop and then change map to a supported map.
One way to improve it could be:
/bloodfest auto-change map to any of the supported maps (dabarello?), and maybe, additionally, present to the player a list of supported maps. A centerprint saying "server now in bloodfest mode - type 'bfmaps' to see supported maps" or similar.
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2018-04-08, 23:30
News Writer
493 posts

Jan 2006
Hi thanks bps, those are mostly my suggestions because I play bloodfest so much. I agree about making it simpler to enable bloodfest mod and the /bfmaps list. Right now there's only one obscure forum posting about the supported maps (also, "barrel" is absolutely the best bloodfest map EVER . And since most people don't know, maybe a centerprint during countdown saying "type /ready to join the game" if they're not ready yet.

Pentagram and ring are fun ideas as well. I think right now the biggest issue is when you're into the late stages of the game (10+ minutes), only quads can sustain you. So when you clear a map and no one drops a quad, you're almost guaranteed to die because there are so many monsters spawning.
2018-04-09, 09:34
891 posts

Jan 2006
Got one more idea: how about showing monsters in prewar? X number of Idle monsters wandering about. Potentially invulnerable, I dunno if it's even possible. This could help newcomers get the idea quicker, what's coming on the other side of /ready.
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2018-04-11, 10:20
1265 posts

Jan 2006
thanks meag for bringing this up

there are some neat ideas here already. priority wise, i think /bloodfest and /mapsbf would be more important, top scores on website would be be a plus ofc

some personal input: i guess what annoys me the most about bloodfest is the long wait times if someone skilled is playing. My suggestion is to try to minimize that: adding a "hardcore" mode. the hardcore mode would be more difficult than the default mode. Adding such a mode would have 2 advantages: less "game-time", and thus allowing more player rotation, less waiting, more fun in the first minutes (which are dull for a skilled player), and the less skilled players could have fun too, playing the default mode.
I'm sure there are plenty of ideas for hardcore mode

Another suggestion is having dynamic wave times, i mean, the more players alive, the faster the next wave.

As im re-reading this, and taking into account the other suggestions already made, maybe it would be interesting to add a "competition mode", also difficult but with more static rules. for example, fixed wave times, one powerups per live player per minute spawns. such a thing could be used for bloodfest tournaments 1 player, 2 players, 3 players, n players rankings

oh well here i am writing long texts... back to work
never argue with an idiot. they'll bring you back to their level and then beat you with experience.
2018-04-11, 12:42
284 posts

Sep 2015
Thanks for the feedback guys.

Like the idea about a different set of variables for competitive vs party mode, will definitely see what can happen with that. I haven't gone in-depth to the source-code yet so not sure how long this stuff will take but a more consistent test where ratings are involved is always better.

Unfortunately /bloodfest is also the name of the map? Maybe /bloodfest <map>?

Pent & ring do currently drop, but less often, and only if enabled by the server - in nquakesv these are disabled in the map's config file (powerups drop 4% of the time)
2018-04-11, 17:14
891 posts

Jan 2006
meag wrote:
Unfortunately /bloodfest is also the name of the map? Maybe /bloodfest <map>?

I wanna go the full way and suggest contacting the author to rename that bsp in favor of a true command.

meag wrote:
Pent & ring do currently drop, but less often, and only if enabled by the server - in nquakesv these are disabled in the map's config file (powerups drop 4% of the time)

Cool, had no clue it was already in
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