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Server Talk
2018-04-12, 08:42
284 posts

Sep 2015
Server config
  • Race demos weren't uploading from new race server to website - fixed. Missing demos have been uploaded.
  • Ports :28505 & :28506 now available on nl/race server
  • Old wasn't configured to save race demos correctly, looks like some demos have been lost Apologies for this.

  • Server-side autotrack should now keep working when both players die in duel (thanks to praxismo)
  • Bugfix where server could get in strange state (constant teleporting) if bots enabled and server reset on default map (thanks to bgnr & ake)
  • race_cancel doesn't show previous completed time (thanks to Timon)
  • LGC mode (not that new, but forgot to announce it before)
    • /lgcmode to enable
    • DMM4, but: LG only, no armor pickups, buttons don't activate, no bonus powers at 300h, no overtime
    • Frags = 1 frag for 100 damage (damage frags)
    • LGC Score = LG% x frags
    • Undershaft = LG% fired before hitting target
    • Overshaft = LG% fired after target is dead
    • Bots don't fire when you're out of range & don't get less accurate if you hit them

  • Servers on homepage now update automatically every 30 seconds
  • Servers with matchtag 'mix', slots free & in standby are highlighted in yellow
  • Servers with matchtag 'join' now highlighted in yellow (even if game is in progress... need to think about this one more)
  • Demo search now matches substrings as long as term is 3 characters long
  • Demo search now matches against tournament team names

LGC challenge
  • Play against a bot on, 1on1, skill 10, LGC mode (make sure you see it in countdown)
  • Website will keep track of your attempts & best score (e.g.
  • Demos should be uploaded if the score is top 5
  • Server will keep track of other skill levels but website doesn't show at the moment

Let me know of any issues. Still need to extract pacemaker files for all race routes, lots are missing at the moment.

(Edited 2018-04-13, 14:14)
2018-04-12, 11:35
65 posts

Apr 2017
lil lethalwiz will try its best
2018-04-13, 06:15
891 posts

Jan 2006
These are great updates, nice work meag!
I'm eager to test it out.
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2018-04-13, 13:02
News Writer
183 posts

May 2013
Ahh makes sense now. Glanced at the QTV list on the badplace website yesterday and saw Prax scoring 90+ frags in POV and wondering "What the F*** is going on there?" lol
2018-04-13, 14:57
284 posts

Sep 2015
Bugs fixed (thanks to prax for reporting):
  • Player aliases with no player account appeared blank
  • Ordering of league was upside down (oops)

Bugs fixed but not live yet:
  • When reporting confirmation of result, orange characters in name are encoded incorrectly

Map support: technically the website will keep track of the following maps, the example was just povdmm4 because that seems to be the 'standard' when people are showing off LGC demos on YouTube etc.
  • amphi
  • amphi2
  • dm2dmm4
  • dm6dmm4
  • dmm4_1
  • dmm4_3
  • povdmm4
  • povdmm4b
2018-04-17, 20:16
891 posts

Jan 2006
meag wrote:
[*] Servers with matchtag 'mix', slots free & in standby are highlighted in yellow

- does not work on, 7/8, /4on4 mix.
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2018-04-17, 22:51
284 posts

Sep 2015
bps wrote:
meag wrote:
[*] Servers with matchtag 'mix', slots free & in standby are highlighted in yellow

- does not work on, 7/8, /4on4 mix.

Stupid bug, should be fixed now.
2018-04-18, 20:07
891 posts

Jan 2006
Since you don't display ip:port but hostname, could you add numbers to for separation?
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2018-05-03, 09:56
284 posts

Sep 2015
bps wrote:
Since you don't display ip:port but hostname, could you add numbers to for separation?
  • Server scripts set port in hostname again
  • Website should correctly over-rule the QTV address in cases when newer mvdsv is being used but QTV's external address isn't set (recent bug)
  • Bots: bots weren't identifying markers flagged as 'unreachable' (this helps a bit with dm4)
  • Bots: crash bug on CMT4, but they'll never open the door... need to check Trinca's cmt4 definitions
  • Bug stopping the map automatically resetting due to long uptime
  • Players joining during intermissions have null models set, so they don't clog up existing player's view
  • KTX stores markers in the .mvd for item & backpack spawn/pickup events

This last one is to help clients with item timers, which due to the nature of .mvd files is very error-prone. This won't be getting used in ezquake 3.1 but I'd prefer the demos had them so that it can use them in future. For an example of these events driving the itemlist, there's a recent div2 game... it's still a bit buggy (backpack pickups disappear too quickly sometimes) but it's a lot more reliable than the client guessing what is going on. Ideally a protocol extension will explicitly send notifications to the players in future, so we can get rid of the client guessing on such an important aspect of the game.
2018-05-13, 07:52
28 posts

Jul 2013
Cool a leaderboard !
2021-08-09, 01:12
150 posts

Nov 2006
The LGC bot challenge is not active anymore?
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