188 posts
May 2007
I was playing with the idea to set up a QW server, but honestly, I have no idea what kind of specs I should look for.
I read about AWS EC2 but they have a lot of
different versions.
Can anyone recommend a service? Additionally, is there any European city we are lacking a server in to improve games between certain areas?
Thx a lot in advance
2059 posts
Jan 2006
I was playing with the idea to set up a QW server, but honestly, I have no idea what kind of specs I should look for.
I read about AWS EC2 but they have a lot of
different versions.
Can anyone recommend a service? Additionally, is there any European city we are lacking a server in to improve games between certain areas?
Thx a lot in advance
The free-for-one-year (you just have to give up your credit card details) EC2 servers are enough for QW servers, probably quite a few QW servers running on it already at the moment.
188 posts
May 2007
Hey Ake,
Thanks a lot. I have no idea what speccs the server (aws ec2 t2.micro) has and QW needs. Will the AWS just run QW or almost not be bothered by the work load of being a QW server. How strained is the AWS in your experience by function as QW server?
Does it make sense to get a server in Milan or Paris instead of the typical locations Franfurt/London/Stockholm to improve games for players from e.g. Portugal and Central Europe? And if yes, Milan or Paris?
654 posts
Nov 2008
Hey Ake,
Thanks a lot. I have no idea what speccs the server (aws ec2 t2.micro) has and QW needs. Will the AWS just run QW or almost not be bothered by the work load of being a QW server. How strained is the AWS in your experience by function as QW server?
Does it make sense to get a server in Milan or Paris instead of the typical locations Franfurt/London/Stockholm to improve games for players from e.g. Portugal and Central Europe? And if yes, Milan or Paris?
Possibly. Hit up Dirtbox or any other server owner on Discord and I'm sure they'll help you out with everything you need, it's possible that they miss this thread or that it gets lost in other spam.
Good idea btw!
114 posts
Sep 2013
258 posts
Feb 2006
Keep in mind that QW is almost 25 years old. Server requirements from ~20(?) years ago:
Quakeworld game server howto. Also some testing was done with
Raspberry Pi.
Sure the server requirements have increased but I think most of AWS instance types would be more than enough to run two or three 4on4 servers. We used to have 20 players on TeamFortress server which had Pentium Pro 200 with 64MB of memory and 10Mbit/s Internet connection.
1265 posts
Jan 2006
the lowest spec should be fine for 90% of the scenarios.
there are already servers using amazon EC2 and google Cloud.
Milan would be only helpful if we had players in north africa or the middle east, not for west europe
I don't think right now there are needs to spawn new servers. i would save your "free tier" for the future.
never argue with an idiot. they'll bring you back to their level and then beat you with experience.