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Member 12 posts
Registered: Jun 2006
for many years i was using a setup that practically no one knew bout i guess and got a little negative feedback on it
a - jump s - strafe left f - fire g - strafe right mouse 2 - forward mouse 1 - back
i switched over to
mouse 2 - jump mouse 1 - fire
and is taking a little while to get used to but im gettin the hang of it
what is so much better with this setup then my old one? id like to see some of your guys movement setup as well just to get an idea. Thanks,
dan -krauty
Member 135 posts
Registered: Jan 2006
Just download some cfg's and you will see deferent setups.
Member 226 posts
Registered: Jun 2006
I think clicking as opposed to tapping the keyboard is easier because you know for sure when you click that you are going to jump. Sometimes you might tap the keyboard too lightly, but with my mouse just a little pressure sets off a click. But I guess if you are used to that and it worked for you, then it is fine. I think you might find the new set up feels more natural to you though because your movement is now easier to reach. I dunno though, all personal preference.
News Writer 493 posts
Registered: Jan 2006
I think people who use the mouse buttons (namely right-click, since left-click is universal for +attack) for things you don't use ALL the time is a waste! The mouse is by far the best instrument you have; therefore you shouldn't waste on jump. It's true that you bunnyhop a lot, but you press +forward a lot more. my setup is left-click +attack right click +forward space +jump.
Member 1754 posts
Registered: Jan 2006
w a s d=movement space=jump mouse1=rl/ssg mouse2=shaft/boomstick mouse3=gl/sng mouse5=axe
Member 200 posts
Registered: Apr 2006
a - +back s - +moveleft d - +moveright mouse2 - +forward
mouse1 - fire
q r c t lalt lwinkey lshift - various weapons
Member 59 posts
Registered: Jan 2006
t g r y=movement
e = sng
Member 129 posts
Registered: Mar 2006
numpad 8 4 5 6 mouse1 +attack mouse2 +jump
I find it easier to rj with jump on mouse2
News Writer 646 posts
Registered: Mar 2006
Most setups are quite similar so it boils down to preference and what you are used to.
Of course, if you are using something as convoluted as the first post, where you have to move your hand between such basic things as strafes and jumps, you will notice an immediate improvement when you switch over to a "standard" setup.
All in all, you should simply minimize the amount of physical movement you have to do (not counting pressing the actual keys) -- because extra movement only lowers your reflexes.
As for what to put on mouse buttons, that depends. My only concern with often-clicked items on mice would be the concern that mouse buttons wear off faster than keyboards. At least they used to. I wore off one of my mice back in the day in something like a month -- and it was only the right button (+forward) that was worn off, so I knew the cause.
But these days, mice are pretty sturdy (at least I haven't worn off any buttons yet), so I guess its personal preference. A high sensitivity (3-5 360-degree revolutions per mouspad) can help with various movements, but will hurt your aim a little bit. For killer aim, low sens (0.5-2 revs) will sacrifice your turning radius (and your carpal tunnel, because with low sens you actually have to pick your wrist up to "spin" the mouse when you need a tight turn). A good middle ground I've found is 2-3 revs per mousepad (or you can do what I did: 5.5 rev per mouspad, but a little script to halve that (to 2.75) when firing lightning gun. The con to this script is that LG/RL and RL/LG combos are not as effective)
For reference, my setup is: m1 fire, m2 forward shift - shaft qwe - gl,rl,lg asd - left,back,right space - jump mwheelup - +jump;wait;+attack
Member 805 posts
Registered: Mar 2006
q = left w = right s = back Rmouse = forward Lmouse = attack space = jump a = shaft tab = next weapon caps = rocket shift = grenade d = sshotgun https://tinyurl.com/qwbrasil - QuakeFiles
Member 1754 posts
Registered: Jan 2006
who's the guy who taught his pinky to play quake? can't remember who but I remember the post...
Member 811 posts
Registered: Jan 1970
Keyboard ======= wasd - Movement q - +movedown e - +moveup space - +jump shift - +walk ctrl - +zoom
Mouse ===== mouse1 - +attack mouse2 - +attack2 mouse3 - reload/other mwheelup - impulse 10/next weapon mwheeldown - impulse 12/prev weapon
News Writer 493 posts
Registered: Jan 2006
who's the guy who taught his pinky to play quake? can't remember who but I remember the post... you don't use your pinky?
Member 66 posts
Registered: Feb 2006
mouse2 = forward alt gr = back , = s left . = s right space = jump sg = m ssg = l ng's = n gl = b rl = mouse1 shaft = mouse3 ez? just use what you feel most comfortable with and make most of it ![](/images/smileys/emoticon_grin.png)
Member 80 posts
Registered: Jan 2006
mouse2 = forward alt gr = back , = s left . = s right space = jump sg = m ssg = l ng's = n gl = b rl = mouse1 shaft = mouse3 ez? just use what you feel most comfortable with and make most of it ![](/images/smileys/emoticon_grin.png) Thought I was the only one who used that side of keyboard for movement. M = back , = strafe left . = strafe right space = jump mouse2 = forward rl K lg Mouse3 sg mouse4 ssg N gl L
Member 22 posts
Registered: May 2006
Damn. You people have some strange bindings! Didn't know so many people use mouse2 for +forward and some don't even have movement buttons next to eachother on the keyboard....dudes, where u come up with that shit?
Me, I learned to play with arrow buttons, mouse1=attack, mouse2=jump, communcating thru qizmo voice, only having like one or two weapon binds because I was playing TF. Switching to DM meant like 100 more binds (weapons, team msgs) and having to think which button would say_team what I wanna say, but I kept my holy mouse intact, mouse2 for jumping babeeh! :rolleyes:Makkara ja muusi, siivoappas suusi. Oon vähän *diun daun*[url=http://www.anttituisku.fi/ke
Member 355 posts
Registered: Jun 2006
E = forward S = left D = back F = right mouse2 = jump
Older setup mouse2 = forward , = left . = right / = back right ctrl = jump
Member 637 posts
Registered: Jan 2006
ROFL @ that last wicked old setup man, that's truly awesome you managed to play on that!
I won't be inventive, WSAD + mouse2 jump ftw http://slip.4.pl/ - unblocking myspace facebook firewall
Member 59 posts
Registered: Jan 2006
t - forward g - back r - left y - right space - jump
Member 247 posts
Registered: Jan 2006
W forward S backward A moveleft D moveright E jump ![](/images/smileys/emoticon_grin.png) ![](/images/smileys/emoticon_grin.png) ![](/images/smileys/emoticon_grin.png) ![](/images/smileys/emoticon_grin.png) ![](/images/smileys/emoticon_grin.png) ![](/images/smileys/emoticon_grin.png)
News Writer 438 posts
Registered: Jan 2006
U forward J backward H left k right
Mouse1 rl Mouse2 jump mouse3 lg,ssg,ng,sg altgr gl windows key sng
I think the most different is if u are a "space" jumper or "mouse" jumper. Myself prefer mouse because u can do rj better.
Member 87 posts
Registered: Oct 2006
szxc (jump,left,back,right) mouse1 (attack) mouse2 (mforward) mouse3 (shaft or sg) space (switch to GL) crtl (switch to RL)
Iv'e been thinking of moving the shaft to a key instead. I find that having such an important weapon like the shaft on mouse3/wheel makes me too dependent on the ergonomics of the mouse a (placing and pressure resistence of the wheel). I've tried out just about any mouse on the market and sometimes find that the shaft doesn't work out, or that reaching the wheel compromises grip. Then again perhaps I should also consider converting to "wasd" with jump on mouse2 too, like most people are using.
Been pondering this question for nine years. Help!
Regards, PaRadiZer
Member 59 posts
Registered: Jan 2006
just practice with different setups PaRadiZer ![](/images/smileys/emoticon_smile.png) nobody can help u find the best setup for u.
Member 151 posts
Registered: Feb 2006
yup, practicing and trying out setups is by far the easiest way to find the best one for you. Ive been playing for 10 years and my setup has changed loads over the years and my skillbase improves and i need to alter my setup to suit. My latest change was moving the jump function to the mouse2 button when i became competant at bunnyhopping, mainly because I found it easier.
People use all kinds of setups and it is only personal preference. Nothing more and nothing less. If you want to move you shaft key/button then do so, and if you find you lose grip of the mouse thats fine. If you can get along with it then use it and if you dont like the feel then ditch the idea. Play around until you find something that feel great and stick to it.
If you try and get all scientific then you are being too fussy, but all the function you need to perform should feel natural and as effortless to complete as possible, and when its like that you know you have it set up your way.
for reference:
wasd - movement shift - swing the axe
mouse1 - fire rl mouse2 - jump tilt mousewheel left - sg tilt mousewheel right - ssg dpi + button (just below wheel) - gl dpi - button (just below the plus) - nails side button - _point
space - hold to change mouse1 from rl to lg.
and i use the g5 so you can understand the buttons im talking about.
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