Up2nOgOoD[ROCK]  /  17 Oct 2007, 06:09
New BSP (map tool) Release
Taken from the site's about section, "BSP is a freeware map editor for Quake, Quake2, Half-life 1, Hexen2, and other games based on these engines." Work restarted on this wonderful map maker about a year ago, and on the 10th BSP saw another update. Some major features of this tool include:

- 24-bit texture support
- OpenGL transparency
- wireframe mode
- modern menu/usability enhancements

Some screenshots:
1 2 3
(wireframe, color grouping, opengl transparency)

Modern map makers should definitely have a look at this tool. Because of its heavily development it may be more useful and friendly than what you are currently using.

Visit the BSP website here.
Full list of latest changelog after the jump.
- Added new support for loading jpg,tga,png image formats.
- Added "gl_skybox" setting, set to 1 to enable skyboxes. "gl_skybox_path" sets location of skybox images. "gl_skybox_name" sets filename of skybox to load. Name matches to 6 images ending with up,dn,ft,bk,lf and rt before the file extension.
- Added command "CM_LIST_SKYBOX" to display a list of skyboxes in the configured directory.
- Added "gl_enable_stencil" setting. Required for skyboxes, but can be disabled if necessary.
- Added high-res texture support in GL mode. High-res textures are loaded from a specified directory and match the original .wal texture name. Added two settings to the "Game" group so textures can be configured per game: "gl_highres" to enable/disable high res textures, and "gl_highres_path" to set a semicolon-separated list of paths to search for textures. Using high-res textures will increase your memory usage and may slow down rendering a bit.
- Entities can be rendered translucent with "gl_trans_ents" setting.
- Improved handling of leak files. GL mode will render .pts and .lin with thick lines.
- Fixed crash on Win98 when opening help file.
- "Replace texture" will update 3d view.
- Added command "CM_SHOW_PALETTE" to display the current palette.
- Added drag and drop capability - open maps and images (jpg,tga,png) by dragging files onto the main window.
- Removed "BSPBuild" support (sorry if you used it, I had plans to replace this that went unfinished)
2007-10-17, 10:17
plz make the "header" smaller
2007-10-17, 12:56
Nice program. Support .map and it is compatible with GTK Radiant ?
2007-10-17, 21:37
now make some map contest :X
2007-10-19, 09:41
soo nice, but what for if everyone just playes tb3 :/
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