After a 6 hour long tournament Carapace came out victorious after 13 rounds of 1on1 matches.
He held his number 1 spot for an impressive 10 rounds winning streak.
Coming second we got Bulat, managing to knock Carapace down from the hill near the end, but ultimately losing his spot to Carapace in the finals.
A very respectable third place we got Rasta with an unexpected last game win against [DP] BlooD DoG, who came fourth.
Good games everyone! Long Live the King!
Signups open!
This coming Sunday 4'th September, a 1on1 tournament in King of the Hill style.
Playing classic maps. Dm2,Dm4 and Dm6.
There will only be one King!
Signing up is not really required
Just try to :
You have to be online and in the channel 15 minutes before start.
You have to indicate in the channel that you want to play.
The people with voice are signed up.
And stick around.
Depending on signups of course, I expect it to take 2-3 hours at most.
Come play with us in #sundayspawnfraggin on IRC as we arrange tournaments/games each Sunday!
Or arrange your own event if you want to !