Difference between revisions of "Sers"

From QWiki
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vid_mode 6
vid_mode 6
Desktop resolution of 1024x768  
Desktop resolution of 1024x768
Font resolution of 320x240 with font smoothing on
Font resolution of 320x240 with font smoothing on
LG901B CRT set at 100hz
LG901B CRT set at 100hz

Revision as of 19:22, 4 August 2011

  • Nick: sers
  • Nationality: Flag de.gif German
  • Current clan: Flag gb.gif Demonic Core
  • Aliases: Rakone; yggdrasil; schutzwhr
  • First spawned: 1996
  • Map: DM4 and End
  • Colors: 12 2
  • IRC: #dc_tactics @ QuakeNet
  • OS: FreeBSD 8.2-RELEASE; winxp sp3
  • Client: ezquake nightly build

Clan history


  • 3rd place/rank ZKM Q3 tournament
  • Frag of the week winner @ qwdrama


lo; tnx; pld


Cmdline [insert setup and client location, an ezquake nightly build in my case]

-mem 128 -noforcemparms -noforcemaccel -noforcespd -nocdaudio -ruleset smackdown


Ready - Break script

alias red_1 "ready ;bind p red_0"

alias red_0 "break ;bind p red_1"

Volume script

alias Select.Vol.01 "volume 0.05 ;bind l Select.VOL.00 - Select.VOL.02;echo - volume set to: 0.05"

alias Select.Vol.02 "volume 0.1 ;bind l Select.VOL.01 - Select.VOL.03;echo - volume set to: 0.1"

alias Select.Vol.03 "volume 0.15 ;bind l Select.VOL.02 - Select.VOL.04;echo - volume set to: 0.15"

alias Select.Vol.04 "volume 0.2 ;bind l Select.VOL.03 - Select.VOL.05;echo - volume set to: 0.2"

alias Select.Vol.05 "volume 0.25 ;bind l Select.VOL.04 - Select.VOL.00;echo - volume set to: 0.25"

alias Select.Vol.00 "volume 0.0 ;bind l Select.VOL.05 - Select.Vol.01;echo - volume set to: 0.0"

Teamplay messages ON/OFF script

alias teamplayon "exec config/teamchats.cfg; echo TP_MSGS ON; bind F9 teamplayoff"

alias teamplayoff "exec config/bindings.cfg; echo TP_MSGS OFF; bind F9 teamplayon"


Mouse polling rate - USB port patch 500/1000hz

This patch has been tested on winxp sp2 and sp3 using the G1 mouse. [usbmrs11.exe]

Applying the patch using winxp sp2;

Use the mouserateswitcher (usbmrs11.exe) to patch your usb port.

Step 1:

Boot your os in safe mode with administrator privileges.

Step 2:

Locate the usbmrs11.exe tool, execute it, to apply the patch click 'Patch' and do a 'Y' (YES) at the desired rate/hz, for instance 500/1000hz.

Step 3:

Reboot your os normally and use the mouserate.exe tool to verfify that your mouse is working at the set rate/hz.


I would advise that you patch the USB port at 500hz, since it has proven that 1000hz does not always function flawlessly.

Applying the patch using winxp sp3;

Given that you have upgraded from sp2 to sp3, the usbmrs11.exe tool will return an error when patching your usbport.sys file. A workaround for this problem is simple.

Step 1:

Use your original winxp home/professional install CD and extract the usbport.sys file from the SP2.CAB file.

Step 2:

Create a backup of your usbport.sys file in use, which is located in the directory C:\WINDOWS\system32\drivers and keep this backup. Just in case something should go wrong and you can then rollback to the previously working usbport.sys file.

Step 3:

Overwrite the usbport.sys file in C:\WINDOWS\system32\drivers with the one you have extracted from the SP2.CAB file from your original winxp install CD.

Step 4:

Reboot your os normally to see if everything works properly.

Step 5:

Reboot your os in safe mode with administrator privileges and follow the instructions given at Applying the patch using winxp sp2.

Step 6:

Use mouserate.exe to verify that your mouse is working at the set rate/hz.

Mouse settings

6/11 in winxp os mouse speed settings [acceleration and mouse shadow disabled]

m_pitch 0.022

m_yaw 0.022

m_accel 0

m_side 0.8

m_filter 1

m_rate 500

in_mouse 3

in_m_os_parameters 3

sensitivity 9.24987654321

Test -m_smooth and -dinput in your Cmdline. [I'm not using it.]

vid_mode and Monitor

vid_mode 6

Desktop resolution of 1024x768

Font resolution of 320x240 with font smoothing on

LG901B CRT set at 100hz


demo_capture_codec xvid

demo_capture_fps 50

demo_capture_dir movies

bind 8 "demo_capture start 400 name.avi"

bind 9 "demo_capture stop"

Using vid_mode 4 when capturing

Favorite tools and stuff

grep; infrarecorder; cdrtools; cdex; LAME; sandboxie; scp; wget; sha1sum etc; truecrypt; testdisk; tcpdump; ipfw; OpenSSH; RSA; csh; irssi; znc; gnupg; ee; vi; netstat; sysinstall; sysctl; ntpdate; find; cat; sockstat; ifconfig; awk; du; ls; top; last; init; pf; ps; last; getty; tty; screen; putty; winscp; google talk; msconfig; services; bash; dig; nslookup; nmap; ssh-keygen; opera; curl; notepad; flashfxp; cmd; winamp; 7-zip; file; nginx; eggdrop; metasploit; mapivi; IPSeccmd; pwd; make; date; freebsd-update; portupgrade; rm; mv; cp; cd; chmod; touch; echo; wc; pkg; pipes; fstat; etc ...

csh prompt

csh prompt -> set prompt = "%T|%n@%m:%~%# " in your .cshrc

commands etc

echo hw.syscons.bell=0 >> /etc/sysctl.conf du -a . | sort -rn du -h filename | awk '{print $1}' ls -lah filename ls -lah filename | awk '{print $5}' stat -s filename file * uname -a ; id ls -F (*after executables, /after directories, @after symbolic links) ps aux | grep searchforwhatever cat filename | more/less which ps/grep/etc (where in the user's path the command ps/grep/etc is) whatis * (about binaries in the current directory) find / -name "*filename*" -ls last df w kill -9 PID vi ESC i/a/x/:w!/:q!/:wq//goto dmesg | head ee date chmod chmod go-w,a+x FILE (example)

cd /usr/bin man -f *

pkg_info whereis lsof pkg_add -r lsof cd /usr/ports/sysutils/lsof make make install make clean or make install clean hash -r or rehash

/var/run/dmesg.boot (hardware)

cat file > /dev/dsp (soundcheck)

/etc/group (users/groups) /etc/shells (shells) /etc/hosts (you can work with .local)

screen irssi (ctrl+a/d) screen -raAd

flow-control (XON/XOFF) ctrl+s (freezes terminal) ctrl+q (unfreezes terminal)

checking for duplicate ports/installs pkg_info | sort | sed -e 's/-[0-9].*$//' | \ uniq -c | grep -v '^space:*1'

print a man page man name_of_manpage | col -bx | lpr

echo $SHELL

/etc/fstab /bin/kill /usr/ports/ /var/logs/

in your .cshrc

alias j jobs -l alias lls ls -isal alias s1 ipfw -a list alias s2 ipfw -t list alias off shutdown -p now alias offr shutdown -r now alias tcp tcpdump -vv alias timeset ntpdate time.nist.gov

FreeBSD update/upgrade

freebsd-update fetch freebsd-update install freebsd-update -r 8.2-RELEASE upgrade (only in the same 7./8./etc series) freebsd-update install shutdown -r now freebsd-update install

scp stuff

Copying file to host: scp SourceFile user@host:/directory/Targetfile

Copying file from host: scp user@host:/directory/SourceFile TargetFile

Note that if the remote host uses a port other than the default of 22, you can specify it in the command. For example, copying a file from host: scp -P 2222 user@host:directory/SourceFile TargetFile

for i in `cat hosts`; do nslookup ${i} >> ips; done


ssh ssh-keygen ssh-keyscan

nmap stuff

nmap -PN -T4 -p1-65535 -n -v ip nmap -sS -sU -A -P0 -vv --allports --version-all -p0-65355

ls -l /dev/tty* | grep -v root ls -l /dev/pts/* ps -fC sshd

ls /boot/kernel/ | grep "ko" (which modules are loaded)

System administration

Linux System Administration Linux Network Administration TCP/IP Illustrated

Windows xp stuff

device manager -> netbios disable -> hidden devices -> netbios over TCP/IP -> disable com+ disable -> comexp.msc -> component services -> properties -> disable com plus serives -> server -> disable (amongst many other useless services, better off them today)

dig +trace +additional -t A www.foo.info. nslookup whois

Linux guide

fibel.org/linux/lfo-0.6.0-1/lfo.html fibel.org/linux/lfo-0.6.0/index.html

Useful sites

anubis.iseclab.org freebsd.org openbsd.org netbsd.org xfce.org virustotal.com virusscan.jotti.org irssi.org openindiana.org crux.nu dict.cc slashdot.org tasvideos.org quakeworld.nu quakeservers.net uttergrottan.localghost.net/ezquake/dev/nightlybuilds/


touch /var/account/acct accton /var/account/acct echo 'accounting_enable="YES"' >> /etc/rc.conf check out 'sa' lastcomm ls

External links