Clan Database
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All clans 819 | ||||
European 680 | International 58 | Multinational 65 | ||
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Pages in category "Clan Database"
The following 819 pages are in this category, out of 819 total.
- A
- Ace of Spades
- AD112
- AEsir
- Aggressive Quaking Bitches
- Aggressive Tendencies
- Airwalkers
- Akademikerna
- Alien Invasion
- Alien Nation
- Allans Vittnen
- Allied Campus Quakers
- America Must Die
- American Gangsters
- Ancient Gods
- Angels of Death
- Angry Peasants
- Animaniacs
- Antiquad
- AntraX
- Apocalypse 2000
- Archive
- Area 51
- Armageddon
- Arsenic
- Artists of Death
- Asdf
- Ashock
- Assassins
- Asterisk
- At My Friends Wedding
- Attack from Mars
- Aut Vincere Aut Mori
- Ax3
- BaconMen
- Bad Boys
- Bad Game Slackers
- Bad Luck Troopers
- BadBoys 4 Life
- Ballistic
- Barrel of a Gun
- Basement Dwellers
- Batida Swing
- Bauman Angels of Death
- Bavaria
- Be Evil
- Bear Beer Balalaika
- Beasts of Deletion
- Best Quake Players
- Bezmysi
- Billy's Burgers
- Bingo
- Black 100
- Black Eagles Guards
- Black Force
- Black Legion
- Black Lords of Inefficiency
- Black Troopers
- Blacklight
- Blisters
- Bloodpunch
- Bodycount
- Boefje
- Boeg
- Boomstick Brothers
- Boomstick Ownators
- Boomstick Warriors
- Bored With Life
- Born 2 Frag
- Bosams
- Boyzone
- Braindead (German Clan)
- Brit
- BroilerFabriken
- Brother Organization Together
- Brotherhood
- Brotherhood of Blood
- Brotherhood of Cruel Men
- Brotherhood of the Herb
- Brothers of Metal
- BRotherZ
- Brutal Cavemen
- Brutal Deluxe
- Brutal Jackals
- Brutality
- Buckshot Brigade
- Bufflarna flyger i luften
- Bukkake Samurai
- Cacodemon Clan
- Campbusters
- Campbusters Team 2
- Cannon Fodder
- Carnage Clan
- Carrying Justice
- Central Beating
- Charlatans
- Chickenshit Commandos
- Children of Biohazard
- Chopstick Ninjas
- Chosen
- Cityline Support Department
- Civil Disobedience
- Template:Clan
- Clan 53
- Clan 666
- Clan 9
- Clan Armageddon
- Clan BAH
- Clan Best
- Clan C6
- Clan Code
- Clan Corpus
- Clan CRusadeRS
- Clan Cube Squad
- Clan Cute
- Clan Danube
- Clan Death
- Clan Dunno
- Clan FeDex
- Clan Ghost Bear
- Clan gRUS
- Clan HOT
- Clan IGG
- Clan IT
- Clan JRQ
- Clan Knightmare
- Clan MalFunction
- Clan McCloud
- Clan Metally Troopers
- Clan Morpheistz
- Clan NB
- Clan Okey
- Clan One
- Clan Pendragon
- Clan prozac
- Clan Ragnarok
- Clan Royal
- Clan Smiley
- Clan tayto
- Clan TFS
- Clan Unf!
- Clan z
- Clan Z
- Clan Zero
- Clark Kent
- Classic
- Cleaners
- Cobots
- Coitus
- Color Web
- Combat Plebs
- Comfortably Numb
- Commando
- Complete 47
- Comrades in Arms
- Core (Hungarian Clan)
- Core (Swedish Clan)
- Corpse Grinders
- Crazy 88
- Crime Force Quakers
- Cross Defenders
- Cruel Masters of Destruction
- Crusaders
- Cubic
- Cult Of The Shadows
- Cult19
- Cyber Quakers
- Cyber Quest
- Cyberknife
- Cyberquest
- Da Gambinoz
- Da Imperial Executors
- Da Quaking Manjakks
- Da Swedish Gibbers
- Da Swedish Mob
- Daltons
- Damagers
- Damneds
- Dangerous Dogs
- DanTist
- Dark Abbots
- Dark Deviants
- Dark Union of Souls
- Dark Vengeance
- Darktribe
- Das Pentagon
- Data Force
- Template:Dead Clan
- Dead Presidents
- Dead Rabbits
- Deadle Union Of Special Troopers
- Deadlier Than Satan
- Deadly Onslaught
- Death Corps
- Death Dealers
- Death from Crosshair
- Death Guns
- Death Row
- Death team
- Deathmatch Forces
- Deathmatch Zone
- Defining Stars
- Degeneration-X
- Demolition Crew
- Demonic Core
- Denial
- Detox (clan)
- Devil's Dream Team
- Die Fette Faust
- Dies Ater
- Dimension X
- Dinosaurus & Noobs
- Disconnect (German Clan)
- Disconnect?
- Disney Devils
- Disorder
- Div Sub-Zero
- Div99-Pulsar
- Divide et Impera
- Division Ninety Nine
- Dodge This!
- Dogs
- Dood Na Afslachting
- DOOM company
- Dota Allstar Guys
- Downfall
- Drastic Collision
- Dreadful offensive Squirrels
- Druidz
- Dust (Polish Clan)
- Dutch Hope
- Dwellers of Darkness
- Dybbuk
- E
- E:rfurt A:llS:tars T:eam
- EarthQuake
- Ease
- Easy To Kill
- Easyriders
- Edge Of Madness
- Eelskins from outer space
- Egentillverkade Gigantiska Dammsugar-Attrapper
- Elements
- Elit
- Eläintarha
- Empire of Azeroth
- End of Days
- EnemyQuad
- Energetic Extermination
- EnslaveD
- Epic
- Eradication Instincts Defined
- Eradication On Arrival
- Ernie Killers
- Et cetera
- Eternal Union
- Euthanasia
- Evil Geniuses
- Evil Men
- Evil Penguins
- Evilution
- Exist
- EXtreme
- Extreme Schizophrenia
- Fagomatic
- Fakin' Idiots
- Fallen Angels (Australian Clan)
- Fallen Angels (British Clan)
- Fallen Angels (Danish Clan)
- Fallen Archangels
- Fappers
- Fatal Error
- Fatal Rockets
- Fatal Unity
- Fate of Atlantis
- Feske Gobbah
- Finnish Allied Quakers
- Finnish Army Troops
- Fire Legion
- Fired
- FireWolf
- Firing Slackers
- Firing Squad
- First
- Firstaid
- Flaming Fist
- Flying Suicide Commando
- Fnu
- Followers of the Bananameister
- Force 9
- Force Majeure
- Four Kings
- Frag Executors
- Frag Kings
- Frag Messengers
- Frag Shack
- Fraggers United
- Fragging Gods
- Fragomatic
- Frula Klan
- Fuck Off and Die
- Fudoh
- Full Connect
- FUn!
- Funeral Birds
- Funky International Pirate Superstars
- Fury
- Fusion (Clan)
- Fx (Dutch Clan)
- Hangar 18
- Hannover HeadHunters
- Happy Campers
- Happy Clan
- Hard Guns Crew
- Havana Affair
- Headcharge
- Heavy Devils Sweden
- Hehe Holkeri Hävisitkö Voittos?
- Helheim Kommando
- Hell Patrol
- Hellbringers
- HellFire
- Hellraisers
- Hidden Skills
- Highlanders
- Hippushnik
- Hixos
- HO
- HoLy
- Holy (Swedish Clan)
- Hopelessly Insane
- Hyphen
- Hyvät, Pahat ja Rumat
- Ice Climbers
- Icon of Pain
- Iconoclasts
- Illumination
- Immortals
- Imperial Bounty Hunters
- Imperial Icemarines
- Impulse (Finnish Clan)
- Impulse 9
- In a Blaze
- In Bloom
- In Flames
- In Real Lifers
- Incarnate
- Increators
- Infernal Machines
- Template:Infobox Clan
- Inner Circle
- Insanity
- Insomnia
- Insomnia Resurrected
- Irish Rangers
- IT
- L7
- Last Episode
- Lastentarha
- Laxtrappans hjältar
- Lazy Campers
- Leftovers
- Lege Artis
- Legion of Apocalypse
- Libidus Animalis
- Like Gods of The Sun
- Limbs Away!
- Linda
- List of the Twisted
- Lithium (Swedish Clan)
- Lizards
- Lockup
- Lordlame legends
- Lords of Darkness
- Lords of Krikkit
- Lords of War
- Loser Squadron
- Lost
- Lost Control
- Lost Legion
- Lucky Strikers
- Luis Clan
- Lumbago
- M00
- Machinery
- Mad (clan)
- Mad Cockroaches
- Mad Dogz
- Madness and Mayhem
- Maffia Nallarna
- Magnum
- Malevolent
- Malice
- Mandalore Warriors
- Maniacs
- Marauders Squad
- Massacre @ Chicago Smooth
- Masters
- Masters of Fire
- Masters Of Fire
- McMental
- McNailz
- Mean Machine
- Medieval Spawns
- Memento Mori
- Mere Mortals
- Metalheadz
- Mikke Mus Klan
- Millennium
- Milton's Militia
- Minos Academy
- Miscellaneous Misfitz
- Misericordes
- MisteRs
- Misy
- Mmm.. gibbz
- Mob of Oddballs
- Modem Power
- Monasteria
- Morituri
- Moscow Keepers
- Moscow Quake Forces
- Mudak Style
- MumS
- Murderers and Demolishers
- Mutant Penguins
- Mythical Legends
- N27
- Na Fianna
- Nasty Beasts Inc
- Natives
- Natural Born Fraggerz
- NecroRaisers
- Needless Violence
- Nemocnà RytÃÅ™i
- Networked Intelligent Beingz
- New Breed
- New Expert Gamers
- New Nightmare
- New Wave
- Night Raiders
- NightGloom
- Nightmare Creatures
- Nightmares on Planet Earth
- Nitro Force
- No Brains
- No Existence
- No Problem!
- Nobbs R Us
- NoN
- Noobs R US
- NoPasaran!
- Nordic Animals In Motion
- Northmen of apocalypse
- Noskill
- Nothin' But Fuckin' Scum
- P1mpology
- Panic (Dutch Clan)
- Papa Figo
- ParamedicS
- Paranoia
- Paranoids
- Paras
- Peking Quakers
- Pentagon
- People of Spindle
- Peterburg Killers
- Pigs of fucking fury
- Pilosator Cowboys
- Pink Panthers
- Play For Fun
- Polarna i Ljungby
- Polarnai Ljungby
- Polonez
- POrn
- Postal Justice
- Protectors of the Old Generation
- Proud like Gods
- Psi-Corps
- Psycho Farmers
- PsychoHaloons Crew
- Pulverizing Mongo Strutsers
- Qandrane
- Qmax
- Quad quakers clan
- Quad Squad
- Quadaver
- QuadBait
- Quadrangers
- QuadSäue
- Quake Army Of Destruction
- Quake Guardians
- Quake Lords
- Quake New Religion
- Quake Police Dept
- Quake United Tiger Attack
- Quake-o-Holics
- Quake-o-Holy
- Quakeklan
- Quakeklan 2
- Quakeklan.b
- QuakeMaster Clan
- Quaker in Black
- Quakers in Black
- Quakescouts
- QuakeWorld Legends
- QuakeWorlders
- Question
- Quinas
- Rabbit Dogs
- Radiant Nails
- Radiation Decay
- Raging Evil Destroyers
- Rapid Fire
- Ravage (German clan)
- Really Dirty Dolls
- Rebellion of Thunder
- ReBorn
- Rectum Intruders
- Red Armour Whores
- Red Devils
- Redux
- Remix
- Reservoir Dogs
- Resident Evil
- Respawn Addicts
- RetroRockets
- Revolution
- Riders of Telgar Weyr
- Rikoll's Primary
- Robot Killers
- RS Terminators
- Russian Players - Raiders
- Russian Shamblers Team
- Sadist Quake Nation
- Sadtroops
- Samojedit
- SaS
- Satan's Soldiers
- Satanic Slaughter Clan
- Satanic Slayers
- Sauerkraut, Pierogi, Köttbullar and Torsk
- Sauna
- Schroet Kommando
- Second
- Section
- Section Seven
- Sega Gubbar
- Segfaulters
- SEvEn
- Severed Head
- Sexy
- Shadow Minions
- Shadow Minions M
- Shining Force
- Short Circuit
- Shortys
- Shot to Bits
- Sick Kunts
- Sisters in Quake
- Sitting Ducks
- Skelletons With Style
- Skylla
- Slackers
- Slackers 2
- Slaughter Clan
- Sledge Hammers
- Smack that Ass
- Smolenskiy Farmer
- Soda
- Softology
- Soldiers of Doom
- Some Lame Russians
- Sons of Anarchy
- Sons Of Stalin
- Soul Assassins
- Spartacus
- Spawn Clan
- Special Patrol Group
- Splatt
- Star Alliance
- Stasi
- Storviks Hjältar
- StrikeForce
- Stål-Kalle Klanen
- Sublime
- Suddendeath
- SuddenDeath Project
- Suddendeath2
- Suspected
- SweD
- Swedish Chefs
- Swedish Legion of Lobotimizers
- Swedish Peace and Arbitration Society
- Swedish Super Cops
- Symphony Of Sickness
- Sympozium
- Syndicate Quake Clan
- System7
- Sênior
- T.A.B.U
- Tactical Powerless Amebas
- TC
- Team Einstein
- Team Freedom
- Team Supreme
- TeamKillers
- Teamkillerz
- Terminal Gibbage
- Terminator Clan
- Terror Forge
- Terrorgruppe
- The 4 Knights
- The Artists
- The Axemen
- The Boss
- The Brotherhood of Thangorodrim
- The Bush Wackers
- The Captains
- The Chosen Ones
- The Criminals
- The Damned
- The Dark Icemarines
- The Desperados
- The Divines
- The Dojo
- The Dominican Order
- The Dragons
- The Fighting Foes
- The Forsakens
- The Fragging Pumpkins
- The Ghurkas
- The Gibbers
- The Green Machine
- The Hackers' Enigma
- The Haedsmasherz
- The Hell Clan
- The Immortals
- The Lost Vikings
- The Loughborough Confederation
- The Millenium Outcasts
- The Morbid Crusade
- The Norse
- The Order Of Qaos
- The Outcasts Clan
- The Pimps
- The Pooh Clan
- The Predators
- The Pures
- The Riddlers
- The Shadow Warriors
- The Shadows
- The Suicide Quad
- The Suspected
- The Team
- The Teddybears
- The Tragedy
- The Twats
- The Unclan
- The Unresting Souls
- The Vicious Vikings
- The Viper Squad
- The Voodoo Posse
- The Vortex Lords
- The X
- The X Files
- Three Finger Salute
- Thundercats
- Tigers Moscow Forces
- Time To Respawn
- Toc
- Tormented Souls
- Triada
- Tribe of Tjernobyl
- True Bastards from Hell
- Try Again
- Try Hard DM'ers
- Tumult's Tryouts
- Twilight Warriors
- Töölö Locals