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Revision as of 20:26, 29 September 2020

[e][h]GetQuad! Nations Cup
League Information
Brazil ohl, Hungary Toma, United Kingdom HangTime, Sweden alice
Start Date:
End Date:
dm2 • dm3 • e1m2

The return to an official, international tournament, is here.

Shifting away from the draft format that has been fairly successful over the past couple of years, and following the success of the recent Quakecon at Home duel tournament, which involved participants from multiple continents, a number of unofficial showmatches have been arranged between the likes of UK & Ireland UK & Ireland, Australia Australia, Brazil Brazil, US & Canada USA & Canada and Portugal Portugal.

This has helped to demonstrate the interest in staging international games once again and hence GetQuad! are now formalising this into an official tournament.


  • League format: Round-Robin Group stage with top 4 advancing to Playoffs
    • Group stage: BO3 (the team that picks first is selected by /rnd())
    • Playoffs: BO5 (where #1 play against #4, and #2 play against #3)
    • Maps: TB3 (if both teams agree, other maps are allowed)
  • Preferably teams are by nation, but if there’s not enough players from one nation, teams can be a mix of nations, but admins have to approve
  • Multiple teams per nation is allowed, but each team needs a unique team manager
  • Players can choose to play within the team of their country of origin, or to play in the team of their country of residence
  • Each team has to elect a team manager, who’ll have to deal with admins, schedule matches, and define team lineups for each match. The team manager needs to sign up the team for the tournament. Signup form
  • Server selections are up to the team managers, but equal pings are mandatory!

Results & standings

Global Finals
1. Sweden Swedenbps, raket, ok98, Shaka, XantoM, fgh, tumult, skurk 2-0 4-0
2. Finland FinlandMilton, HENU, Creature, fix, mazer 1-0 2-0
3. Australia AustraliaYeti, HarlsoM, dracs, blindcant, swoop 1-1 2-2
4. Norway NorwayStalkerrh, Effie, baresi, nigve, Macisum, Link, ocoini, Robin 0-1 0-2
5. Poland Polandinsane, Riki, Tom, Samon, Goniec, Blasphemer, Tiall, Chmielu, Pooll, tiaido, blassy 0-1 0-2
6. Russia RussiaBilly The Kid, gLAd, Zeppski, Quake, Bulat, Gorgoroth, NLK, SS, max_power 0-1 0-2
7. Brazil BrazilAlien, Fantasma, GT, Lessa, Mur, Nemesis, Power, Soultaker, anik, fore, gns, lit, morph, snoopy - 0-0
8. France Francebernkaoch, bleader, Klice, tet, hunter, kenzu - 0-0
9. US & Canada North AmericaBLooD_DoG, BogoJoker, vegeta, Rusty, Dusty, sane - 0-0
10. Portugal & Spain Portugal & Spainmushi, hammer, nitemare, eb, ztranger, diehuman, norules, orc - 0-0
11. UK & Ireland UK & IrelandHangTime, sae, lordlame, Er, gore, John rambo, Nautilus, Turbo, Skulker - 0-0
France France 0 0 Brazil Brazil
Poland Poland 0 0 Portugal & Spain Portugal & Spain
Russia Russia 0 0 Sweden Sweden
UK & Ireland UK & Ireland 0 0 Finland Finland
Australia Australia 2
Australia Australia
Norway Norway
20 September 2020 12:00 CEST
Harlsom, Yeti, Blindcant, Swoop
Nigve, Ocoini, Stalkerrh, Link
Harlsom, Yeti, Blindcant, Dracs
Nigve, Ocoini, Stalkerrh, Link
0 Norway Norway
Finland Finland 0 0 Australia Australia
Sweden Sweden 0
Sweden Sweden
UK & Ireland UK & Ireland
4 October 2020 22:30 CEST
0 UK & Ireland UK & Ireland
Portugal & Spain Portugal & Spain 0 0 Russia Russia
Brazil Brazil 0 0 Poland Poland
North America US & Canada 0 0 France France
Poland Poland 0 0 US & Canada North America
Russia Russia 0 0 Brazil Brazil
UK & Ireland UK & Ireland 0 0 Portugal & Spain Portugal & Spain
Australia Australia 0
Australia Australia
Sweden Sweden
26 September 2020 23:00 CEST
dracs, yeti, Harlsom, blindcant
bps, ok98, tumult, skurk
dracs, yeti, Harlsom, blindcant
bps, ok98, tumult, skurk
2 Sweden Sweden
Norway Norway 0
Norway Norway
Finland Finland
29 September 2020, 22:00 CEST
0 Finland Finland
Sweden Sweden 0 0 Norway Norway
Portugal & Spain Portugal & Spain 0 0 Australia Australia
Brazil Brazil 0 0 UK & Ireland UK & Ireland
North America US & Canada 0 0 Russia Russia
France France 0 0 Poland Poland
Russia Russia 0 0 France France
UK & Ireland UK & Ireland 0 0 US & Canada North America
Australia Australia 0 0 Brazil Brazil
Norway Norway 0 0 Portugal & Spain Portugal & Spain
Finland Finland 0 0 Sweden Sweden
Portugal & Spain Portugal & Spain 0 0 Finland Finland
Brazil Brazil 0 0 Norway Norway
North America US & Canada 0 0 Australia Australia
France France 0 0 UK & Ireland UK & Ireland
Poland Poland 0 0 Russia Russia
UK & Ireland UK & Ireland 0 0 Poland Poland
Australia Australia 0 0 France France
Norway Norway 0 0 US & Canada North America
Finland Finland 0 0 Brazil Brazil
Sweden Sweden 0 0 Portugal & Spain Portugal & Spain
Brail Brazil 0 0 Sweden Sweden
North America US & Canada 0 0 Finland Finland
France France 0 0 Norway Norway
Poland Poland 0 0 Australia Australia
Russia Russia 0 0 UK & Ireland UK & Ireland
Australia Australia 0 0 Russia Russia
Norway Norway 0 0 Poland Poland
Finland Finland 0 0 France France
Sweden Sweden 0 0 US & Canada North America
Portugal & Spain Portugal & Spain 0 0 Brazil Brazil
North America US & Canada 0 0 Portugal & Spain Portugal & Spain
France France 0 0 Sweden Sweden
Poland Poland 0 0 Finland Finland
Russia Russia 0 0 Norway Norway
UK & Ireland UK & Ireland 0 0 Australia Australia
Norway Norway 0 0 UK & Ireland UK & Ireland
Finland Finland 2
Finland Finland
Russia Russia
27 September 2020, 21:00 CEST
Milton, HENU, creature, fix
gor, zp, max_power, gLAd
Milton, HENU, creature, fix
max_power, zp, gor, gLAd
0 Russia Russia
Sweden Sweden 2
Sweden Sweden
Poland Poland
25 September 2020, 23:55 CEST
bps, xantom, raket, shaka
insane, tom, goniec, riki
bps, xantom, raket, shaka
insane, tom, goniec, riki
0 Poland Poland
Portugal & Spain Portugal & Spain 0 0 France France
Brazil Brazil 0 0 US & Canada North America

Server settings

  • TeamOverlay: the team, who is not selecting the map, decides the TeamOverlay setting for that map. For 3rd maps the TeamOverlay setting must be randomized (/rnd TO_on TO_off). But teams can agree on the TeamOverlay setting (always on, always off)
  • Timelimit: 20 minutes
  • Overtime: 5 minutes if match is a draw
  • Deathmatch mode: 1
  • Teamplay mode: 2
  • Spawn mode: KTX2 Respawns
  • Powerups: ON
  • Discharge: ON
  • KFjump: Toggled OFF (command = tkfjump)
  • Airstep: OFF
  • Jawnmode: OFF
  • Antilag (or equivalent): ON (unless both teams agree to play without it.)
  • Fallbunny: ON (if server allows)
  • No berzerk, midair, instagib or other unusual modes.
  • If a team requests nospecs-mode, the other team is obliged to comply.

Match Reporting

  • The winning team's manager should report the match on the GetQuad Website. (You need to create an account.)
  • In order for a match to be valid, you'll need to have screenshots and demos from each played map

Allowed clients

Allowed rulesets

  • ezQuake: smackdown, qcon
  • Clean report reply on "f_ruleset" check! No "-f" in the check report, so no individual enemy skins allowed
  • FTEQW: strict
  • FodQuake: eql
  • Players should do f_ruleset checks before game start. It is ultimately the responsibility of the players to perform this check, and in general, matches played with outlying rulesets will not be overturned, if the players neglected to perform this duty. Where there is ambiguity, the decision will be decided by the Admins.

Allowed proxies

  • QWfwd
  • Qizmo 2.91

Using disallowed clients/proxies might lead to points deduction or even a WO.

Scripting and cheats

  • cl_fakeshaft (only mentioned here as it used to be forbidden)
NOT allowed
  • movement scripts (ezquake: cl_idrive must be OFF)
  • kfjump
  • custom rocket jump scripts
  • Any other kind of movement scripts
  • Automated teamsays
  • Radar
  • Skin changing depending on health/armour/weapon
  • Custom models not allowed by f_modified
  • Any kind of cheat (wallhack, aimbot, timers etc.)
  • Hacked clients