Smooth Quake in Linux

From QWiki
Revision as of 23:31, 5 March 2011 by *>Fog (→‎Mouse)


Users have reported that running a second x server can give a more responsive quake LINK
Excerpt/Conclusion from the above link:

  • To run your engine in a second X server (which might help on various occasions) on virtual terminal 12 (you could switch between regular X and 2nd one by pressing ctl+alt+f7 and ctr+alt+f12):

xinit /path/to/your/executable_or_script -- :1 vt12

  • If you want you can also create a new xorg.conf for this new X server and specify it via attaching "-config xorg_qw.conf" in the command line.

xinit /path/to/your/executable_or_script -- :1 -config xorg_qw.conf

  • You can also simply type xinit -- :1 to get an console where you then start the game.


  • Guide to change mouse Hz: LINK
  • multithreaded mouse to get more smooth feeling

To get EVDEV mouse working you will have to make /dev/input/device readable, since we now dont know which device is our mouse, we just do "chmod +r -R /dev/input/" which must be run as root.
In ezQuake there is a command to check what event the mouse is on, check by typing: in_evdevlist
Set in_mouse 3 and then in_evdevice /dev/input/eventX where X is the number you got from in_evdevlist.
Type in_restart and it should work!

Note: If you get laggy/skippy input from the keyboard when using high refresh rate mouse polling, you could try switching keyboard drivers if you want to keep the mouse the way it is. My keyboard frequently ignored my commands when using 1000hz evdev+ evdev keyboard, so I switched them to mouse/kbd X11 drivers and things seem okay now.



  • Got software mixing and problems with sound in ezquake? SOLUTION: add +set s_device dmix to command line and don't use local .asoundrc
  • if you don't get sound at all with those settings try doing these things:

- add yourself to group 'audio' ($ addgroup username audio) ; then disconnect/reconnect (login)
- $ echo 'ezquake-gl.glx 0 0 direct' > /proc/asound/card0/pcm0p/oss (might need to chmod it first)

Launch ezQuake by clicking on qw:// links in your browser

KDE (untested):

exec=/path/to/qw/ezquake-gl.glx +qwurl '%u'
  • Save this code in ${KDEHOME}/share/services/qw.protocol

Adapted from

Gnome (untested):

gconftool-2 -t string -s /desktop/gnome/url-handlers/qw/command exec /path/to/qw/ezquake-gl.glx +qwurl "%s"
gconftool-2 -t bool -s /desktop/gnome/url-handlers/qw/enabled true
gconftool-2 -t bool -s /desktop/gnome/url-handlers/qw/needs_terminal false 

Adapted from


Create a new file containing this:

# ezquake launcher script for qw:// links
exec /path/to/qw/ezquake-gl.glx +qwurl "$@"
  • Save it as and chmod +x it. Place it in your qw folder.
  • In Firefox go to about:config.
  • Rightclick, "new" -> "string": "" "/path/to/"
  • Rightclick, "new" -> "boolean": "network.protocol-handler.external.qw" "true"
  • Rightclick, "new" -> "boolean": "network.protocol-handler.warn-external.qw" "false" (unless you want that "are you sure" box)

Common problems

Unlike Windows, Linux is case-sensitive, which means "PaK0.pAk" and "pak0.pak" are different files. If you just copied the Quake directory from your Windows machine, it's possible that there are some files in upper case. Fortunately, that's easy to fix.

  • change to your main quake directory

e.g. 'cd /home/joe/quakeworld'

  • convert every file in your Quake directory (including all subdirectories) to lowercase, run this little script (by faustov@ryba):
#! /bin/bash

Cdir ()
for elem in * ; do
        if [[ -d "$elem" ]] ; then 
                mv "$elem" "$(echo $elem | sed -e 's/./\L&/g')" 2> /dev/null
                elem=$(echo $elem | sed -e 's/./\L&/g');
                cd "$elem";
                cd ..;
                mv "$elem" "$(echo $elem | sed -e 's/./\L&/g')" 2> /dev/null


Compile ezQuake yourself

You can use SVN to get the latest development sources and compile ezQuake yourself.


  • A working Internet connection
  • Installed software
    • SVN (package subversion)
    • gcc, make... and a sane buildsystem (mainly build-essential)
    • bunch of development libs for x11/etc look for something like "libx11-dev" name differs in distros, you also need mesa/alsa/x11 dev files (Debian/Ubuntu packages libglu1-mesa-dev, libasound2-dev...)


  • change to your home directory
cd ~ 
  • create a directory to store the source code
mkdir ezqsrc 
  • change to the ezqsrc directory
cd ezqsrc 
  • checkout the code from svn
svn co  ezquake
  • install some libraries
    • change to libs directory
cd ezquake/libs/linux-x86/
    • invoke a script downloading precompiled versions

Note: there is now a x86_x64 directory too for x86_64 support

    • If you use Debian you may instead:
aptitude install libexpat1-dev liblircclient-dev libjpeg-dev libpcre3-dev libpng-dev libtcl-chiark-1 libz-dev libzip-dev
  • change to the main code directory
cd ../.. 
  • compile the OpenGL binary
make glx 

If everything went smoothly, your freshly compiled binary can be found in release-x86/ezquake-gl.glx


Get masterservers from QuakeServers
Modeline generator

* needs clarification >
need to browse through > xorg.conf talk. need to wikify extract info and wikify.