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Revision as of 09:11, 8 April 2024 by Record (talk | contribs)

When 4on4 Bootcamp went inactive, in order to promote QuakeWorld and attract less experienced players to TDM, record, who just returned from ~10 years QW-break, decided to form a new team consisting of Bootcampers (initiative owned by Doomie and company helping newcomers to start their QW adventure by playing practice games with coaches on voice), CPMA, 1on1 and FFA players with mix of rusty oldschool QW boomers to have some fun playing casual 4on4 and learn some TDM. Once disbanded majority of players joined D99.


Team 1 name = $0$0$7
Team 2 name = ^O^O^7


  • Founded: 2021 by record
  • Nationality: Flag eu.gif European
  • Clan prefix: 007 / OO7
  • Clan colors:   4     0  
  • Clan colors:   5    11 

Former members


Year Place Event Mode With Prize
2023 A22nd Qlan War Tournament 3 Div 2 4on4