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Revision as of 13:52, 6 August 2024 by Mushi (talk | contribs)
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A Discord bot created by Ch0wW to broadcast ServeMe messages on Discord.


Add ServeMiscord to your Server

Use this link to add ServeMiscord to a Discord server that you manage.


Commands can be sent by an Admin of the Discord server.

!sm_enable : Enables the ServeMiscord service on the server.

!sm_disable : Disables the ServeMiscord service on the server.

!sm_setchannel : Updates the channel desires for ServeMiscord messages.

!sm_stats : Shows some statistics related to ServeMiscord.

!sm_settings : Shows the settings that ServeMiscord currently uses.

Commands with variables

!sm_setstyle <value> : Changes the style for the messages. Values are:

0 : Classic IRC-Like messages
1 : Formatted message + Preview Embed
2 : Formatted message only
