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Revision as of 12:51, 4 September 2024 by Link (talk | contribs) (→‎Info/Rules)
[e][h]QuakeWorld SuperLeague
Qwsl-logo 01.png
League Information
Start Date:
End Date:
dm2 • dm3 • e1m2 • Schloss • Anwalk2 • Phantombase • Rocka • Obsidian • Qobblestone • Dust2 • Italy • Nuke • Stronghold • Forsaken • Cmt4

The QuakeWorld Superleague will be a 4on4 league making 1-2 seasons per calender year: October to December/January and January/February to April/May. It will probably be standard 1 game per week with divisions based on team skill.

Teams will play each other 2 times; home and away games. The home team will select the map pool. There will be 5 map pools to select from: Number of maps will be 15. The least picked map(s) each season will be replaced by other maps.

Divisions will be max 6 teams (10 games = 10 weeks). Hopefully we can signup 12 teams (2 divisions) the first season. Division games will be GO3. Top 4 to BO5 playoffs. The playoff maps will be the 5 most picked from the season.

Head admin of the league is Flag no.gif Link.

League start October 2024 (signups start September).

This page is being updated constantly.


  • Divisions: Clans will be seeded and placed in divisions.
  • Division match procedure: All division games are GO3. First map pick decided by cmd rnd. Second map is picked by the clan who didnt pick first. If 1-1 the clan who picked first map will toss one map out of the remaining three maps, the other clan will then toss one map out of the remaining two maps and then you play the last remaining map. If 0-2, the clan with 0 wins will pick 3rd map. No map can be played twice.
  • Playoff match procedure: Playoff games are BO3 except the semis and final/broze game wich are BO5. In BO3 the first map pick is decided by cmd rnd. The second map is picked by the clan that didnt pick the first map. If 1-1 the clan who picked first map will toss one map out of the remaining three maps, the other clan will then toss one map out of the remaining two maps and then you play the last remaining map. No map can be played twice. In BO5 the first map pick is decided by cmd rnd and then the clans will pick every other map until one of the clans won 3 maps. No map can be played twice.
  • Server settings: Standard settings set by command /4on4
  • Reporting: Report the game with screenshots in #eql22-reports on EQL discord
  • Clans and players: State your lineup when signing up. A player can not play in more than 1 clan.


  • The primary driver for server selection is to find a server where the teams have similar average pings (+/- 2ms) and to minimize that average.
  • The pings should be the most even for the two teams and measures like cl_delay_packet or proxy rerouting to balance pings should be employed. A team with a higher average ping than their opponent on a given server may request the opponent to do this (or change server to somewhere with lower average ping).
  • Matches must be played on EU servers.
  • The highest minping that can be required is 39ms. This may occasionally mean matches played with uneven pings where one team has high pinging players, e.g. NA players on EU server.
  • This process applies for every map played. Where lineup changes are made between maps it may become necessary to switch servers or adjust pings at the request of either team to rebalance pings.
  • Servers that are providing significant packetloss that cannot be avoided by proxy rerouting should generally be avoided unless both teams agree to play there.
  • If a clan request antilag 1, then this setting is to be used.
  • If players still can't agree on a server, please contact admins about it. Admin decision is final and refusal to play on a server designated by neutral admins will be considered a WalkOver loss.