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Player Information
Lars Erik H.
September 22, 1971 (1971-09-22) (age 52)
First spawned:

As many others (who were born in the 70ies) played some DOOM in the 90ies and when Quake got launched in 1996 that was pretty much it. Co-founded one of the first Norwegian clans, Flag no.gif Dead Presidents, with a group of friends. So my original nick was [DP]Lincoln, but of course since everyone said the shortname "Link", that got stuck, and when the DP era came to its end i just kept the nick "Link". Sorry to those who think i ever played Zelda!
Co-founded Little Green Men with Flag no.gif Lordlynx. Didn't agree much on the name but Lordlynx refused so LGM it was lol. Moved on and co-founded Los Ocho Locos with another group (yes we were 8 players), a clan that had nice activity in the period it ran, we even played in the North European Clan League.

Then started the Whatever era. Whatever was founded by Flag dk.gif Paradoks and myself. Paradoks moved on pretty quickly after Whatever started, he was ofc above our skill level so that made sense, and he co-founded Slackers. Paradoks' irl friend, Flag dk.gif Kelvin, came on board and he was doing a lot of stuff like a kickass homepage etc. He also helped out with the infamous Lame-ever updates that ran for a while (lets see if i can make a wiki page for that some day). For a period Lame-ever got pretty popular and updates was demanded by the ppl. Kelvin also started up the CS-divison of Whatever, a thing that went on for years and i belive they became pretty good in the Danish CS scene, at least they were very active. How ironic! Whatever ran for 2-3 years and activity was nice and we had some consistency in the squad, amongst them the founding members of Flag no.gif The Axemen.

Whatever finally dried up and i joined Flag no.gif The Axemen for 2 seasons of NQR. Followed by 1 season with Flag se.gif Bad Game Slackers and 1 season with Flag se.gif Zundbyberg_aZZ_KickerZ.
After that i was pretty much fed up with a lot of stuff and a QW-break was incoming. Little did i know that IRL took its toll and the break lasted more or less over 10 years.

After that long break i wanted to play some again and I managed to get some old legends back in the game as i founded Outdated who played in EQL21. Flag se.gif Sniket and Flag no.gif Sectopod were legends of the game and oldtimers like Flag no.gif Effie, Flag pl.gif Billy, Flag fi.gif Aikon (rest in peace dear friend), amongst others joined in and had a good time.
After this adventure things faded out again and it would take another 3 years before i got active again.

2019: Back for good? The clan/4on4 scene was pretty much dead in 2019 so something had to be done. So i founded GetQuad! along with Flag fr.gif Praxismo (John). The rest is history as it spawned several seasons and i was back in activity and i still am. Obviously playing in draft tournaments means you didn't join a team/clan for very long but Aviators kept on going for several tournaments in the new 4on4 era that started with GetQuad!

Admin Bio

After attending the very first big quake Lan Event in Norway, things would never be the same. Organizing stuff was merely a means to an end; to play quake, and if something needed to be done to play, i would help out as best as i can. I am not 100% sure of the correct timelines, but this is what my memory tells me:

Asked Flag fi.gif Vertigo to re-open Duelmania for another season and he approved. Flag no.gif Ibsen coded the page and we were ready to go.

CHSD had an ongoing map project where the goal was to come up with more maps for 4on4, as the scene was struggeling to get a wide acceptance for a 4th and 5th map in 4on4 (was generally voted on). It had come to a stop and i was asked by Flag de.gif Apollyon to "give it a try". A long story short: It resulted in the CMT maps, as i worked with mappers Flag fi.gif Zaka (cmt1b), Flag ru.gif Gromm (cmt2), Flag se.gif Baby roo (cmt3), Flag gb.gif Slayer (British Player) (cmt4) and Flag pl.gif Qurnel (cmt5pro).

Joined the NQR-crew in NQR season 3, as Challenge Smackdown was ending its era. Admin in season 3 and 4. Ran NQR-CMT 2 seasons (league for cmt maps only). Set the standard for news updates on played games to make more content. Left the crew before season 5 due to controversy regarding maps.

Custom Duel Map Tournament. Ran some duel tournaments on new/custom maps and the activity/participation was ok.

Started a new project for all game modes but motivation ended and it didn't run for very long. Probably the last thing i did before the 10+ year break from qw.

The 4on4 scene was in a poor state inn 2019 so i co-founded GetQuad! with Flag fr.gif Praxismo. Got 80 signups within 1 week and 4on4 was back in shape. From April 2019 to December 2022 GetQuad! spawned 6 draft seasons, 1 nations cup and 2 custom tournaments.

Did a dm4 duel tournament with Flag ie.gif Lordlame.

Did a duel tournament with Flag ie.gif Lordlame. One of the best duel tournaments i ever saw online because of the incredible small margins. So many players knew how to play this and the drama was relentless. Many times you could just flip a coin for the outcome.

Did a 2on2 tournament with the assistance of Flag ie.gif Lordlame, Flag fr.gif Praxismo and Flag se.gif Alice.

Founded QWDUEL League and went with a world wide project.

Founded Qlan War Tournaments. After GetQuad!'s 6 seasons of 4on4 draft tournaments it was time to get Clans back in action. A dedicated discordserver with many players who wanted to play Clans again made it happen. From January 22 to April 24 it spawned 5 seasons, 1 elite tournament and 3 custom tournaments. Flag se.gif Hooraytio and Flag se.gif Alice organized the last season. Hooraytio then resurrected European Quake League (EQL Season 22) and the Clans and discordserver were transferred to EQL. Qlan War Tournaments resurrected the clan scene and it was only natural that a legendary league like EQL continued with the clan scene.

Co-founded QML with Flag no.gif Ocoini and D99. This was a recruitment project to help rookies/low-skilled players to play organized 4on4 on an "equal" playing field.

Founded QuakeWorld Superleague, wich is ongoing now.


In the early 2000's i got involved in organizing and was, among other things, involved in LAN parties in Oslo. One organization in Oslo, called NLO: Norsk Lan Organisasjon (translated to: Norwegian Lan Organization), had a big attic in an apartment building in the heart of downtown Oslo, where you could bring your own PC. They had open 24/7 friday to sunday and for a small fee you could LAN/INET your heart out there whenever you wanted in the weekends.
This is probably the place i founded my lame duel-playstyle as i would play countless games on dm4 vs Flag no.gif Cataclysm and Flag no.gif Sectopod; if i wanted to win some rounds i needed to play someone else lol.
NLO also ran a gaming site ( and would eventually also get a deal with a German owned PC Gaming Magazine for producing the Scandinavian issues of the magazine. Sometime 2004-05 i then wrote a 2 page article about quake/quakeworld/qhlan, wich included interviews with Flag se.gif aKKe, some rookie i cant remember and Flag es.gif Pericles, who came all the way from Spain to attend QHLAN.


I also did an online signature campaign in a hardcore gaming community in an attempt to organize gamers, so that you could have a platform to build on. That spread pretty rapidly and over 2000 people signed it within days (with realnames). I printed out the signatures, set up a meeting with the The Norwegian Sports Confederation and presented the case: "Can we get help to set up our own co-federation under your umbrella, we are willing to pay for it". They turned it down ofc saying "it is not a sport". It got some media attention as the early 2000s was the explotion for online gaming and the biggest newspaper in Norway interviewed me and made an ARTICLE about it. The article has been cut short though and dont tell the full story because its over 20 years old. A popular radio show also wanted me live on air for an interview where i tried to explain what was going on.

Attended several QHLAN's in the early years, the first being QHLAN 2.

MAP Projects (editing....)

Did an ARTICLE on the amazing Flag pl.gif PL LAN. Attended each year after this.


<Link> ra safe