Tribe of Tjernobyl
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Swedish clan Tribe of Tjernobyl - "What are on?"
- Founded: December 12, 1996
- Nationality:
- Clan prefix: ToT
- Clan colors: 12 4
- IRC channel: #ToT (QuakeNet)
- Website:
Inactive members
Band, CapCop, Fx, Impulse, Seeker, Slabby, Sibbit, Slime, Stykkz, Zlo
Former members
Belgarath, Case, Diki, Eject, Freddo, Hellman, Hixo, Hlt, Madmax, Purity, Rokk u, Shiva, The Chosen One, Valla, Xalibur, Znappe, Panic
- Quarterfinalists Smackdown North Europe season 1
- Quarterfinalists Smackdown North Europe season 2
- Eighthfinalists Smackdown Europe season 3
- Eighthfinalists Smackdown Europe season 4
- Semifinalists Smackdown Europe season 5
- Quarterfinalists NQR Season 3 division 1
- Eighthfinalists NQR Invitational Classic Cup
- Eighthfinalists NQR Season 6 Gold Cup (Match report of Eighth Final vs Fragomatic)