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- ManP
- Mandalore Warriors
- Mandela
- Mandrix
- Manga
- Mani
- Maniac
- Maniac (Hungarian Player)
- Maniac / Mania / Legolas
- Maniacs
- Manic Mog
- MannO
- Manny
- Manowar
- Manslay
- Mantle
- Manu
- Manulito
- Maomam
- Map Barrel
- Map Rock
- Map release process
- Mapa
- Mapping
- Maqee
- Maqrux
- Mara
- Marauders Squad
- Marc0
- Marcao
- Marffinn
- Marfik
- Mariachi Band
- Marian
- Marie
- Marine
- Mario
- Markku
- Markopolo
- Marksuzu
- Marqueses de Montanelas
- Marsec
- Marsel
- Marshall
- Martin
- Martin (Polish Player)
- Martinez
- Marvel
- Marvelforce
- Marwin
- Marx
- Masa
- Masai
- Maskin
- Maso
- Massacre @ Chicago Smooth
- Massaka
- Masseur
- MasteR
- Master
- Master (UK player)
- Master Elwonder
- Master X
- Masterlu
- Masters
- Masters Of Fire
- Masters of Fire
- Maszyna
- Mate
- Matek
- Mathew
- Mati
- Matooka
- Matrix
- Mats
- Matsui
- Matt
- Mattisboi
- Mattl
- Matuka
- Matyee
- Matys
- Mau
- Maukka
- Maull
- Mausi
- Mauton
- Mav
- Maverick
- Maverick (British Player)
- Maverick (German Player)
- Maverick (Swedish Player)
- Mawe
- Max
- Max (Polish Player)
- Max Power
- Max Rebo
- Maxi
- Maxik
- Maximillian
- Maximum
- MaximumOverdrive
- Maximum Overdrive
- Maxpain
- Maxus
- Mayhem
- Mazer
- Mazer (American Player)
- Mazer (American player)
- Mazer (Swedish Player)
- Mazia
- Mazzer
- Mblaster
- Mc
- McCoy
- McMaddog
- McMania
- McMental
- McNailz
- Mcc
- Mcke
- Meag
- Meagot
- Mean
- MeanMech
- Mean Machine
- Mean machine
- Meandy
- Mecenas
- Mech
- Mechwarrior
- Meckanism
- Medar
- Medelnoob
- Mediaman
- Medic
- Medieval Spawns
- Medium
- Meez
- Meff
- Meffe
- Mega
- Mega Health
- Megabyte
- Megaman
- Megatron
- Megus
- Meis
- Mejs
- Mel
- Melee
- Melkor
- Mellon
- Melmoth
- Melody
- Memento Mori
- Memfis
- Memil
- Memphisto
- Menace
- Mencoder howto
- Menth0l
- Menthol
- Mephisto
- Mercury
- Mercury (Australian Player)
- Mercury (Brazilian Player)
- Mercury (Finnish Player)
- Mere Mortals
- MerliN
- Merlin
- Mert
- Mescon
- Meshuggah
- Mess
- Messi
- Messy
- Metabaron
- Metal
- Metalheadz
- Meth
- Meths
- Metron
- Metus
- Metz
- Metzel
- Metzger
- Metzgerr
- Meugnin
- Mfn
- Mgla
- MiBe
- Miarf
- Miazgator
- Micesius
- Mick
- Mickah
- Micke
- Micro
- Micromaniac
- Midgard
- Midget
- Midget2000
- Miez
- Mighty
- Mighty (Swedish Player)
- Migo
- Migraine
- Miguel
- Mih
- Mihawk
- Miikka
- Mik
- Mike
- MikeJ
- Mike (Finnish Player)
- Mike (Polish Player)
- Mike (br)
- Mikey
- Mikke Mus Klan
- Miko
- Miku
- Milamber
- Milk
- Mille
- Millenium
- Millennium
- Miller
- Milliways
- Milo-Fox
- Milord
- Milton
- Milton's Militia
- Milton's Mutants
- Mily
- MindLess
- Minding
- Mindphuck
- Mindphuq
- Mindtrek
- Mineral
- Ming^lee
- Mingle
- Minimal Brain Dysfunction
- Minister
- Minos Academy
- Miodek
- Mipa
- Mira
- Mirage
- Mirage (Australian Player)
- Mirage map
- Miro
- Miroslav
- Mirsky
- Mis
- Miscellaneous Misfitz
- Miser
- Misericordes
- Misery
- Mises
- Misiu 77
- Mislink
- Mission
- Missy
- Mista
- MisteRs
- Mister
- Misterhubi
- Misusing Explosives
- Misy
- Misyu
- Mithrel
- Mitzu Kniven
- Mix
- Mixu
- Miyagi
- Mj23
- Mja
- Mlek0
- Mli
- Mlotek
- Mm
- Mmm.. gibbz
- Mnementh
- MoBBarley
- Mob Of Oddballs
- Mob of Oddballs
- Modem Power
- Modemkorv
- Modulok
- Moe
- Mofo
- Mogge
- Mohawk
- Mojave
- Moje
- Mokk
- Mokum
- Mol
- Molecule
- Molgrum
- MolkyPolky
- Molkypolky
- Molle
- Moltas
- Monasteria
- Money for nothin and gibs for free
- Mongoman
- Mongrol
- Monk-Q
- Monkfish
- MonoDude
- Monsoon
- Monster
- Moof
- Moon
- MoonCow
- Moondrunk
- Moonfloyd
- Mooniz
- Moonspirit
- Moose
- Moose2000
- Mooseman
- Moosen
- Mooze
- Mordred
- MoreQuakeWorld
- MoreQuakeWorld Client
- MoreQuakeworld
- More QuakeWorld
- More QuakeWorld Client
- More Quakeworld
- Moreass
- Morel
- Morgoth
- Moris
- Morituri
- Mormor
- Morp
- Morph
- Mors
- Mort