Carnage Clan
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Revision as of 08:37, 10 August 2011 by *>Player
Carnage Clan is considered to be among the elite clans in Scandinavian quaking, on level with Spawn Clan, Finnish Allied Quakers and ClanMcCloud. The Clan was based in Halden, Norway, with the only Swedish participant being Nerdkiller. Carnage Clan operated only on RealQuake and did not transition to QuakeWorld.
Quake was released in July 1996.
In the start we were named CyberQuakers [CQ]. After some time and discussion it was decided that our group would need an image upgrade, and we formed Carnage Clan in 1997.
- Founded:
- Nationality:
- Clan prefix: CAC
- IRC channel: - (QuakeNet)
- Website: -
- Top 1 LPB Real-Quake Scandinavia
- First clan to beat Clan McCloud on E1M4. The strategy was in communications between Lenin and FAQ delieverd over to FAQ Finnish Allied Quakers, whereupon FAQ also beat CMC.
External links