Wall of shame
The Wall of Shame is a page that mentions the players that were caught playing QuakeWorld with a hacked client or something similar that gave these players a competitive advantage over other people playing online. These are known as cheaters since the dawn of time.
You might think no one will cheat in a game released in 1996, with a small community of a few hundred players... Well, some people will :)
This is not a place where you want to be. Before you consider to try some hacky client or other type of cheat, remember that you are running a piece of software that was modified by someone that might be more interested in YOUR data, rather than providing you an unfair advantage "free of charge". We own our decisions - this is one of the reasons why cheaters are so hated and have their name in the Wall of Shame.
List of cheaters
In cronological order:
Airman - November 2024
- Suspicions about Airman's wallhack began in 2022 at least. There was a report by Ninjaa, and there's this video on youtube. Plenty of clips demonstrating the wallhack were released in November 2024 when Airman got caught and banned from every Discord server. And the proof is a screenshot taken from his pc:
Knast - December 2022
- Before GetQuad! Draft 6 official games started, with Knasty then having already been drafted on a div3 team, strong suspicion with evidence was put forward to GetQuad that Knasty was using Wall hack, in-game-item timer and aimbot.
- The admins could not reach consensus that the evidence provided was enough to remove him from the tournament. Everyone running GetQuad at the time, and several very experienced players not part of admin team: Agreed that seen in isolation the evidence against him was clear and obvious.
- GetQuad could not however exclude alternative explanations for his actions in game. Votes were split, along with one abstention on removing him from tournament before it started.
- Knasty was given benefit of doubt, but throughout the entire 3-month tournament; every action Knasty took in both practice and official games was heavily analysed looking for wrongdoing. As the tournament was reaching the end word “got out” that someone outside of GetQuad was going to publicly accuse him of cheating.
- Ocoini then reached out to Knasty presenting him with the evidence against him in an attempt offer him an easier way out, to have him confess and reveal methods; which might slightly redeem him and make it easier for him to rejoin the community later. Knasty lied to ocoini, denying any wrongdoing both over voice and text.
- A week or two later: On the 23rd of December at 23:58 new evidence was publicly revealed that removed all doubt. Knasty was proven to be cheating. Knasty’s final comment before disappearing from community entirely was: “I didn’t take any screenshot”.
And the proof is a screenshot taken from his pc:
- This player was using a wallhack client. The ultimate proof was provided by the cheater himself, by reporting an official duel game with a screenshot that demonstrated the wallhack.
RazorX - ?
- details missing
Ilf - 2006
- Was caught using a aimbot. More details in the player page.
I think someone is cheating
Contact the mods on Discord, and/or the league admins to initiate the investigation.