Moscow Gamers League/MGL1
From QWiki
- Deathmatch Forces 1RedWhite, Zombie, UnDeAd, Kuris
- Evil MenRaTmiR, Jack80, Galiant, Cerber
- Golden Obelisk ArmyExpert, Laser!, Damir, Camperoid
- DUSTGlass, Therion, Leon, Asbest
- Data Force 1Satan, Maxer, Judge, Skynet
- Data Force 2ParadoX, Mac, Woltron, Daemon
- Red DevilsBerserKer, MegaTon, Shurik, RBW, Rend
- Devil's Dream TeamCookie, Infidel, Crusader, Jammer2
- Moscow KeepersAlexKiller, Gleb, RuLeZzZ, RiPpEr
- Cityline Support DepartmentTrancer, Copland, Gnorm, Void
- CacoDemon ClanDiamond, Gabber, Potron, WyPuK
- BRotherZ 1Stalker, Shalnoi, Dmitro, Term
- BRotherZ 2SS, Danila, T-Rex, Borz
- Bauman Angels of DeathGrateWormJ, Strelok, Sky, No_mercy, HeavyPaw
- Angels of Death 1AlexRed, Mephisto, Cruel, Nick, Immortal
- Angels of Death 2Tiamat, Albatros, TimeCop, Cruel
- Smolenskiy FarmerVidal Sasun, Archi, BladeRunner, Kartegnik, Greg
- America Must DieAgent, Brat, BOBKOC, Devil, Green
- TNTMiner, Garret, BA3-110, Dreamonaut