Kombat 2on2 5

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[e][h]Kombat 2on2 #5
League Information
Groups into Single-Elimination
Start Date:
dm2 • dm4 • dm6 • ztndm3 • aerowalk • bravado • thor

Kombat is a 2on2 tournament starting in 2025, January 5, with split divisions depending on amount of signups, where top two teams proceed to short single elimination playoffs. The tournament will have a regular scheduling system per round and be played on the classic maps with the addition on of 1 new map thrown in the mix, Thor.


  • Start date: Sunday, January 5
    • Estimated finishing time: ~ March 2
    • Play 1 match per week minimum
  • Group stage into single elimination playoffs
    • Group stage deadline: February 9
  • BO5 matches
    • Procedure: Qh24-tossrule2.png
    • Thor can not be tossed.

Groups Division 1

Div 1 - Group A
1. Poland Bang Bros 4-1 13-6
2. Sweden AeronautS 4-0 12-1
3. Russia 3B 3-2 10-7
4. Sweden NME 2-3 8-9
5. Sweden 018 0-3 0-9
6. Poland DC4 0-4 1-12
Div 1 - Group B
1. Sweden & Finland Poisonous & Venomous 4-0 12-1
2. Sweden TerranautS 3-0 9-1
3. Finland KOFF 1-2 5-7
4. Poland patatajs 0-2 0-6
5. Sweden Järnspik 0-3 0-9
6. Europe Big Man Small Car 0-1 0-3

Division 1 Playoffs

Round 1
Round 2

Groups Division 2

Div 2 - Group A
1. Portugal & Czech Hammers of Firestorm 6-0 18-3
2. Sweden Meat Eating Squirrels 4-1 14-4
3. Finland Immortal Wombats 1-3 5-9
4. Finland Lapin Kulta 1-2 4-9
5. Russia Kis-kis 0-2 1-6
6. Canada & Norway Tyrirot 0-3 0-9
7. Poland WarHeads 0-1 0-3
Div 2 - Group B
1. Russia 3B2 5-0 15-3
2. France Ton Vieux Slip 4-2 13-11
3. Poland CopExpert 3-1 10-5
4. Finland Jaki Directs 2-3 11-9
5. Lithuia & Poland R.P.U.N 2-1 6-4
6. Finland Olvi 1-3 5-9
7. Sweden & Finland Toto 0-6 2-18

Division 2 Playoffs

Round 1
Round 2

Groups Division 3

Div 3 - Group A
1. Poland Drunk&Drunker 5-0 15-1
2. Sweden & GreatBritain m00 3-1 9-4
3. Sweden The Drunken Clam 2-2 6-8
4. Poland Deathbound 2-1 6-4
5. Iceland ice 1-3 7-9
6. Sweden Tribe of Tjernobyl 0-1 1-3
7. Ukraine & USA Rockets Unlimited 0-5 0-15
Div 3 - Group B
1. Sweden & Hungary RetroRockets 3-0 9-2
2. Norway TeddyBaresi 2-1 6-5
3. France AFK 1-1 4-4
4. Germany Duda 1-1 5-3
5. Europe m000 1-2 5-6
6. Finland No Hope 0-3 0-9

Division 3 Playoffs

Round 1
Round 2


dm2 dm4 dm6 ztndm3 aerowalk bravado thor
Dm2 Dm4 Dm6 Ztndm3 Aerowalk Bravado thor



  1. Poland Bang BrosPoland maCLer & Poland Thunder
  2. Russia 3BRussia Bulat & Russia Quake
  3. Sweden AeronautSSweden bps & Sweden locust
  4. Poland DC4Poland er & Poland eQu
  5. Sweden NMESweden ok98 & Sweden Splash
  6. Finland KOFFFinland Gamer & Finland Eh
  7. Sweden & Finland Poisonous and VenomousFinland Milton & Sweden Mazer
  8. Sweden TerranautSSweden andeh & Sweden carapace
  9. Sweden JärnspikSweden Xero & Sweden Conan
  10. Europe Big Man Small CarGreat Britain sae & Norway nigve & Netherlands wimpeeh
  11. Sweden 018Sweden Peppe & Sweden Grisling
  12. Poland patatajsPoland Tom & Poland Goniec


  1. Russia Kis-kisRussia sCorp & Russia Doberman & Russia TiamaT
  2. Portugal & Czech Hammers of FirestormPortugal Hammer & Czech Republic Flamer
  3. Poland WarHeadsPoland Grl & Poland Kat
  4. Finland Jaki DirectsFinland pkk & Finland Wallu
  5. Poland CopExpertPoland Plate & Poland Pool
  6. Finland OlviFinland Scenic & Finland Nasander
  7. France Ton Vieux SlipFrance Bernkaoch & France Jissse
  8. Sweden & Finland ToToFinland fix & Sweden Javve
  9. Lithuia & Poland Res Publica Utriusque NationisLithuania Pitbull & Poland plast
  10. Canada & Norway TyrirotCanada Viag & Norway Robin
  11. Finland Lapin KultaFinland tuhmapoika & Finland Himmu
  12. Sweden Meat Eating SquirrelsSweden jOn & Sweden Phrenic
  13. Russia 3B2Russia gLAd & Russia rusty-Q
  14. Finland Immortal WombatsFinland rusti & Finland slaughter


  1. Sweden & GreatBritain m00Sweden z0mbie90 & Sweden lurq & Great Britain grenja
  2. Europe m000Ireland RaggA & Latvia j0rmund
  3. Sweden Tribe of TjernobylSweden Oddjob & Sweden Psycho_Dad
  4. Poland Drunk&DrunkerPoland samon & Poland Ponczek
  5. France AFKFrance Klice & France Spektral
  6. Poland DeathboundPoland fluartity & Poland mj23
  7. Ukraine & USA Rockets UnlimitedUkraine Evil & United States AHemlocksLie
  8. Sweden The Drunken ClamSweden Ratatat & Sweden Dape
  9. Finland No HopeFinland stm & United States Veggie
  10. Sweden & Hungary RetroRocketsSweden alice & Hungary Neophyte
  11. Iceland iceIceland biggz & Iceland Arnelius
  12. Norway TeddyBaresiNorway Baresi & Norway TeddyJB
  13. Germany DudaGermany darko & Germany duce


  • All matches are BO5
    • Procedure: Qh24-tossrule2.png
    • Thor can not be tossed
  • Players are allowed to be in 2 different teams if these teams will be placed in different divisions.
  • Ping rules
    • Keep ping difference even, more than 14 ping difference per player can be considered uneven. If server cannot be found where ping difference is even enough, then use cl_delay_packet to even it out until 14 ping difference.
    • This is a EU tournament. European players should never require to play on higher than 58 ping, if someone has 58+ then find a server where opponent has minimum 38 ping. NA players (100+ ping) can expect to play on a server where opponent is not on ping 14, but have around 38-58 (usually ireland/london servers)
  • Client: ezQuake 3.6.x (or latest version of unezquake)
  • Same map can not be played twice.
  • Ruleset: smackdown/smackdrive
  • Walkovers given if opponent fail to schedule after 7 days
  • Reporting: send screenshots in discord channel: #reports