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Hoonymode is a type of duel mode similar to regular duel, but designed to avoid spawn fragging and to reward positional play.

It can also be used as a teaching tool to study spawn routines.

Type /hoonymode to enable hoonymode on KTX servers.


Hoonymode is available in KTX versions 1.37 and above. Server admins must add 128 to k_allowed_free_modes in their .cfg in order to support hoonymode.

Hoonymode Specification

Hoonymode is like /1on1 with the following differences:

  • Countdown and respawn between each frag (like fraglimit 1)
  • First player to X number of frags wins (currently X = 6)
  • Victory must be achieved by a difference of Y or more frags (currently Y = 2)
  • So, for example:
    • 6-0 first player wins
    • 6-5 the game continues
    • 7-5 first player wins
    • 6-4 first player wins
  • Spawn points:
    • First spawn is like in /1on1
    • Second spawns are the same as first, but reversed (you will get opponent's first spawn, and he will get yours)
    • Third spawns are like in /1on1
    • Fourth spawns are the same as second, but reversed
    • etc.
  • (During countdown between frags it will announce "New spawns" or "Switch spawns" accordingly)

In warmup, use /pickspawn to select the nearest spawn, repeat the command to select random spawns.

QuakeWorld terminology
Game stuff
Quad | Ring/Eyes | Pent
GA | YA | RA | Mega
Axe | SG/Boomstick | SSG | NG | SNG | GL | RL | LG/Shaft
Binds | Bunnyhop | CFG | Demo | Duel | FFA | Frag | Rocket Jump | GLRJ | rpickup | pickup
Cam | Flood | +forward | BG | CS | GG | HPW | LPB | MGT | MST | Kenya | Rapecloset | TB3 | Stomp | BO3 | BO5 | Div1 delay | kpickup