Time 2 Hammer Season 1

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[e][h]Time 2 Hammer Season 1
League Information
, Great Britain RaggA, Poland Lolek, Russia Fourier, Poland m0k0, Canada Viag, France Hemostick
Group Stage
Single-Elimination Bracket
Prize pool:
Fame & Glory
Start Date:
End Date:
 Portugal rot
 Sweden m00
dm2 • dm4 • dm6 • aerowalk • ztndm3 • bravado • shifter • catalyst


TIME2HAMMER is semi-professional QuakeWorld 2on2 league founded by Portugal hammer in 2019.
European players of all skill levels will be able to participate, however, non-European players are free to sign up as long as they play their matches in Europe with the lowest pings possible.

TIME2HAMMER joins all players together with an extensive map pool and each year a new map is selected.
Each player is assigned to one of several groups: Veteran, Professional, Advanced, Improved, Regular, Seasonal or Rookie.
The league is based on the Round Robin system in which each player will play against every other participant in their group.
Each week, each pair of players within the league will play matches in one-on-one format.
This means that the spectators will have a huge spectacle in the form of many matches played within a few months!
After completing all matches, the score will be calculated, which will be influenced not only by the number of wins of each team, but also by the differences in frags or possibly walkovers.

One minor change we shall be making to the format in TIME2HAMMER is that in the map selection process each team will pick two maps each instead of the usual three map picks in HAMMER-TIME.
This is in recognition of the fact that it is much harder to coordinate time scheduling with four people involved.
Visit the league official website https://hammer-time.quake1.pl/ and/or join the official discord server.


  • Timelimit 10 minutes.
  • Overtime 3 minutes.
  • DMM3.
  • No powerups.
  • Discharges on.
  • No fairpacks.
  • Ktpro spawns (unless both players agree on a different mode).
  • sv_maxfps 77.
  • No berzerk, midair, instagib or other unusual modes.
  • Fallbunny on (unless both players agree play with off).
  • Spectators are allowed by default but if ONE player DOESN’T AGREE then MUST BE changed to NO SPECTATORS. (this is to avoid "ghosting" by players)
  • Each team PICKS 2 maps and all 4 must be played.
  • One round each week from each group.
  • Pings must be equal.
  • Dm6 powerups ON

Map Pool

dm2 dm4 dm6 aerowalk ztndm3 bravado shifter catalyst
Dm2 Dm4 Dm6 Aerowalk Ztndm3 Bravado Shifter Catalyst


The following 77 players and 30 teams signed up.

Sweden LocKtar Denmark Du3n Poland goorol France john
Germany eb Germany rev3 Germany rico United Kingdom cosmos
Europe grc Europe ok98 Poland goniec Finland anza
Finland kip United Kingdom oni Poland lolek Germany anni
Russia petska Poland -insane- Poland tjall Poland Sven Quakesson
Sweden splash Russia vvd Poland glinski Germany flash
Europe mm Europe nutter Portugal hammer United Kingdom sae
Sweden bps Russia inf United Kingdom doomie Germany pattah
United Kingdom xZeitx Sweden locust Sweden raket Canada viag
France vngnr Germany dago France bernkaoch United Kingdom ragga
Brazil von Russia fourier Portugal mushi Germany verro
Germany Sphere Europe Elgu Europe praskoo Sweden z0mbie
Sweden lurq United Kingdom pascal Germany siro France hemostx
France speedball Sweden hlw- Denmark zalon Europe raz0
Sweden igggy Sweden conan France klice Germany qirex
Russia wakecold Norway nigve Finland lugia Russia BillyTheKid
Sweden fisto Europe fl4m3r Poland m0k0 Poland samon
Poland Chmielu United Kingdom turbo Russia gLAd Finland panjabi
Norway Abraxas Sweden Shaka Europe Nidweyr Europe gloomy
Europe jokke

Prize pool


Place Winner
1st Sweden AeronautS
2nd Sweden The League Of Shadows
3rd France Raisin


Place Winner
1st Portugal rot
2nd Finland Fraggers United
3rd Germany GWGP


Place Winner
1st Sweden m00
2nd France Baguette et poutine
3rd Europe roflexers


Place Winner
1st Poland Quad sQuad
2nd Europe chuckle brothers
3rd Europe washed-up speedboys

