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Guides  /  8 Mar 2010, 14:09
Quakeworld 4on4 thoughts
Now and then we can read different guides on how to play qw 4on4. You might get tips like if you spawn @ A, You should go to B and then C. Unless event-D happens and you should do trickjump-X.
I think reading that kind of thing dumbs down the game and doesn't allow the players to develop their own style of play. Of course there are some natural counters to specific situations in qw.

But here i will discuss another aspect of qw 4on4.

Player selection:
Assuming you do not have the possibility to throw in Milton in your team, you will have to work with players that are not as complete. Keeping a clan alive and staying competitive, while still allowing many team-members to play requires some thought put into player selection for official games.

Some Player-types you usually encounter in mid-div qw.
The CSer: Hardly ever engages in SG-cess, focuses on trying to sneak an RL to the Armor area. If low on health rather hides for some minutes in a remote area of the map, then risk losing the weapon (dm3-SNG, e1m2-start etc). High-ping, low death count. Attacks from behind if at all.

The Cesser: Will take almost any fight with SG. Focuses on creating pressure on the enemy team. Settles with GL or SNG instead of waiting for high-tier weapons. Doesn't mind dieing. Low ping, good SG-aim and not dropping packs is the key attributes.

The Roamer: This guy will usually be running quads and is star-player of the team. He will push far into enemy controlled areas and rack up a lot of frags with RL. Usually drops a pack when killed.

The Defender: This role can be played by the skill wise worse player on the team. The task is to get a weapon and camp the most campable area of the map(dm3-RA, dm2-tele, e1m2-ya/mega).

Having 4 players of the same type will result in a disaster vs equally skilled opponents.

on dm3 and dm2 i would usually wanna field a team with 1-2CS, 1-2 Cess and 1 Roamer
on e1m2 i'd prefer 0-1 CS, 2-3 Cess, 1 Roamer,
If you have one lesser skilled player with you, he takes the role of defender, replacing a CS guy.

Learning the play styles of your teammates is as crucial as the next pent. Fielding 3 CSers will likely mean the opponent will control the armors. To many roamers and it will be a pack-fest. 4 Cessers and the opponents will build up a high RL-count etc..

By having individual skins on your teammates, observing who goes for weapons, who takes sg-fights, You will see learn their game pattern. Check the damage stats. High damage done in a lost game, might indicate a lot of sg usage. Etc..
2010-03-08, 14:18
Hehe great input, but isn't the roamer and the cesser most of the time the same person? 8) I think we have a bit too much roamers/cessers in Oblivion and we definately need to play a bit more cs. A part of our playing style though is to play very aggressively, but a lot of times it ends with us giving away a bit too many packs and the enemy team can take over
2010-03-08, 14:29
Interesting read indeed.

In Chosen we have always worked a lot with having the right lineup for each map seeing as we often have been 5+ players for our officials. What Willgurht is talking about is clearly visible in our pracs where we make due with any 4 players currently online. Usually we get the wrong mix for those pracs and end up having an unbalanced team on 2/3 of the maps depending on who is playing
2010-03-08, 15:50
Hooraytio definately is the cs guy in the team :E
2010-03-08, 16:24
You need a pro like me Hagge!
2010-03-08, 16:37
nice job there classifing player types. im glad to see that there are still philosophers in qw, thinking the game.

i consider myself a bit of all 4 types, since i can adapt to team needs, imo
but in essence i am a cesser
2010-03-08, 16:46

Im more like a defender Hagge

"This role can be played by the skill wise worse player on the team."
2010-03-08, 19:14
"Check the damage stats. High damage done in a lost game, might indicate a lot of sg usage"

I used to think this would be the case too, but studying stats it doesn't often pan out that way. Sometimes I think I've been really owning them with boomstick and putting loads of pressure on, but I still end up with only 6666 damage or something.

I think a better ratio to identify such playstyle can be to look at the ratio of net damage to rank. Aggressive players will often have a relatively poor rank compared to their net damage, for example it's not uncommon for me to have say -15 rank but only say -200 net damage. This is because that type of player will often engage in a fight when they aren't fully stacked on health/armour and thus die a lot against better equipped opponents, even if they are holding their own in terms of damage.

At my last clan (boefje) I know there were some people with a similar mindset to you, in terms of thinking about what the makeup of playstyles within the clan should be. It's probably something more significant than people realise, until it either just clicks (find a nice lineup) or causes a lot of problems (seemingly good team losing against 'weaker' opposition).
2010-03-08, 21:46
I just think you have to play much and be able to adapt to the situation. You have to be able to play all roles to hit the top.
2010-03-09, 05:51
You are propably right fog. But if you are coaching a football team you for some reason cant field pele, maradona, zidane, mateus, beckenbauer, puskas, cruyff, platini. Even tho that would propably allow you to win whatever league you enter.

And propably zidane would do a great job as defender. But his ability could propably be used for a more complex role that requires more skill.
2010-03-09, 05:58
HT: Your way is propably better. Looking at rank and net can usually tell who is cessing or CSing.
2010-03-09, 07:21
this wasnt really about hitting the top, it was about making due with what you have
2010-03-10, 13:05
2010-03-10, 14:20
I am the cesser without sg-aim and the defender lacking skill.
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