JohnNy_cz  /  16 Feb 2010, 11:22
Help rate maps
Spirit has added a light map-rating interface to his database of maps.

He would like to ask the players to help him rate the maps using this simple page where you answer 'yes' or 'no' (or 'skip') if you think the currently displayed map is worth trying.
2010-02-16, 15:45
cl_gamma 0.1 plz
2010-02-16, 21:48
Oh, thanks a lot for posting!

mushi, I get that a lot. Sure some maps are super dark (blame the mappers!) but to me the brightness is alright.
I pursued the idea of using a javascript to increase gamma but could not get it to work. Sorry!

I will publish the result of this once it is worth it, so could too benefit from it (to find a good base of maps worth promoting or something).

Do not take rating too seriously. If it looks remotely interesting give it a "yes", if it does not look convincing to you, give it a "no". If enough people contribute it should end up nicely. We'll see.
2010-02-17, 12:14
Spurty: In most cases it's not the map's fault. Screenshots are always darker than the actual map in-game. So unless the map is extremely bright, you'll always have to increase the screenshots' brightness and contrast if you want to use them on a website. It can't be helped here since you took them with a script (understandably), but for proper representational purposes (news posts, map descriptions etc) manual work can't be avoided.
2010-02-17, 14:17
Why would screenshots be darker than in-game?
2010-02-17, 14:23
Can you run the images through some batch conversion? E.g. IrfanView (free) has such feature. I think some Quake engines do not apply your gamma & contrast settings to screenshots. And typically you use higher gamma & contrast than default in the game.
2010-02-18, 16:16
I play with gamma 1. Contrast is only very slightly tweaked. The game looks exactly in-game as its screenshots for me.
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