Quakeworld: Thunderdome has seeded the initial divisions and is accepting late sign-ups. Players are encouraged to notify admins of any corrections in case someone has been misplaced in a division. Each division is scheduled to have a double-elimination bracket, which will be drawn up by 27 Feb 23:59CET at which point the games will begin!
Currently we have 97 players from 24 different countries filling out 5 divisions:
Advanced Rookies*
RookieElite duelers are especially encouraged to register, as currently we are missing some of the heavy hitters such as nitram, mawe, milton, kingpin, locust, lacsap, avenger, lakso, etc., and we need them to make a true "div0" division. Let them know about the tourney and convince them to sign up for thunderdome! There will be a high def stream covering the best matches whenever possible.