praxismo  /  30 Mar 2015, 07:19
Sunday Spawnfraggin' #3 draft picks coming up this Sunday!!
With the draft pick coming up Sunday 5th April at 1800cest, interested players now do not have much time left if they wish to apply. With 30 of the minimum requirement of 24 players (making 5 teams!!!) already on the list, the tournament is certain to happen.

The skill ranges are looking great, with about one quarter of the signups coming from either completely or very new players, and signups from some very experienced players also.

Captain nominations also are very much needed for the tournament, with only 3 of the ideal of 5 so far coming from Blood_Dog, niw, and Heddan.

If you have not yet signed up and think that you would enjoy playing, or if you would like to pick and lead one of the teams, please enter your details on the main forum post HERE , or contact one of the admins (Qirex, Ocoini, Klice, praxismo, z0mbie90) via IRC at #div99
2015-03-30, 17:34
I want to play with the POWERHOUSE named BLooD_Dog please.
2015-03-30, 20:27
Sorry bae, you've just got to cross your fingers like the rest of us infatuosos.
2015-04-02, 21:00
We need 2 more for 5 teams, come help it work!
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