From QWiki
A summary of QuakeWorld for the year:
1996, 1997, 1998, 1999, 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014, 2015, 2016, 2017, 2018, 2019, 2020, 2021, 2022
The year of TGI
Also the year of Quake 3, and therefore the beginning of the decline of the North American QW scene (although it was quite active in the period of 1999-2005 and even 2006).
- TGI, the first (?) major QuakeWorld tournament.
- Rapture 99
- DeCL Season 4
New clans
Bad Luck Troopers (1999-01-??)
second (1999-05-03)
Apocalypse 2000 (1999-05-11)
The Unresting Souls (1999-08-18)
Flaming Fist (1999-09-10)
Modem Power (1999-10-17)
Team Freedom (1999-??-??)
CAPSLOCK (1999-??-??)
Qandrane (1999-??-??)
United Special Command (1999-??-??)
- client-name vX.Y (YYYY-MM-DD)
- map-name by author-name (YYYY-MM-DD)
- movie-name by author-name (YYYY-MM-DD)
- tool-name (YYYY-MM-DD)
- mod-name (YYYY-MM-DD)
- Website-title - Description
Taken from Methos Quake
- TrueGamers Invitational (TGI) tournament was officially announced by Izn0 on Jan 23rd, 1999
- Two epic 1on1 Quakeworld matches on DM6 and DM2 between Richard "Hoony" Sandlant & Ray "Methos" Walsh takes place on Feb 13th, 1999. The demo of the DM6 match brings worldwide responses, such as "you don't see action like that everyday" and "it shows you just how overrated bunny-hopping really is". For the record, the DM6 game was a draw and Methos wins the DM2 game by an impressive score of 0 to -1 :)
- id's Tim Willits releases a Quake 1 conversion of Q2DM1 (The Edge) map on Mar 19th, 1999
- TGI tournament was held at IT Palace in Sweden on April 3rd & 4th, 1999. It was the first Quakeworld tournament to invite 10 players from around the world. Oskar "Lakerman" Ljungström from Sweden beat Benjamin "Kane" Reichert from Germany by 1 frag to win the tournament. The TGI would go down in Quake history as the most exciting Quakeworld tournament and possibly the most exciting gaming tournament ever held
- Methos Quake posts the results of the Ultimate Quake Poll III on April 18th, 1999. More than 10,100 people voted in over 50 categories. Clan 9 from Sweden would win most of the clan categories while Oskar "Lakerman" Ljungström (Sweden) and Dennis "Thresh" Fong (USA) win nearly all of the individual titles
- 14 Students are shot and killed at Columbine High School in Littleton, Colorado on April 20th, 1999. Since one of the 2 students who did the killing played Quake and Doom, pc game violence is partially blamed for the crime
- Quake 3 Arena "test" is released on May 11th, 1999. Downloading of the most anticipated game since Quake, slows the internet to a crawl for days to come
- Quake celebrates 3rd Birthday on June 22nd, 1999. After 3 years and the release of Quake2, SiN, Unreal and many other games, Quake and Quakeworld are still the 2nd most popular on-line games (behind Q2)
- The QDQ guys release Quake2 Done Quick Too on July 5th, 1999. It is a very impressive 21 minute and 6 second run through the entire single player Q2 on the hardest skill level
- Rapture99 tournament takes place in Scotland on July 26th, 1999. The tourney features 2 all-star clans from North America and Europe. The Euro Selects defeated North America 5 games to 4 in a very close tournament that was tied after 8 games
- Methos is involved in a Q3A player stacking demo (players standing on top of each others head) on Aug 10th, 1999. Breaking the previous record of 23 (umm, where do they get this info?), we were able to record 29 players stacked vertically on map Q3DM17. The top player in the stack was 7 players higher than the quad platform. For interest sake, I was about 4 players from the top :)
- Canadian Quake player George "DieharD" Myshlyayev from clan R3volution wins the first ever Q3A 1on1 tourney called QuakeCon 99 in Mesquite, Tx. on Aug 12th, 1999
- Quake 3: Arena "official" demo released on Nov 16th, 1999
- Quake 3: Arena released in North America on December 2nd, 1999 and sells 50,000 copies in the first 3 days of release
- Quake 3: Arena released worldwide on December 5th, 1999