Division Rookies
Division rookies is a special division on 4on4 Leagues where rookie teams play. Its goal its to be an introduction to competitive 4on4 for rookie players.
The idea of having a rookie division exists since the concept of Divisions exist. But until EQL Season 6 there wasn't a special division for rookies in qw 4on4 leagues, mainly by the reason of not enough players to fill a division.
Mushi on his The future of QW forum thread introduced a handul of ideas for bringing new players into qw. Rookies now gathered at #qwrookie and #qwhelp on Quakenet irc. Aproximately in July 2007, with the proximity of a new qw season,
Itsinen (a rookie!) made a forum thread asking for newbies to sign up for creating teams(Team Building Initiative) for the next 4on4 league, EQL, with historically starts in September. Newbies replyed, and when EQL Season 6 started there was a division made just for the rookies, introducing 8 clans and nearly 50 new players!
The goal of getting new players into Quakeworld has been acheived. Some (most, we expect) of these players will continue to play competitive quakeworld. Stage one is complete. Next year (around Sept 2008) we will have stage 2, and so on. The primary goal will be evaluated in 5 years (2012) - if there's Quakeworld leagues by then, we know this effort has been crucial.
On EQL Season 6 - 50 players
External Links
The future of QW Mushi's thread with ideas
Original 1tsinen thread where rookies signed up
The results of teambuilding by 1tsinen