IPA (Indian Pale Ale) consists of two good friends in real life, Diki and kip.
They started to play 2on2 together soon after Diki's comeback during in year 2020. Ever since they have been participating in every 2on2 tournament available, including QHLAN's 2022 & 2024.
Without any notable achievements so far, they have been doing quite good results versus top tier 2on2 teams here and there. When playing on their top, duo can create some real threat against others. The other side of the coin they can be seen underperforming pretty often, and that is their biggest weakness among general tilting.
Both of the players enjoy a lot of IPA type of beers being often more tasteful than a normal lager.
They came up with the name just before QHLAN2024 2on2 signups.