From QWiki
Pez is a movie producer as part of Temporal Pictures and is responsible for arguably some of the biggest titles in the field.
Pez got started making videos in 2001 after seeing pRo-motion (the first CPMA trick movie on RA3 maps). At this time he was stuck on 56k and mostly playing VQ3 DeFrag. Pez was so impressed by the moves and runs that he decided to ditch VQ3 in favour of CPMA and make a movie. The result was his first movie named pez on fire that ran for 3:35.
- Favourite map is Aerowalk.
- Favourite weapon is SSG+Quad.
- Pronounces
xhrl "icks-hache-ère-elle" (although blames Canada).
- Has also made movies for Quake 3, CPMA and Warsow.
External links