Quake FFA @ Real Club SPB
Here is the first of the QUAKE championships in the Real club. The impressions were the most wonderful. Everything was very good.
At the beginning of my report, on behalf of the Pitersburg Killers clan, I would like to express words of gratitude first of all to the organizers of the competition - the QuadDamage clan and, also, to all those who sponsored this enterprise, in particular, of course, the WPLUS company (and the ES clan personally) and the Nevalink company (3ABXO3 personally).
In total, 160 participants were registered for the tournament. It was pleasing that St. Petersburg was visited by Muscovites, among whom were Infidel [DDT], Crazer [DF], Kengur [MQF] and Cookie [DDT].
It was interesting to talk with other rather famous personalities, such as Tahir, NICO [QD], Sott [QD], [QD] Vit, NARK [FW], Invisible [FW], LEX [GOD], Overlord [BND], GREEN [BOG].
In terms of quality and composition of participants, this championship was the best since Nevalinkovsky. The PK clan was represented in full (RippeR [PK], Technics [PK], 2BAD [PK] and RtV [PK]), there were also guys from DDT, DF, QD, FW, GOD, MQF, ES, BOXERQ, MFQ, KLS, SPB, MGL, DQ, NOW and from other clans.
by Technics[PK]
- Normal Quake (WinQuake/DosQuake)
- Groups of four, two advance to the next round.
- timelimit 15, deathmatch 1
- Support: QuadDamage clan, ES clan, 3ABXO3
- 2BAD[PK]
- Cookie[DDT]
- Crazer[DF]
- Infidel[DDT]
- Invisible [FW]
- Kengur [MQF]
- Lancelot [GOD]
- Lex [GOD]
- MadDog [QD]
- Marina
- [GOD]MaX
- Murzilka [GOD]
- Nico[QD]
- Norman
- Piramida[NOW]
- Omen [GOD]
- Overlord [BND]
- Ripper[PK]
- Roy [GOD]
- RtV[PK]
- Sott [QD]
- Tahir
- Technics[PK]
- Varenicos [GOD]
- Vit [QD]
- Warkid[NOW]
and many others...