Villains was one of the first big european 4on4 leagues lead by the headadmin Egowhip. It was a team deatchmatch invite only tournament for the best clans in Europe.
The only maps allowed where TB3 and all games, with the exception of the semifinals and the finals which were best of five, were best of three.
It was played with a group structure of four groups, from every group the best two clans proceeded to an eight clan playoff.
It was meant to be the successor to the Heroes league.
Hall of Fame
Season 1:
Games: 8 - 0
Maps: 17 - 1 (one dm2 lost to FU)
Frags: 3702 - 1290
Average match result: 463 - 161
Efficiency (map): 94.4%
Efficiency (frag): 74.2%
Season 2:
Flaming Fist
Games: 8 - 0
Maps: 17 - 0
Frags: 4091 - 1293
Average match result: 511 - 162
Efficiency (map): 100%
Efficiency (frag): 76%
Background and purpose
Villains is for the moment a pure, Quake uno, ONE (1), clanleague which was set up in August 1999 in order to breath new life into the aging Quakeworld community. Now, with the release of Quake three, we advance into the second season knowing that this may be the last we hear of inter-european Q1-competition; but of course, that's what everyone has been telling us for about a year and a half by now.
Villains, of course, is resting on the shoulders of one of the real giants of professional European quake-leagues; namely that of the Heroes league. Heroes unfortunately didn't make it on to a third season, but as you know, the Villains always come back for more; so hopefully we will get there.
League Organization
Villains has a slightly different structure than Heroes when it comes to participants and the way games are played. The main difference is that in Villains, the competing clans are randomly divided into a number of groups. The number of groups and the number of clans in them might vary, but it is intended that there will be four groups, each with six clans in them. This gives us a total number of 24 clans competing in the league. This will make the seasons somewhat shorter as each clan only has to play 5 matches to complete the qualifiers.
The clans will fight it out amongst themselves within these groups, and the two top clans of each group will go on to the quarter-finals where they will meet one of the other quarter-finals qualifiers. The winners of the quarterfinals go on to the semi-finals and the winners of these matches will then face each other in an epic final match. The winners of the finals earn the right to declare themselves the "Arch-Villains of Europe", a title currently held by Swedish clan Euthanasia.
Clan Participation
It is our goal to keep the league at as high level of competition as possible, therefore there will be a strict selection of the clans involved. Any clan from season one who made it to the quarterfinals are automatically granted a seat if they wish it. All other clans must send in a request to Villains.
All participating clans must have high-speed connections and may join from anywhere in and around Europe as long as they are able to play their matches against all the other clans. Also, all clans must register their team of Villains, consisting of no less than four (doh!) and no more than 666 wrongdoers.
Any clan may seek entry, but the final decision rests with the Villains.
Aimbots or any form of hacked quakeworld executable are of course strictly forbidden, and we hope to see nothing of the kind in our league. If we do, the player responsible for the offense suffer the "ban-for-life" and his team riscs expulsion from the league indefinately.
Villains has a working ftp, courtesy of the nice fellows here at Clanworld. Here we try to compile a complete section demos from each season. Players are encouraged to upload their POV's and acess is granted when entering the league.
The finals is where the semi-final qualifiers meet to decide who gets the unquestionable glory of total victory. The finals is a first-to-three contest where we start of playing the big three in order: dm2, dm3 and e1m2. If one team wins all three, the game is decided. If the score is 2-1, the trailing team gets to choose the next level (one of the three of course). If they manage to win this, making it 2-2, the first team then gets to make their pick.
All games are played with 5 minutes of overtime in case of a draw.
The use of fullbrights (although we detest it) can't be regulated and is for the sake of fairness allowed =[ .
A game of Villains is played the old fashioned Heroes way, where each clan gets a pick of either dm2, dm3 or e1m2. These maps have been considered the most suitable for professional gameplay and we refer to them as the "big three". The team also gets to choose whether or not to use the Fairpacks: LST option on their home-map.
Games are won and lost according to maps. Frags are of little importance other than deciding in case of a group-draw. If the competitors tie 1-1, then a third map will be played. This map will either be the map that neither team chose, or in case both clans chose the same map, the map that both teams picked (making it three times that map, appropriately enough).
All games are played with 5 minutes of overtime in case of a draw.
All the rogue clans are randomly divided into groups, ideally consisting of no more or no less than six clans (although we go as low as five and as high as seven depending on the turnout). These clans the have a set amount of time (about four weeks) in which they are to engage all their opponents in furious combat. The groups have nothing to do with an estimation of clan skill, all groups are equal and each have two seats to the quarter-finals.
All kinds of changed models are banned from Villains and all players must pass a f_modified check before a game. The Villains-admin is responsible for a f_modified being conducted.
As Villains is a inter-european clanleague some clans will have to fight abroad and under less than ideal conditions. The main issue for the teams and admins to tackle is to find a server which provides the most equal pings for both teams. You will have to expect some matches to be played with a 15-20 ms advantage for one team.
Cheapo, Nitro2 and Qizmo allowed. All players HAVE to use one of the above proxies and they must configure it so that it can be submitted to a f_modified check. If using Cheapo or Nitro2, players must first connect using Qizmo for a f_speed check. All forms of quad or weapontimers are banned.
The quarterfinals are played as so that the top ranked team from Group One faces the runner-up team of Group Two (this is called quarter-finalist group A) and vice-versa (where the runner-up team in Group One meets the top team in Group Two in quarter-finalist group B). This of course also applies in Group 3-4 where the teams are placed in quarter-finalist group C and D. The games are played as usual in the group-matches and the winners move on to the semi-finals.
Results & reporting
The Villains admin is responsible for assembeling the matchreport and posting/sending it to the Villains web. The admin also writes his own comments about the game and takes statements from the team-captains for the competing clans.
Villains is played in seasons, each season representing around four weeks for the completion of all group-matches. After the group matches are done, the quarter-finals, semi-finals and finals can be scheduled. This should take no more than two weeks at the maximum.
After the completion of a season, the games can begin again after a break of no more than four weeks. All the participating clans are queried for the next season. All quarterfinalists have an automatical seat in the next season (if they chose to use it). The others will have to request for a place by normal procedure.
The semis will be played when all quarter-final matches are done. The semi's are played as a normal game. The winner of quarter-finalist group A meets the winner of group C and the winner of group B meet the winner of group D.
Villains does not have any servers of it's own and is therefore relying on the services provided by various European sites and the clanscene as a whole. The clans will have to come to agreement on a server where they will play their match. They can be assisted in this by the admin appointed to them by Villains.
Settings for a Villains match are as follows:
Timelimit: 20 minutes Deathmatchmode: 1 Teamplaymode: 2 Spawnmodel: Kteam or Normal QW Powerups: ON Fairpacks: OFF or LST (clan decides on home map) Discharge: ON Overtime: 5 minutes
Accurate and updated standings are always available for the various groups throughout the season.