Heroes Season 1
Heroes was a northern European QW TDM 4ON4 league which ran for two seasons with participants from the Nordic counties.
Unlike the North-European Clan League (NECL) that was also running at the time, Heroes only included the maps DM3, DM2 and E1M2. These maps would then go on to be called The Big Three (TB3) and the maps you needed to conquer to earn reputation.
Unfortunately, not much is known from the first season.
Clan Z defeated
No Problem!
Clan Z defeated
Newspost from Clan Z's clanpage, 1998-12-07 by Dedi
"Lots has happened since last news-update and here's recursive story: First of all kowanen left us. He didn't find time to play clanfights anymore and quake takes a lot of time as you all know :) Nowadays you can see him gibbing at Inet's Large deathmatch. We have had several fights and you can get an update about those on our fights' section. We joined 2 strong leagues: heroes and necl. The Heroes-league sounds very exciting allthough it's only 1st season. Maps are predefined (dm2,dm3 and tiebreaker e1m2) and next season will propably bring in all the scandinavia's best clans. Necl on the other hand has some weird (read norwegian) mapchoices. All thos e321m43-maps are cool in singleplayer and some even in a clanfight. We on the other hand have decided to play along but we never practise those "weird" maps :) Just gibb'n Go. It's fun even that way. Necl is going to change it's rules for next season and thus it will keep it's class (hopefully). This was just a quick update on what is happening on z-front. You can still throw us some email if you want to practise or take an official fight with us :)"