QuakeWorld SuperLeague 2

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[e][h]QuakeWorld SuperLeague 2
Qwsl-logo 01.png
League Information
Start Date:
steam • qobblestone • stronghold • rocka • obsidian • italy • dust2qw • anwalked • stroggopolis


  • Divisions: The highest division(s) will be for signed up teams, the lowest division will be draft. Signed up teams may be allowed to enter the lowest (draft) division if the skill is about the same level (admin decision).
  • Division match procedure: All division games are GO3. Steam will be played first. The loser of Steam picks map 2, the winner of steam picks map 3. No map can be played twice.
  • Tiebreakers: The standings in the division is sorted by: Wins, Mapscore, Internal fight, Internal Mapscore (if more than 2 teams are tied), Internal fragscore, Rematch.
  • Playoff match procedure: Playoff games are BO5 with this format: toss toss play-steam pick pick pick toss toss play. Do "rnd team1 team2" and the selected team toss first. Then play Steam. The team that did not toss first then pick first, then teams do every other pick/toss until map 5, if needed. No map can be played twice.
  • Maps and map pools: Look at Overview.
  • Server settings: Standard settings set by command /4on4 QWSL2. You need this matchtag for the game to be pausable
  • Reporting: Report the game with screenshots in QWSL discord.
  • Teams and players: State your lineup when signing up. A player can not play in more than 1 clan.
  • Standins: Any standins are allowed, as long as the opponent agrees. Just inform on the game report that a standin was used and who it was.
  • Late registrations: As a default there can be no late player registrations after the divisions are set up. However exceptions can be allowed but then all teams in the division must agree.
  • European League: Games will be played on EU servers but everyone is welcome. Read about ping issues below.
  • Cheating and misbehaving: Automatic kick and ban. Admin decision.
  • Changing Rules: Rules can be changed during the season for the benefit of QWSL.