QuakeWorld SuperLeague TB3 Edition

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[e][h]QWSL TB3 Edition
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League Information
Start Date:
dm2 • dm3 • e1m2

The QuakeWorld Superleague TB3 Edition is a 4on4 league on the classic TB3 maps. Signup is over and there are 3 divisions. Timeframe should be 6-8 weeks + playoffs. First game deadline is 12.01.

Head admin of the league is Flag no.gif Link. If you want to contribute as an admin and help with the wikipage PM me on discord.

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QuakeWorld SuperLeague TB3 Edition

Place Winner
1st Europe Slackers
2nd Poland Polonez
3rd Sweden The Suicide Quad

Signups Teams (div1/div2)

Finland Fraggers UnitedFinland Anza, Finland Kippo, Finland Rusti, Sweden Hooraytio, Finland Slaughter, Germany Rghst

Sweden Tribe of TjernobylSweden jOn, Sweden oddjob, Sweden slime, Sweden sassa, Finland fix, Finland rat, Sweden Psycho_Dad, Sweden riker, Netherlands wimpeeh Sweden xerial

Sweden Hell XpressSweden ok98, Sweden Shaka, Sweden mm, Sweden Splash, Sweden greco

Russia Bear Beer BalalaikaRussia gLAd, Russia Max Power, Russia zepp, Russia SS, Russia ass, Russia rusty-q, Russia gor, Russia dot, Russia Bulat

Sweden Gubb GrottanSweden xero, Sweden mazer, Sweden nikke, Denmark niw

Norway The AxemenNorway TheChosenOne, Norway TiMMi, Norway Troll, Norway PreMortem, Norway Macisum, Norway Nigve, Norway Baresi

Europe SlackersDenmark paradoks, Hungary zero, Sweden grisling, Sweden razor

Poland Demolition CrewPoland pooll, Poland rotker, Poland er, Poland kat, Poland goniec

Poland Demolition Crew2 Poland ponczek, Poland gawlo, Poland goorol, Poland equ, Portugal mushi, Poland cor, Norway Link

Poland Death DealersPoland plast, Poland plate, Poland szturm, Poland riki, Poland myca, Portugal Hammer, Czech Republic flamer

Sweden The Suicide QuadSweden nas, Sweden djevulsk, Sweden conan, Sweden elguapo, Sweden mutilator, Sweden javve

Europe RetroRocketsFinland paniagua, Hungary Neophyte, Canada viag, Sweden tumult, Finland tuhmapoika, Finland himmu, Norway robin, Sweden ekz

Poland PolonezPoland macler, Poland thunder, Poland maks, Poland tom, Poland riki, Poland gosciu, Poland plate, Poland iron

Signups Players (div3 draft)

Sweden alice
Germany darko
United States AHemlocksLie
Ukraine evil
Italy sickness
Sweden crippan
Iceland biggz
Germany kwon
Sweden dape
Sweden bass
Great Britain gore
Sweden ekz
Norway Link
Norway abraxas
Russia multibear
Portugal diehuman
Lithuania pitbull
Finland stm
Poland cor
Norway robin
Canada flash^
Iceland arnelius
Accepted teams in draft division:
Poland DeathboundPoland mj23, Poland si7h, Poland doomie, Poland spokz, Poland fluartity
Poland SeniorsPoland badsebi, Poland szturm, Poland lolek, Poland frame, Poland marffinn, Poland DragonZagrajmer



dm2 dm3 e1m2
Dm2 Dm3 e1m2