V1 G2 4K-HPR
Invite only
Groups into Single-Elimination
- Round: Group 2
- Match:
Four Kings vs
Hyvät, Pahat ja Rumat
- Date: 1999-10-19
Match report
4K: 43 - HPR: 175
"DM2 oli taas quake parhaimmillaan, varsinkin eran alku oli melkosta taktikointia. Me oltiin water sektorilla, 4k alarl ja kukaan ei uskaltanut hyokata :) Frageja ei pahemmin tullut ja ero pysyi meidan hyvaksi siina ~20 fragia. Sitten kuitenkin saatiin myos alarl jotenkin hallintaan ja alettii spawnfragaan ja saatiin ihan kiva tuloskin aikaseksi.
- Lastu"
Google translation:
"DM2 was again Quake at its best, especially the beginning of the period was quite tactical. We were in the water sector, 4k low rl and no one dared to attack :) There were no worse frags and the difference remained good for us at ~20 frags. Then, however, we somehow got low rl under control and started the spawnfragging, and we got a nice result.
- Lastu"
4K: 95 - HPR: 87
"DM3:ssa kavi sitten taas niinkuin niin monesti aiemminkin. Alussa kaikki hyvin ja selkee johto yms... Ja sitte vittu koko mappi alta. En tiia taaskaan mista se johtu, lieko ollu jotain osuutta asiaan etta kemo oli
- Lastu"
Google translation:
"In DM3, I got stuck again like so many times before. In the beginning, everything is fine and the wiring is clear, etc... And then the whole folder is fucking under there. Again, I don't know what caused it, whether the chemistry was something to do with it on the telephone?
- Lastu"
4K: 164 - HPR: 101
"E1M2, paskin kentta heti sikkurat vertikon jalkeen imho. Joten EVVK KaKKaa :P
Voitettiinpa sentas era ja fragejakin kerty enemman kun 4k:lle, mutta se nyt ei paljo lohduta. Tosin pitaa muistaa se etta 4k:lla oli koko ajan MM3 ja viela spekukin samasta paikasta, mutta omaa huonouttamme taa silti kylla havittii.
- Lastu"
Google translation:
"E1M2, the damn field immediately squirms at the foot of the vertical, imho. So EVVK KaKKaa :P
We won the first race and even accumulated more frags than 4k, but that's not much comfort now. Of course, you have to remember that 4k had MM3 the whole time and it's still playing from the same place, but our own badness is still there.
- Lastu"
- Score: 2-1
- Total frags
- 4K: 302
- HPR: 363